Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Development of Jane Eyre Essay

At the opening of her incredible journey, Jane Eyre is a timid, shy, and headstrong girl. Through the course of her journey, her character does not exactly â€Å"change†, but rather expands and develops. Her first growth starts at the Lowood School, where she finally finds herself in a society with which she can relate and grow. The second advance appears in the place of Thornfield, a place of many wonders. Then, in the region of Morton and Marsh End (or Moor House), Jane really evolves into the person she is truly meant to be. While enrolled in the Lowood School, Jane finds true friends that are closer than even her own family. She starts as the shy, ever pleasing, little girl. Within her stay at the Lowood School, she meets Miss Temple and Helen Burns. Helen is a student at the school as well. She is and intelligent young girl who is forgetful, submissive, and tolerant. Helen’s submissive ways aggravate Jane to no extent, yet this does not faze Helen. Helen’s way is to not look for a home in the world but to look towards God and heaven for residence. Although her approach to life makes her docile, it does not make her oblivious to the many abuses put to the girls of Lowood, she just believes that justice will be found in God’s kingdom. That the bad will be punished and the good will be rewarded. Therefore, Helen’s methods teach Jane to count on God for support and guidance in her life. Meanwhile, Miss Temple, a teacher at the school, is a kind and loving woman. This woman has the heart of a celestial being and is fair and just to every one of her students. Miss Temple is able to command respect from everyone around her without even attempting. She is not afraid to stand up to her superiors when extraneous suffering has been put upon her students. Miss Temple’s part in Jane’s development is that she teaches her to unknowingly demand respect from everyone as a whole and to justly love anyone unconditionally, no matter the circumstances. In Thornfield, Jane reaches another developmental milestone. Until this point, Jane never really discovers a place she can find home. As she comes to perceive this dwelling as home, she befriends a few distinctive characters, mainly Adele Varens, the little French girl that she has been brought to Thornfield to teach. Not only in Adele the sole reason Jane made the fateful trip to Thornfield, she also plays a part in the process of Jane’s evolution. Jane is never spoiled in childhood or a doll to anyone. In contrast, this is exactly what Adele’s life is about. Adele, who everyone usually ignores, is spoiled beyond belief. Mostly, her elders treat her like a doll. Incidentally, Adele basically has the childhood that Jane can never partake in. From taking Adele under her wing, Jane also becomes a sort of mother-figure to the young girl, resulting from Adele’s mother running away from the girl. For the most part, Adele indoctrinates Jane to become a more free-spirited, playful, and spoiled young woman, coupled with the fact that Adele transforms Jane’s character into a more mother-like figure. While in the area of Morton and Marsh End, Jane makes some life changing discoveries to go along with her ever changing shape of a being. Here is where she meets unknowingly meets her family that she has no idea exists, and through these connections, she gains her fortune of money from her uncle, John Eyre. â€Å"How can someone’s character become more develop from a person without ever even meeting them?† one might ask. Well, John Eyre’s fortune makes a considerable impact on Jane’s life. Jane finally becomes an independent for once in her life. She no longer has to rely on anyone to take care of her or watch over her actions. By the vast amount of money she attains, Jane also realizes that she is generous and decides she cannot keep money she did not rightfully earn. Therefore, Jane splits the money with her cousins on the accord of she was not the only on that had legitimate claim to the money. Furthermore, while in Morton, Jane became a schoolteacher. Chiefly, when Jane was a teacher at the Lowood School, she had students that were willing to learn and usually had some educational background. One the other hand, the students at the new school in Morton were not exceptionally bright and most were not all that willing to learn. Consequently, Jane was learning to understand people more and found she could see the best in people, and in most cases, she discovers she can bring out a willingness to learn in her students. Throughout the series of her adventures, Jane uncovers distinct traits within herself that bring out the full blown Jane Eyre. Transforming from a timid, shy, and headstrong girl to a loving, respect commanding, free-spirited, playful, and generous young woman, Jane Eyre becomes a fully developed, well rounded person that knows the good in the world and how to pursue her dreams.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

NT government Fin

It is prudent at this juncture to define the northern territory as a way of introduction. The northern territory (NT) is much of a political territory, which shares geographical location with north Australia. This is the main distinctive feature. However there are several differences In terms of the social and cultural orientation within the geographical region of north Australia.The northern territory exists as a self-government territory. However the territory derives its right to govern from the federal parliament. This means that the supreme authority is still the federal parliament. If follows that the decision reached at the northern territory legislative assembly is subject to the approval of the federal parliament. This happens to be what separates the self-governing territory of the Northern Territory from the rest of Australia. The political structure in the larger Australia is such that the states are sovereign and only come together under the federal government.The northe rn territory self-government act of 1978 gave a new status to the northern territory. In this act the northern territory was granted authority that could help it become a self-autonomous entity, usurping a few roles from the commonwealth. A few of responsibilities and duties initially carried out by the common wealth were transferred to the northern territory. A superficial glance at the territory and comparison with the other states indicates almost a complete similarity. However, the territory suits a shoulder below the rest in terms of authority and the structure of the government. It leaves more towards being a self-autonomous territory as opposed to the usual states in the common wealth.Although all the states in the common wealth are independent and value sovereignty, the 1978 act to self-given presents the biggest difference between these and the northern territory. The government in northern territory can make and enforce its own laws, but should the federal government wish to overturn or override it, it can achieve this through the parliament. An example in point is the euthanasia legislation passed by northern treaty but overridden by the national parliament ().In the place of a governor, the northern territory has administrator who wields executives’ power. He leads with the help of an executive council. The territory too has its representative in the federal legislature comprising of two representatives and two people in the senate.The territory has a legislative assembly consisting of members that are elected to speaker and the member of the executive council or the ministers. The northern territory also has local governments and authorities with some full administrative powers in Darwin, the capital city as well as in other large towns, these administrative centers provide essential services to the people ranging from housing to health among others.Northern territories have a fully-fledged legal system with the Supreme Court as the highest court in the land.There is a chief minister who leads the self-autonomous government while the premier leads the state government. These two are appointed by the administrator who in turn is appointed by the governor-general of Australia.In the national scene, the parliament is made up of the senate and the house of representative it deals with matters affecting almost all the states like foreign affair or the issue of protecting the nation as is the case in the United States. The territory’s representation in these two organs is a bit lower to make up for special status that it enjoys with an autonomous government.Broad responsibilityThe northern territory government is charged with the responsibility of managing the affairs of the territory save for those that are national in nature like the world heritage areas and national parks located within the territory (Strelein L (2000). This is done to avoid conflicts between the two levels of government. Areas that fall within th e northern territory government share of responsibility include but not limited to; education, health, and issues, administrative matters, infrastructure and local government. In order to perform these duties the NT government receives funds from the federal government.Relationship with federal governmentIt is clear that the two levels of government are mutually dependent. The federal government looks up to the territorial government to facilitate the implementation of laws and policies. Additionally the federal government expects to receive money remitted by the territorial government in order to reach its own objectives. On the other hand, the territorial government receives funds from the federal government to meet its budgetary obligations. This has for long time been a subject of much debate and controversy not only in the northern territory but also elsewhere in Australia and also in the world.The federal government in Australia has to perform a balancing act in order to achie ve some kind of equity. Equitable distribution of resources is a thorny issue here. This balance is important for stability of any nation. An example of inequality is between the State of California in the US and the Mississippi between which a huge economic disparity exists. There has existed a general discontent especially from richer states in the way the national government distributes money contributed by these states.One of the important areas of development that lie within the responsibility of the NT government is cultural development. Culture is a very important composite of any society. However, in the modern world, rarely would any society share in all aspects of a common culture. According to Martin C (1995), this is mainly because of the historical backgrounds that are as varied as the trends of the modern lifestyle. It is therefore important to understand the basics of cultural dynamics before any form of cultural development can be contemplated.Cultural development ca n be defined as the process through which the full potential of cultural diversity can be achieved for the common good. Culture is a most valuable symbol of identity and should not be lost either through assimilation or neglect. Cultural diversity brings out the uniqueness of the northern territory community (CUC107 Northern Perspectives. Cultural expansion and change (2007). One of the unique characteristics of the responsibility that the territorial government has in conserving and developing cultural diversity springs from the history of the people of the Northern Territory.The earliest inhabitants of the northern territory were the indigenous people. These people had and still have a rich culture and customs by which they lived. However, when the European immigrants settled in Australia, they sought to undermine this culture terming it as backwards. They also sought to force their own ways, which they viewed as superior. For many years this opinion has dictated the nature of int eraction between the indigenous people and the settlers. It has also influenced public opinion as well as dominant ideologies (Eckerman T. et al 1992).Upon this background, the territorial government must work to alter this perception and opinion that is based against the culture and custom of the aboriginal people as well as the Torres-strait islander people. The long enduring opinion is narrow and ill informed. It is full assumptions and biases that view some cultures and practices as more superior than others. Cultural development begins with the understanding of the uniqueness of the self. It is the responsibility of the Northern Territory government to promote understanding, acceptance interest and most of all harmonious existence among people of different cultural affiliations. The goal should be for the entire population to appreciate other cultures and to nurture rather than to kill diversity. The goal should also be to create a strong sense of belonging through culture wher e the population is proud of being who they are.Killing cultural diversity is tantamount to killing own individual identity. The study of culture has somehow increased awareness among those who take time to give thought to the wisdom those studies. However the world is still at a point where the western definition of what is superior and what is mediocre is widely embraced. Against this background many cultures have lost invaluable parts that were part of the whole thus becoming diluted (Hunter, E. (1993). This presents the main challenge to the Northern Territory government in its management and development of culture.The Northern Territory government must work from a seemingly â€Å"point of weakness† because many of the cultural practice and customs have lost so much already which cannot be recovered. Elements of culture such as language have also changed greatly. The way people talked as well as the content of these talks has changed overtime. Among the indigenous people for instance, folk tales were used to impart knowledge as well as to pass traditions from one generation to next. However folk tales have today found replacement in technology and the consequences are a lost method of passing culture to generations (CUC107 Northern Perspectives. Cultural expansion and change (2007).These are among the challenges that the Northern Territory government faces. Capitalistic ideologies and economic power has placed some countries at a position where they can dictate the direction the rest of the world takes. This includes dominating cultures. The disadvantaged, minorities and marginalized population have little choice but to tow the line appropriately (Alder, C. 1999). Economic development in the Northern Territory, which ironically must be encouraged, can only serve to diminish any gains on the cultural diversity front. This is a challenge to the Northern Territory government cultural development plans. It is easy to see here that the sacrifices that mu st be made are economic prosperity or the conservation of culture. With the world being the way it is today the Northern Territory government is hard pressed to make a decision to promote economic prosperity at the expense of culture.The Northern Territory government can however produce a win-win situation, by embracing innovative thinking to ensure sustainable development both economically and culturally.It is unfortunate that despite the fact that an opportunity clearly exists in the northern territory to develop ways of achieving sustainable cultural development, not much good seems be coming out of the processes. This can be attributed to the fact that the focus of the main stakeholders is wrong. The Northern Territory government has loudly cited scarcity of funds as the main obstacle in achievement of sustainable cultural development. This has denied these stakeholders from seeing the other methods and avenues open to them to exploit the opportunity (Ames, R et al 1989). The No rthern Territory government has tried to develop a framework upon which to build its plans. One has been the involvement of women and the aboriginal people in decision-making process. Their representation has however not always adequate which has worked against this plan.The NT government has also sought to promote culture by supporting cultural activities like road shows and festivals especially in Darwin. These attractions have served to showcase some of the diverse cultures that exist in Northern Territory. The events are increasingly becoming popular though at a very slow pace.The budget for cultural development has also been increasing steadily over the past few years (Christie, M. 2000).While the efforts of the NT government to involve the local communities especially the aboriginal and Torres-strait islander people together with women and other minority groups are laudable. This paper suggests that more can be done in order to speed up the process and consolidate gains achiev ed so far. Wide consultations have a way of fostering ownership. It is therefore important that the NT government seek to improve participation of the local communities in decision-making. Representation should be increased in the decision-making organ. Additionally, in order to increase coercion the NT government should develop a holistic approach that includes educating the people at all levels of the society to appreciate their cultures as well as other cultures within this society. This can be done formally in small community groups as well as through other contemporary media.Another laudable gesture that should be developed further is use of cultural events and festivals. Cultural events have succeeded elsewhere as tourist attraction and consequently served to preserve the practice. In Spain bullfighting is a cultural even that is unique to this part of the world. It has gained a cult like following and has also been used as a tourist attraction. In Brazil, street carnival wher e people showcase there cultural dances such as samba have also become an eye catching event that is widely accepted all over the world. Similarly events could be organized regularly to showcase the NT diverse cultures.The Northern Territory should also explore the use of cultural ambassadors in other parts of Australia and the world in order to advertise the culture and to promote cultural tourism.ConclusionWhile plans are underway to confer full powers of statehood in the Northern Territory, the territorial government must increase ensure sustainable development in all areas of development. It is the responsibility of the Northern Territory government to promote understanding, acceptance interest and most of all harmonious existence among people of different cultural affiliations. The goal should be for the entire population to appreciate other cultures and to nurture rather than to kill diversity. Cultural diversity must never be sacrificed in the altar of economic development.Re ferencesAlder C (1999) The Aboriginal art market: challenges to authenticity, on-line at:, (Accessed: 3/2/05)Ames, R. Don Axford, Peter J. Usher, Ed Weick, George Wenzel, and John Merritt. (1989)Keeping on the land: A study of the feasibility of a comprehensive wildlife harvestsupport programme in the Northwest Territories. Ottawa ON: Canadian Arctic ResourcesCommittee.Christie M 2000 ‘Greek Migration to Darwin, Australia, 1914-1921' Journal of NorthernTerritory History, 71, pp 1 -14.CUC107 Northern Perspectives. Cultural expansion and change (2007). Available: Accessed on 5th March 2008Eckerman T. Dowd, M. Martin, L, Nixon R. Gray E. Chong, Binan Goonj (1992). BudgingCultures In Aboriginal Health, . Armidale NSW: Printery, University Of England.. 23-58.Gavin Mooney Indigenous Law Bulletin Available:http://www.Austlii.Edu.Au/Au/Journals/ILB/2003/47.HtmlHu nter, E. (1993). Aboriginal Health and History. Power and prejudice in remoteAustralia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, Melbourne.38Martin C (1995) ‘The Gurindji strike and land claim', Green Left Weekly, Online at:, (Accessed 15.2.05)Strelein L (2000) Aboriginal land rights in Australia, Native Title Research Unit, AustralianInstitute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Canberra.   

The Role of Brand Prominence

In today’s society more now than ever, is run by money. Even though most say we’re all considered equal, many people still pass judgments based on one’s social status and how much money a person is worth. People in society today like to flaunt their wealth and constantly try to outdo each other despite what really might actually be going on. Things such as the bigger house, the brand name clothes, expensive jewelry, and the nicest car are what people may use to determine their social status.With our society, people feel as though they gain more respect if they appear of a higher social class. Unfortunately, in America we are divided up into classes based upon monetary status and how we are perceived. These classes consist of the lower class, the lower middle class which is about 20% of the population and is mostly made up of minority groups. Then there’s the lower middle and upper middle class which is the vast majority of the population. Then last but not least there is the upper class; this class is only made up of about 1%-3% of the American population.The total wealth of the upper class equals the wealth of the lower 95% of the American population. The extremely small group of wealthy people is what most people aspire to become because is today’s world, money is power. Which for most people money is everything and you can’t them any different. The popular phrase †money can’t buy happiness† is not more or less completely true. Despite what most people may think or say money can bring you remotely close to happiness. Everyone knows money can buy friendship or love but it can buy that luxurious lifestyle you always dreamed of.Money can build character which would contribute to your social status. It also says a lot about you and how you portray yourself to others. Having an abundant amount of money determines your health, education, and your standard way of living. Being wealthy also puts you in a co nfident mindset and can help you become a better person in life or do the wrong things with your money and have all your hard work go to waste. Even though everyone is entitled to the same rights those people who are in the lower class have to work much harder to reach success.It’s obvious that wealthier people have more advantages over those in the lower class. That also puts those in that class in a tighter spot but pushes them to move towards their goals and work harder. On the outside all Americans have equal rights no matter what class you’re in but yet those much wealthier have more access and advantages to a better life due to the fact that money is power. Those types of saying and judgments are what people live by day to day to make those who work hard feel as though they’re not working hard enough or just no worthy.The average person is found working at a fast food restaurant or a supermarket checkout line doing their hard earns work. The average rich m an is sitting behind a desk with an expensive suit in a leather chair or found in an emergency room operating on someone. Most say if you don’t go to college you’ll never make it to be successful which is not entirely true. There are plenty of people with college degrees that still ended up in the lower social class because of something that they chose to do or didn’t do. For instance, what would you say about someone who is living in a trailer park?Poor, dirty, lazy, uneducated trashy slob but that’s only said because we’re in a different social class than them people who live like them may not look at it that way. You never know, what are they saying about us? Just because someone is living differently than you doesn’t mean label them to a lower class. You really don’t know what they’re going through or have been through that landed them there. Being a part of a certain social class takes a toll on everyone who tries to be pe rceived other than whom they really are.People should just accept the class that they are in and work towards bigger things than putting themselves in a much worse situation trying to do differently than what they are used to. Healthcare is a major issue due to how the classes are divided. People who are in the lower class can’t afford it but they’re the ones most likely to become ill and need to be treated. Those of the upper class appear to be healthier and have healthcare but really don’t utilize it. These are issues that should be reviewed and worked out no matter what social class your apart of.In conclusively no matter how hard you may work in life, the people of highest or higher social status or class will get the better treatment and uphold a better lifestyle with more opportunities in life.References Han, Y. , Nunes, J. , & Dreze, X. (2010). Signaling Status with Luxury Goods: The Role of Brand Prominence. Journal of Marketing,  74(4), 15-30. doi:10. 1509/jmkg. 74. 4. 15. Retrieved from http://search. ebscohost. com/login. aspx? direct=true&db=ufh&AN=51168738&site=ehost-live

Monday, July 29, 2019

Description of Four Religious Websites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Description of Four Religious Websites - Essay Example According to the site, Zenit’s purpose is to take advantage of the internet in order to disseminate the Catholic Church’s message. Its target audience is varied and encompasses all races, age, gender and other orientations. Its contents are reprinted in various media outlets and it also boasts of 520,000 direct subscribers. (Zenit 2010) Judging from its readership, subscription, and syndication by several media outlets, Zenit is indisputably a reputable resource for the Christian Church’s doctrines and related information. In addition to this, the site has been awarded by the Vatican with citations for its work.   Here, it is easy to for one to identify the purpose of the website. It serves as some online library for those interested in the Eastern Orthodox Church. Its slogan, â€Å"The Place Where Early Christianity Continues† also underscores how the site intends to use technology in order to propagate the religion. When one examines the site’s content, it appears that the target audiences are scholars or those people who are really interested in learning from the religion or for those who want to convert. There are important sections and materials that are persuasive in nature, using much of the corpus of its own Scripture to attract adherents and rebut other religious doctrines.Other than the authenticity of the documents found on the website there are no other indications that would uphold the credibility of the site. There are no sections, for instance, that tackled the organization.Buddhanet is a sophisticated website about Buddhism that comprehensively aims to propagate its own Scripture and doctrine through various ways. For example, there’s the news section, the online magazine, the Buddhist eLibrary, Buddhist worldwide directory, information on Buddhist monasteries as well as a Buddhist eStore

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Human Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human Motivation - Essay Example Psychological distress is common in patients with all forms of cancer and furthermore, the symptoms of depression overlap with the cancer symptoms which hinder further diagnosis and treatment efficacy. Several years ago Klubler/Ross identified the grief stages everyone goes through when we experience a traumatic loss. First is denial, "this really can't be happening". Next is anger, "why is this happening". This gives rise to anger, outrage and blame. Blame also shifts to guilt as helplessness takes over. Then comes bargaining, an attempt to make deals with the situation.. It's begging, wishing, praying for the pain to cease. It is wishing for things to be normal like they were before the intruding loss. Finally depression sets in, overwhelming feelings of hopelessness, frustration, bitterness, and self pity over the loss. As an individual works through these emotions, finally acceptance becomes the new reality. There is a difference between resignation and acceptance. The individual has to accept the loss, not just try to bear it quietly. A patient of post surgery stoma is highly dependant on the hospital and health care staff as well as family members. Maslow has depicted the hierarchy of needs as a five level pyramid. The four lower levels are grouped together as deficiency needs which comprise mostly of physiological needs and the apex represents growth needs which refer to psychology needs.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Crime Rate in Hillsborough County Florida 2000-2012 Research Paper

Crime Rate in Hillsborough County Florida 2000-2012 - Research Paper Example These statistics only represent the crimes reported to the police. Under normal circumstances, so many crimes never reach the police desk. Hence, the police reports though correct, are not inclusive. In the US, violent crime includes aggravated assault, murder, homicide, rape, robbery with violence, violent crime between intimate partners, hate crime, fraud and impersonation, truancy, financial crimes, and killing of law enforcement officers. In the US, security agents that deal with crime include the police, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Criminal investigation Agency. However, despite the huge amount of resources that the US federal government spends on crime prevention and management, the US records approximately 12 million crimes annually which is the worst criminal record in the world. Nevertheless, crime does not occur universally in the US with some states recording higher crime rates while others record low crime rates (Sperling et al 97-101). Indeed, the New En gland records the lowest crime rates of violence, property, and homicide in the US. Louisiana ranked first every year from 1989 to 2010 on per capita homicide rate. On the other hand, Detroit city has the most thriving crime rates of violent crime. Florida has one of the highest crime rates in US (Thuma et al 5-6). One is either a crime victim or a criminal. Ideally, the chance of one becoming a crime victim in the US depends on location and other demographics. Nevertheless, men, the financially unstable, minorities, and the young are more likely to commit crime or fall victim to crime in the US. However, women of any race are more prone to rape and violence against women than men. In average, 20 % of American citizens become victims of crime every year, which is the highest rate in the world. With the recent economic depression, skyrocketing unemployment, and increasing population crime rate in the US may upsurge due to the hard times and desperation among the citizens (Pearce Web) . However, according to the FBI, US were safer in 2010 than in any other year for the last 40 years (Jonsson Web). In comparing US crime rate with other countries, the FBI considers the nation’s wealth, development, and the nature of the crime. This paper will consider the Crime Rate in Hillsborough County Florida and specifically in Tampa area. It will include the crime rates from 2000-2012 and show what things have been done to combat the level of crime to get the levels lower. The paper will equally highlight some of the major crime events that featured in local and national news. Crime rate in Florida closely compares to that of Louisiana. The crime rate in Florida hit its lowest in 40 years this year (Thuma et al 5-6). However, it is arguably true that where man exists, crime exists. Hence, crime is still present in Hillsborough County Tampa area. Tampa area is a city in Florida and the county headquarters of Hillsborough County situated in the west coast of Florida. Tam pa city offers tourists attraction sites, historical sites, suburb life, and city life. The crime rate of Tampa city is favorable compared to that of other cities. Though there are no serious crimes here, thieves still open car doors and steal personal belongings. In addition, there are cases of shoplifting (Tampa Bay’s News Leader Web), credit card fraud, sex offences, prostitution, and liquor violations. However, these crimes are not on large scale and the security

Friday, July 26, 2019

Relative Rates of Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions Lab Report - 1

Relative Rates of Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions - Lab Report Example In SN2 mechanisms, primary alkyl halides reacted faster than tertiary ones while in SN1 mechanism the tertiary alkyl halides reacted faster than primary ones. It was concluded that aprotic, polar solvents favoured SN2 reactions while SN1 reactions were favoured by protic, polar solvents. Nucleophilic substitution reactions occur by two major pathways namely SN1 and the SN2 reactions (McMurry 228). In all nucleophilic substitution reactions, the nucleophile (Nu:-) reacts with the substrate (R-X) and substitutes it for a leaving group (X:-) yielding the product R-Nu. For a neutral nucleophile (Nu:), the product is positively charged for charge conservation while for a negatively charged nucleophile (Nu:-), the product is neutral (McMurry 228). In SN2, which stands for substitution nucleophilic bimolecular, the alkyl halide and the nucleophile are involved at the transition state (Carey 306). Bond formation between carbon and the nucleophile aids in cleavage of the bond between carbon and the leaving group. In the changeover position, the carbon atom is partially bonded to the leaving group and the incoming nucleophile (Carey 307). Since the nucleophile attacks the substrate from the side that is opposite the bond to the leaving group, the mechanism leads to the inversion of configuration in the resultant product. Different rates are observed when methyl, primary, secondary and tertiary alkyl halides undergo nucleophilic substitution in SN2 (Carey 310). The rate is faster in methyl halides than in tertiary halides due to steric hindrance offered to the nucleophilic attack by the tertiary halides. In most SN2 reactions, the leaving group is expelled with a negative charge. Therefore, the best leaving groups are those that produce the most stables anions (McMurry 233). Among the halides, I- ion is the most reactive while F- ion is the least reactive. Most aprotic polar solvents cause the solvation of the metal counterion that is

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Job Application Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Job Application Questions - Essay Example I respond to daily inquires by telephone and in written correspondence. Most of this communication explains why a claim was denied. To appropriately identify whether a claim was denied in error I reference CPD/CSC desk procedures to research each denial. For instance, if a claim was denied for a code196, surgery not authorized in ASC, I reference the CPD/CSC desk procedures to research whether the code is found in Tricare’s ASC list and in Medicare’s list. I then use the X-code job aide to verify the correct code was used to process the claim. The CHAMPVA policies and regulations are designed to outline the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Medicare, Tricare, and CHAMPVA follow rules and regulations listed in the CFR. CHAMPVA follows Tricare’s policy, guidelines, and allowable rates. As a CSR it is important for me to cite various federal codes to providers, sponsors, and beneficiaries. This is especially true when it comes to timely filing, allowable rates, and cost sharing given that these are the areas that are most often appealed. For instance, the Code of Federal Regulations (38 CFR 17.275) outlines a claim filing deadline. With CHAMPVA it is one year from date of service (DOS) for outpatient services but for inpatient services it is one year from discharge date. In the case of retroactive approval, it is 180 days following beneficiary notification of authorization. In the 38 CFR 17.276 outline the appeal and review process for CHAMPVA for claim denials, providers and beneficiaries have one year from denial date to submit an appeal, and 90 days to submit a second level appeal after the initial appeal denial. I use EncoderPro for Internet sufficient research to evaluate sources and appropriately analyze information. To properly answer calls on whether a benefit is covered, using EncoderPro helps me navigate the CHAMPVA policy manual to find the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Have not been given a title, have to make one up. have to choose one Essay

Have not been given a title, have to make one up. have to choose one aspect of culture or global media and compare how it influences all aspects of communication - Essay Example ate and focus on the gender stereotypes that are portrayed through commercials, movies and television programs, all of which have successfully shaped the minds of people into forming stereotypes about the male and the female sex, often misrepresenting both genders. Television is mostly blamed for transmitting stereotypical messages and beliefs to children and adolescents, who may carry these beliefs into adulthood. Furthermore, messages about gender are not only stereotypical, they are also harmful. Children learn from what they see on television since a large part of their education does not only come from school. Therefore, it is through television where their expectations about men and women, and they build their own stereotypical view of both sexes and the world around them through this form of media. It is also through television where other forms of media get their content from. The Internet for instance, gets a large portion of their content from television, as well as magazine and newspaper content. Billboards and the models that they put on them are also all from television, and the gossip talk shows to be heard on radio programmes are also influenced by this form of media. In addition to this, media, particularly television, has been regarded as the outlet where children and adolescents gain their knowledge about controversial issues such as sex. These days too, the message of sex is a whole lot less conservative than it was decades ago, when it was still quite a taboo topic to be broadcasted widely. The danger of television stems from the fact that young people spend more time watching television than they normally do with their peers, their school and even with their parents. Reports from teenagers claim that they extract most of their knowledge regarding sexual and romantic guidelines from media, especially television. On a further note, television appeals to this young age group because of the lack of embarrassment that is involved. With television,

Key microeconomic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Key microeconomic - Essay Example CPI should not pose a threat to firms such as Proctor and Gamble. The firm can be position in a segment of the market where it would not have to compete directly with the market leaders. The best way to achieve that goal is by implementing a differentiation strategy. A variable that can help the company achieve a differentiation strategy is the quality of its products. A second important economic variable that CPI has to consider is pricing. The pricing strategy is very important because price determines the ability of a company to achieve superior profits. Products that are underpriced may sell well but its overall effect in the profitability of a company is not optimum. CPI has to study the market prices of all the products it sells. In a pricing study the firm should analyze the market price of each product in the US, internationally and online. Selling the products at a premium price can help the firm differentiate from low cost producers. The price structure of the company shoul d be sufficient to pay off for all variable and fixed cost while at the same time leaving a hefty surplus of profits. The profit margin of the enterprise should be equal or better than the industry average.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Management Accounting and Finance in U.K. Museums and Music Dissertation - 1

Management Accounting and Finance in U.K. Museums and Music Organisations - Dissertation Example The main functions that the manager carries out comprises of decision making, planning and controlling (Bhattacharyya, 2011; Chong, 2009). In order to execute their responsibilities in an effective manner the manager needs timely accurate information. Hence, information is a vital parameter in the success of a business and in order to provide appropriate information, managerial accounting identifies, gathers, measures, segregates and reports the information to the managers in such a way that management processes are fulfilled. Therefore, management accounting is the field of accounting that looks at providing information to the management. This information includes financial accounting, information related to decision making and planning, cost management, control, performance evaluation and determination of cost for the purpose of financial reporting. Management accounting consists of the reports that cater to the need of the management (Kulkarni and Mahajan, 2008). 1.2 Overview of M useum and Art organization The museums and art organizations that falls under the culture industry, has currently aroused the necessity of accounting but the dilemma persists regarding the methodology that should be used in order to measure the accountability. The debate remains whether for financial reporting, scientific collection, heritage and culture should be valued more and the extent to which accountability can be properly served by heavily emphasizing on the general purpose financial reporting alone. The debate related to accountability in the arts organization and museum is a subject of discourse for the last few decades. This has been further exaggerated by the need for viability in the art organizations and museum for ensuring long-term survival. Accountability... The study reveals that the organizations are now looking at additional sources of income by organizing events. The events that they are planning to launch are expected to generate high amount of income for the organization. The management of the art organization have decided not only to sell tickets of the events in order to generate revenue but also look for sponsorship of the event. In this context, before organizing any event the management is setting targets in form of budget for the whole event. This budget is set as such the expected expense that the organization will be incurring and income that they will be generating are estimated. This gives them a clear idea regarding the revenue that they will be generating. Accounting techniques like variance analysis, activity based costing, budgeting and other methods are used in order to conduct the management accounting efficiently. These methods have been proved effective in achieving the future goals of the organization. This revea ls that the art organization and museums are not only focussing on generating additional income but also creating satisfaction among the artists and the customers. This essay makes a conclusion that the main challenge for the art organization is that the economic crisis has affected the funding which is very important for the organizations that are not running for profitable ventures. These challenges have made the organizations to shift their focus from profit sharing model to profit generating model. On shifting to this model the accounting techniques used by the organization has also changed.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Hybrid Electric Cars, Combustion Engine driven cars Essay Example for Free

Hybrid Electric Cars, Combustion Engine driven cars Essay AbstractPaper stresses the negative influence of cars on the environment. Hybrid cars technology can diminish the fuel consumption and green house gases production. Different types of electric hybrid powertrains are described Special attention is paid to electric power splitting. Comparison of fuel consumption and CO2 production of one hybrid car and one classic car on European driving cycle is published. 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 1990 Index Terms Electric hybrid vehicles, European driving cycle, Environment interference, Fuel consumption, CO2 production. Giga tons Milliards of Earth Inhabitants 10Ã'Ž 8 6 4 2 2030 2040 2050 2060 Total world production of CO2 12 2020 2030 The Kyoto protocol summarizes the production of greenhouse gases. The sum is caused not only by cars but in general by men activities on whole Earth. The result from all resources is shown in Fig. 3 which shows the world production of CO2. The Kyoto Protocol tries to estimate if the present and future trends may be sustainable and comes to conclusion that it is a duty of men to accept regulation of this dangerous development. Estimated grows of Planet Earth Population 2010 2020 Fig. 2. Estimated vehicle number on the EarthÃ'Ž Expansion of automobile traffic brought new problems like serious environmental problems with gas emission and fuel consumption. Hothouse gas emission of car combustion engines brought ecological problems namely in big cities. The expected grow of Earth inhabitants will grow as shows Fig. 1. In this paper is SI Unit System used. Milliard means giga (G), 109. 2000 2010 Years I. INTRODUCTION 0 1990 2000 2040 2050 2060 Years Fig. 1. Estimated grows of Planet Earth Population But the expected grow of automobiles will grow much rapidly. The growth will be caused mainly with inevitable living standard improving in many countries like Africa, South Asia and South America together with enlarging of population in these regions. The estimated grows of automobiles over whole Earth is shown in Fig. 2. From comparison of both figures results that the population may grow between years 2000 to 2050 from 6 to 10 milliards that means 1. 7 times, but the expected vehicle number will grow from 0. 7 to 2. 5 milliards that is 3. 6 times. This work was supported by Research Center of Combustion Engines and Automobile Technology. 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1980 Rada1 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 years Fig. 3. Total world production of CO2 These problems are so serious that they became very important theme of international discussions. Results of these discussions were settled in the Kyoto Protocol. Kyoto Protocol is an agreement made under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Automobiles produce approximately a half of the total world production of CO2. Let us imagine that a good new car produces approximately 160 g of CO2 pro each km. There are many possibilities how to diminish this terrible amount. Electric hybrid cars are produced in enlarging numbers and they reach enlarging popularity between customers. They bring a new possibility how to diminish the world CO2 production. II. ELECTRIC HYBRID CAR SYSTEMS Hybrid electric vehicles combine electric and internal combustion engine drive. Hybrid electric vehicles combine the zero pollution benefits of electric motors with the high fuel energy density benefits of the thermal engine. Hybrid electric drives adjust the combustion engine load and revolutions into the point of best motor efficiency and lowest motor emissions. [1], [4], [6], [7]. A. Basic Drive Configurations Series hybrid drive in Fig. 4 presents a combination of different energy sources. In the picture the energy sources are the combustion engine and the battery. The internal combustion engine ICE propels a generator. Total power in form of the generator electric power and the battery electric power are summed in the traction motor. There is no mechanical connection between ICE and wheels. internal combustion engine generator ICE gear box GB battery traction motor TM BAT ICE Fig. 5 Parallel hybrid drive G battery Combined switched hybrid drive in Fig. 6 is based on series hybrid drive with mechanical coupling using a clutch between generator and traction motor. It is series hybrid drive when the clutch is off. BAT traction motor internal combustion engine ICE TM generator G battery BAT coupling Fig. 4. Series hybrid drive Battery acts as energy buffer. Advantage of series hybrid drive is the possibility to operate the thermal engine ICE in optimal revolutions quite free from the car velocity. That results in low specific fuel consumption and in low gas emission for any traction load and car velocity. Efficiency of energy conversions in the system must be taken in account. Parallel hybrid drive in Fig. 5 is a combination of ICE and electric traction motor on the same shaft. Traction motor is supplied by battery and its output is separated from the ICE output. Final traction torque is sum of both motors torque. Power transmission is more effective than in series hybrid drive because the mechanical ICE output is not transformed in electrical output. But the ICE cannot work in optimal load regime because its speed is not free from the car velocity. traction motor internal combustion engine TM Fig. 6. Combined switched hybrid drive The generator supplies the electric energy to the traction motor. When the car speed and ICE speed and power are high but the difference between ICE speed and car speed is small, it is better to operate the scheme as parallel hybrid drive and the clutch is on in such a case. On this regime the ICE power and speed are high and the ICE can operate with small output changes. The difference between desired traction output and ICE optimal output is stored in or discharged from the accumulator. The drive is depicted in Fig. 9. It consists with gasoline engine, double rotor DC generator, and traction motor. traction motor Combined hybrid with planetary gear in Fig. 7 is a topology where mechanical power splitting is used. The splitting is performed in the planetary gear. In this scheme the generator rotates with speed, which is difference between the ICE and car speed. This solution allows splitting the ICE output into two parts. rotating stator control unit generator ~ ~ generator gasoline engine traction motor ICE planet gear Fig. 7. Combined hybrid with planetary grar The first part is proportional to the difference between the ICE and car speed and the second is proportional to the car speed. The first part is transformed into electric energy in the generator and supplied to the traction motor. The second part is transferred by the output planet shaft directly to car wheels. This scheme allows controlling the engine speed and torque and this is the way how to minimize fuel consumption. Electric power splitting drive using DC machines was used on Czechoslovak express motor cars in the year 1936. The patent document was emitted in Czechoslovakia with Nr 53 735 on 25. February 1936. [1], [2], [3]. DC machines were usual on railway vehicles at that time. The vehicle was called :†Slovenska Strela† and remained in service till the year 1950. It should be reconstructed and modernized later on. But electrification of the main railway connection between Prague-Kosice replaced this very interesting vehicle with express electric locomotives. Fig. 8. Express railway car â€Å"Slovenska Strela† clutch rotor output shaft Fig. 9. Electric power splitting drive of express car â€Å"Slovenska Strela† The ICE drives a DC generator which â€Å"stator† and rotor can rotate separately. The â€Å"stator† is firmly coupled with the ICE shaft. The rotor is coupled with car wheels. On the car shaft is mounted a DC electric traction motor supplied by the voltage induced in the generator. The splitting is performed in the generator. The relative speed between generator â€Å"stator† and rotor is difference between the ICE and car speeds. This solution allows split the ICE output into two parts. The first part is proportional to the difference between the ICE and car speed and the second is proportional to the car speed. The first part is transformed into electric energy in the generator and supplied to the traction motor. The second part is transferred directly by means of electromagnetic torque in the generator air gap to the car wheels. This scheme allows controlling the ICE speed independently from the car speed and this is the way how to minimize fuel consumption. Model of Electric Power Splitting Drive Using AC Machines was implemented in the laboratory of JosefÃ'Ž Bozek Research Center of Engine and Automotive Technology at the Technical University in Prague. The physical model of the drive is seen in Fig. 10. It is experimental electric hybrid car drive of a small power. [5], [9], [11], [13], [14], [15]. The output is 7. 5 kW, 0 – 6000 min-1.. Electronic converters and supercapacitor EC are integrated in the circuit between electric power divider SPGM and traction motor TM. The super capacitor as a peak energy storage has 100F, 56V and 400 A. It is able to accept the kinetic energy during braking the vehicle of the mass 1500kg from the velocity 60km/hour and regenerate it during next speeding up. Principle of the system is depicted in Fig. 10. The combustion engine COM ENG drives the electric power divider SGPM. The power divider is a special double rotor synchronous permanent magnet generator. The first rotor is firmly connected with the combustion engine shaft. The second rotor is firmly connected with the traction motor TM and with car wheels. The traction motor is supplied with electric power induced by differential velocity between first and second rotors. Parameters of this electric power (voltage, current and frequency) are changed in electronic converter in EC. Power of the combustion engine is divided into two parts. used for evaluation and comparison of car’s performance, pollution production, efficiencies etc. Simulations were performed on New European Driving Cycle NEDC. The NEDC is shown in Fig. 11. Total distance 10,9km Speed (km/hour) EC ELM CLUTCH COM ENG TM SGPM base Fig. 10. Physical model of Electric Splitting Drive Using AC Machines The incoming power P1=T1* ? 1 is the power of combustion engine producing torque T1 at angular velocity ? 1. Torque T1 is transferred with electromagnetic force to the second rotor, rotating at angular velocity ? 2 which is the same as car velocity. Power transmitted to car wheels by this torque is therefore Pm=T1*? 2. Remaining power is induced by magnetic field into the electric winding arranged on the second rotor. Neglecting losses this power is Pel=P1-Pm=T1*(? 1-? 2). Power Pel is transferred via electronic converter in EC to the traction motor TM and finally added to power Pm on car wheels. Incoming power P1 from combustion engine is by this technique divided into two parts Pm and Pel. Combustion engine can rotate with angular velocity which does not depend from the car velocity III. SIMULATION OF FUEL CONSUMPTION OF HYBRID ELECTRIC CARS Main advantage of electric hybrid cars is the diminishing of fuel consumption. The production of CO2 depends on the fuel consumption and on the working conditions of the ICE. The working conditions of the ICE are much better in electric hybrid cars than in conventional cars generally. Simulations were done with the mathematical model of Electric Power Splitting Drive Using AC Machines. Measured parameters and features obtained in the laboratory [11], [13], [14] were used for the simulation. The mathematical model of a conventional car and hybrid electric car with electric power divider was established in [15] [16]Ã'Ž Comparisons of this art are usualy done on different standard driving cycles. Standard driving cycle represents a driving pattern of a certain geographic region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific). These driving cycles are Time (s) Fig. 11 New European Driving Cycle Parameters of compared cars and results of simulation are shown in Tab. 1 TABLE I SIMULATION RESULTS Vehicle type, manufacturer Driving Cycle Total mass (kg) Specific Consumption during total NEDC (l/100km) Total emissions CO2 (g) Specific emissions (g/km) First case Second case NEDC Skoda 1. 2HTP NEDC 1450 1120 5. 1 5. 9 1333Ã'Ž 1540 122. 9 142 Model Fabia Two cases are shown. In both of them the New European Driving Cycle was simulated. Case first: Hybrid electric car with electric power divider. The mass of the car respects the additional mass of electric part of the powertrain. Case second: Conventional car Skoda Fabia 1. 2 HTP. The results shown in Tab. 1 allow to make following conclusions: When comparing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions between hybrid car with electric power divider versus conventional car of the same class (that means the same primary ICE engine power and respecting additional mass of the electric powertrain machines), we can conclude that the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are significantly lower at the hybrid car. Hybridization of such cars brings not only fuel savings but also is much more environmentally friendly. I. CONCLUSION The production of dangerous greenhouse gas emissions and consumption of world energy resources become a serious problem. Especially CO2 emissions can influence the climate stability of Planet Earth. The automobile business contributes to this development a lot. But the automobile technology has space to be improved. The electric and hybrid electric vehicles can contribute to diminishing of fuel consumption and green gases production. The hybrid electric vehicles makes it possible to operate the combustion engine in more suitable regimes with better fuel combustion conditions. Some hybrid systems even enable to operate the combustion engine in best relation between power and revolutions. Systems with power dividers allow the engine to operate in revolutions that are quite independent from the car velocity. Simulations were done with the mathematical model of Electric Power Splitting Drive Using AC Machines. Measured parameters and features obtained in the laboratory were used for the simulation. Simulations were performed on New European Driving Cycle NEDC. Results of one commercial car and one hybrid electric car with electric power divider are published. Fuel consumption of the hybrid car on the new European Driving Cycle was 5,1 l/km. The commercial car consumed 5,9 l/km. The hybrid car consumption is 13. 6% lower then at commercial car. Similar numbers were obtained with respect to CO2 production. The hybrid car produced 1333 g CO2 on the New European Driving Cycle. Commercial car produced 1540 g CO2. Hybrid car with electric power divider produced 13. 5% less CO2 . REFERENCES [1] V. Klima : Electro-mechanic drive DELKA and its comparison with Dieselelectric drive. (Elektro mechanicky pohon DELKA a jeho srovnani s normalnim Diesel-elektrickym pohonem. ) Elektrotechnicky obzor 1949, Nr. 19, Pg. 489-496 [2] J. Sousedik : Patent document Czechoslovakia Nr 53 735 from 25. February 1936. [3] J. Bilek: Electric drive of motor cars â€Å"Slovenska strela† (Elektricka vyzbroj motorovych vozu â€Å"Slovenska strela†). Elektrotechnicky obzor 1937, Nr16, Pg249-253, Nr. 21 Pg. 331-336. [4] J. Mierlo: Simulation software for comparison and design of electric, hybrid electric and internal combustion vehicles with respect to energy, emission and performances. Vrije Universiteit Brussel. [5] Z. Cerovsky, P. Mindl, S. Fligl, Z. Halamka and P. 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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Representation Of Women On Television Media Essay

Representation Of Women On Television Media Essay This study examines the representation of women on Television, which is one of the most debatable topics surrounding the medium and which is frequently discussed in academia and popular culture. I will be conducting my research specifically on representation of female leading characters on Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. The examination will reveal whether the depiction of main female characters on Law and Order is positive or negative. 1.1 Women on TV Joseph (2004) argues that women were underrepresented on network dramatic shows in 1950s to the 1970s, that and when they did appear, they were frequently seen in token or stereotyped roles. Although representation of women has changed greatly in the last two decades as we are progressing into a more equal society, the question is, has it really changed modern representations of women or does it merely replicate gender stereotypes (E. Dobash P. Dobash, 1998). In recent years, Xena Warrior Princess and Buffy The Vampire Slayer pioneered the use of strong leading female characters in genre of fantasy on TV. Magoulick (2006) suggests that the positive reviews of Xena and Buffy demonstrate the extent to which these women characters resonate with female viewers longing for strong role models, or even just strong female roles on television. Lavery and Rhonda (2002) argue for a contrasting depiction of Buffy while she is represented as a strong and independent feminist icon her character i s vulnerable and often shallow about her appearance (124). Xenas character helped break gender norms by coding masculine traits such as bravery, strength and aggression with feminine traits i.e. compassion and her pregnancy in Season 5 rendering gender exploration (Boze, 2011: 24). The Buffy and Xena shows both reinforce and challenge gender stereotypes of women (Reid, 2008). I am concerned with the crime genre of television which depicts women as detectives working in a patriarchal society whereas the above characters existed in the fantasy and science fiction genre. In past couple of decades, programmes like Cagney and Lacey, Cats Eyes, Prime Suspect, Silent Witness and Juliet Bravo were popular detective dramas depicted strong women which paved the way for future representation of strong female characters. 1.2 Law Order: Special Victims Unit Law and Order: SVU first aired in 1999 and is currently in its 13th season. The detectives on the team solve sexually motivated crimes and child abuse cases, and the cast includes an exceptionally strong female lead character in Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay) and other popular female characters such as Amanda Rollins (Kelli Giddish), Assistant District Attorney Alexandra Cabot (Stephanie March) and Assistant District Attorney Casey Novak (Diane Neal). The episodes often feature real life crime stories and create episodes based on crime stories ripped from the headlines (Green, 2009: 2). Law Order: Special Victims Unit is one of the most successful and popular spin off series of Law and Order franchise, which has won many awards as well as the 2006 Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series for Mariska Hargitay (Emmys, 2006) who describes female audiences reaction to her character Olivia Benson in Greens book Law Order: Special Victims Unit: The Unofficial Companion: As the show got more popular, I received so many emails from so many survivors. They were identifying so much with my character, identifying with this lion, this strong powerful (Olivia Benson). And then I had thirteen-years-old going, I want to be you; you are my role model. Hundreds of emails going, I want to be a cop when I grow up. And I thought this character has touched something deep in so many women and provided a safe place to goà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I felt I had a responsibility. (Green and Dawn, 2009: 90) 1.3 Relevance of the Research Womens representation on television has significant value to female audiences because they view strong characters as role models. Singh, Vinnicombe and James (2006) studied career-minded women who keenly draw on role models from different aspects of life, television being one of them. They discovered that women used female characters from television as role models such as Buffy, Alias and Xena: The Warrior Princess. Analysing how female characters on Law Order: Special Victims Unit might serve as role models will provide me with the tools to examine the codes used in the portrayal of women. Research has been conducted on Law and Order: Special Victims Unit in the past, for example on the shows depiction of ethnic minorities and the victimization of women. Britto (2007, p40) has used content analysis to deconstruct the idea that women are overplayed on crime drama series as offenders and victims in her article Does Special Mean Young, White and Female? Deconstructing the Meaning of Special in Law Order: Special Victims Unit. Furthermore, there has been extensive research on representation of ethnic minorities, male and female on Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. However, my research will focus on the main female characters such as Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay), Amanda Rollins (Kelli Giddish), Assistant District Attorney Alexandra Cabot (Stephanie March) and Assistant District Attorney Casey Novak (Diane Neal) and deconstruction of the codes employed to characterize them. 1.4 Organization of the Chapters In this section I explain the structure of the chapters in this dissertation which will focus on literature review, methodology and findings of my research. In Chapter 1 we have already established the basis of this research which is to examine the representation of leading female characters on Law and Order: SVU. Chapter 2 will review the literature that will provide support for my arguments on themes of representation of women on TV, narrative, female heroism and women and crime genre. Chapter 3 explains the choice of methodology, research design, uses and limitations of textual analysis. It also describes the discourse analysis methodology and its use in this study. Chapter 4 consists of the analysis of the representation of female lead characters on Law and Order: SVU. It provides details of the findings including women driving the plot, women as heroes, maternal instinct and their personal lives. The collected data is analyses in this chapter to search out the result. Chapter 5 is the conclusion of this study that presents the findings and also elaborates on the significance, limitations and scope of this study. Chapter 2: Literature Review A theoretical framework will direct my research in a focussed manner whilst facilitating a proficient and comprehensive analysis. It will provide a major foundation for my investigation. As representation of women is such a diverse topic, I will focus and limit my research with the help of a theoretical framework in order to achieve an accurate conclusion. 2.1 Representation of Women on TV In order to build my research, studying the history of femlae representation in the media will enable me to understand the codes employed to construct female characters. In regards to the portrayal of women in crime genre, DAccis (1994) meticulous exploration of Cagney and Lacey will provide the perfect groundwork for my investigation. Cagney and Laceys characters were represented in unconventional way rather than the traditional ones: Its heroines were in-control protagonist who solved their own cases (both mentally and physically), were rarely presented as women in distress and were virtually never rescued by male colleagues. In addition to being active agents of the narrative they were also the subjects, but rarely the objects, of sexual (heterosexual) desire (DAcci, 1994: 5) DAcci not only examines the progression of female characters on the show but also studies the depiction of feminism on mainstream television. This will provide me thorough knowledge of what goes behind making a drama series with female lead characters and will equip me with the right tools to compare the representation of female characters on Law and Order: SVU. Furthermore, it contains other examples from the history of American television which will be beneficial for my research. Brunsdon, Charlotte and Spigels (2007) book Feminist Television Criticism: A Reader provides a detailed examination extending across television, media and screen studies and looks into representation of feminism as historical categories and political identities. This book gives a valuable analysis of women working both behind the camera and in-front of the camera as well as female audience and their response to television in their daily lives. With these sources, I will be able to evaluate the depiction of women on Law Order: SVU in regards to historical and political viewpoint. The representation of women in media has been a focal point of discussion since early nineteenth century. In 21st Century, even though television produced programs like Pan Am, Charlies Angels and The Playboy Club with female lead characters, they are still viewed through a very patriarchal ideology (Ingham, 2007). Dominicks (1979) article The portrayal of women in prime time, 1953-1977 concludes that female characters appearing on prime-time television from 1953-1977 were underrepresented on television and were frequently seen in stereotyped roles. This article will help me set the groundwork for my research as I can put female characters on Law and Order: SVU side by side with previous female representations on TV. Further research (Elasmar, Kazumi and Brain, 2009) showed that women were more likely to be shown playing minor roles and playing characters such as housewives and to be involved in a romantic relationship. I would need to further explore the depth of women representatio n on television, which will allow me to conduct adept research in this project. According to Gill (2007), the media depicts contradicting gender characteristics which will provide theoretical basis for my work in contemporary gender representations. This book also provides a theoretical tool to analyze representations of women in media. Similarly, Melanie (2011) cross-examines the construction of feminism and femininity in cinema and television in a wide variety of female-oriented programs such as chick flicks, reality shows and dramas. This book will further equip me with an understanding of the relationship between feminism, femininity, and visual culture and tools to analyze images of female representation in media. Lucia (2005) investigates the representation of female lawyers in Hollywood film such as Jagged Edge, The Accused, The Client and so forth. Although these female lawyer characters are represented as strong women, the deeper study of these films exposes inconsistent characteristics which gainsay the recognition of womens professional roles in a film. According to Lucia, these films featuring female lawyers depict: a patriarchal figure that possesses the potency, the genuine power to initiate the female lawyer into the structure of the law. These films accept law as patriarchal and the female lawyer as an inferior subject within that system. (Lucia, 2005: 19) Lucia (2005) reveals that in these films female lawyer characters are put on trial themselves for defying the traditions of femininity and patriarchal authority. This will provide a basis for analysis of female lawyer characters on Law and Order: SVU. 2.1.1. Narrative Writing the Woman In order to create empathy with characters and peak interest in the audience, formulation of the character through narrative is of the utmost importance. Character and narrative in the text have an emotional connection and resonate with the reader if they identify with the character. Hence, analysis of female representation in Law and Order SVU through their characterization in the narrative will allow me to deconstruct the text. Specific aesthetic and narrative strategies used by the producers to create characters also append to feminism and female representation (Geetha, 2007). Mulveys (1975) groundbreaking article Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema will greatly aid in exploring the relevance of narrative structure in construction of female characters in Law and Order: SVU. Mulvey unravels the narrative and visual techniques in cinema and describes the male cinematic gaze that objectifies the female character, hence, turning her into a spectacle, to-be-looked-at-ness (1975, 19). Mulvey (2009) revisits her theory in Visual and Other Pleasure by applying her feminist theory to more contemporary work concerning film spectatorship. She also talks about young modern woman of the 1920s in terms of images and narratives employed in Hollywood and European films, which will be relevant to assess portrayal of women in Law and Order: SVU. In regard to narrative and women representation in media, Teresa de Lauretiss (1984) work will facilitate my research in the right direction, as she investigates the structural representations of woman in cinema. De Lauretis (1984) disagrees with Mulveys (1975) theory of women representation as being permanently subjective and affirms that it is in a consistent stage of self-progression. De Lauretis believes that narrative structure draws upon the characters aspiration in social and cultural context and reproduces subjectivity. De Lauretis argues that female characters are formulated to incline towards femininity and conventionally portrayed as ideal image perceived by men (1984, 143). De Lauretiss conclusion of womens oppression by employing techniques of cinematic narration will provide a diverse perspective in representation of women in Law and Order: SVU. 2.2 Women and the Crime Genre The characteristics of gender have been reallocated in modern era in crime dramas where the female and male personalities are synthesized. The transformation also saw the shift of feminine traits of emotions, compassion and bond to traditionally masculine traits of heroism, vigor, and power giving rise to alternative action hero (Feasey, 2008: 67). In 1970s and 1980s, the crime genre progressively began depicting women as significant characters, in a TV revolution. Snauffers (2006) book called Crime Television would aid in my research tremendously as it would be interesting to re-evaluate the history of crime genre which was traditionally dominated by men (Maureen, 1988: 2). Crime dramas have dominated our television since the genre came to be, according to Snauffer (2006), crime genre echoes the cultural transformation and growth in the society. He investigates crime films and shows from 60s, 70s and 80s such as The Untouchables, The Streets of San Francisco, The Rockford Files, and Baretta which represented variant heroes in multifaceted settings. This work provides a broad history of detective and police crime shows on TV, which will contribute to my research immensely. Turnbull (2013) in her book The Crime Drama: TV Genres provides a historical study of the crime drama series as a genre, which presents a number of case studies to clarify major concerns in the course of the genre. This book will facilitate my argument as it looks at female-led crime drama series from around the world such as The Wire and The Killing which feature important female lead characters. Crime dramas generally feature subject matter related to public sphere with male dominance, however, the addition of female characters to the crime genre has enabled writers to pursue a dynamic approach concerning gender bending transgressions, domestic issues and other feminist concerns (Feasey 2008). Nevertheless, women were not always depicted as strong willed and independent on TV. Cavender (1999) examines the depiction of women crime victims by comparing episodes from reality crime program on prime time television. His analysis will be helpful in further studying the crime genre as well as involvement of women. Humphries (2009) examines women, violence, and media presentations through the lens of feminist criminology. This book contains chapters on Gendering Constructions which lays the foundation for the volume and examines media presentation of gendered violence, female killers on Law and Order and women in media. This book will give me tools to analyze the media text meticulously. In the crime genre, male protagonist used to focus on solving the crime while neglecting public concerns during the process. Attitudes started to change when women were portrayed unconventionally as brave, independent and intelligent characters breaking away from the societal norm from 70s, which resulting in writers shaping a new feminist archetype (Aisenberg, 1994). In her book Ordinary heroines: Transforming the male myth she suggests that female representation has progressed into equal active crime-solving characters with slight borrowing from conventional masculine traits, such as Dana Scullys (Gillian Anderson) character in The X Files, who was a powerful and independent professional woman even though FBI agent roles were profoundly male-dominated (240). Cuklanz and Moorti (2009) examine a wide variety of texts to delve into the representations of gendered violence against women and formulation of gender. They believe that Law and Order: SVU featuring lead female characters engage in stereotypical representation of women, showcasing violence against them which included inherent misogynist communiquà ©. Cavender and Jurik (2012) inspect the optimistic side of the representation of women on TV as they analyse Prime Suspect starring Helen Mirren as policewoman Jane Tennison in the popular British drama series where her character disrupts the conventions of the traditionally male genre (p.65). They focus on the portrayal of gender and law enforcement in the show featuring modern social tribulations where women play the central character. On one hand, Prime Suspect has become a cult hit for being an exceptionally feminist show in a traditionally male dominated crime genre. On the other hand, it is still not devoid of gender politics: while Tennisons character is shown as a successful woman she is pigeonholed as being old, lonely, obsessed with her career and friendless. Cavender and Juriks (2012) work will provide the framework to deconstruct the meanings and connotation in depiction of women in Law and Order: SVU in relations to social norm. There has been a dramatic rise in representation of women detectives in modern texts, whether be film or television, which used to be dominated by men (Mizejewski, 2004). Whilst examining Jodie Fosters character Clarice on The Silence Of The Lambs, Mizejewski believes that: Traditional Hollywood cinema has been unconsciously organized along these lines: men looking and taking action, women being looked at. The conventions of framing, lighting and editing in portrayal of women all play to these dynamics (p. 7) Tasker (2007) believes female representation has progressed tremendously in recent years with transformed and empowered gender egalitarianism; however, there is still substandard issue (? what does this mean?). Gender is a key constructor and differentiator of character in ensemble workplace dramas (Allen 2007, p 48). The meticulous examination of popular crime drama Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) in Reading CSI by Michael Allen includes the relationship of characters to their narratives and response of fans and will provide great depth and widespread views which I can apply to Law and Order: SVU during my research. 1.3 Female Heroism Gunter (1986) argues that women are represented in a stereotypical manner associating with the character traits they typically exhibit. In comparison with men, their characters were subjugated by personal relationships and family issues. However, this began to change in the 1970s when women were portrayed in more dynamic roles. Knight (2010) believes that this trend wouldnt have been possible without Sigourney Weavers character Ellen Ripley in Alien (1979) franchise, which has become an avant-garde symbol. Ellen Ripley signified the first final girl archetype, a term coined by Carol J. Clover in the book Men, Women and Chansaw: Gender in the Modern Horror Film (1992), who conquered and triumphed against an evil villain without any help or rescue from a man (p.98). Knight (2010) and Clovers (1992) examinations of women representation would aid in decoding the signs in Law and Order: SVU. Anthony (2009) believes that the progression in womens portrayal on television and film was becaus e women had taken over the market and were able to acquire positions as Producers and Directors. Consequently, women were portrayed in more heroic roles which cancelled out the notion of women as victims, resulting in a positive ideological advance (p. 80). Innesss (2004) Action Chicks is a groundbreaking collection of essays providing a new look at female action icons such as Xena, Buffy, Lara Croft and so on. These essays take a look at how recent depictions of women in action films, TV shows, comic books, and video games reflect an increased acceptance of women in traditionally male heroic or tough-guy roles. This highly specialized and scholarly study is suitable for my research and will give me context for my analysis of Law and Order: SVU. In order to analyze the representation of women in Law and Order: SVU, I will suggest that if the women embody four essential constructing features which are body, attitude, action and authority in a tough hero (Innes, 1998). Brown (1996) has the same belief about women portrayed as action heroes stating, the female action heroines body is represented by using same codes as a male hero in regards to object and subject in action films (p. 56). Goodwill (2011) agrees with Browns statement that new female action hero possesses positive masculine characteristic which were previously reserved for men only, breaking away from orthodox feminine attributes. With the fusion of traits, the earlier archetype of the hero has been amended in popular culture containing both masculine and feminine traits which will enable me to interpret female traits presented in Law and Order: SVU. Hill (1999: 38) states, action heroines are the new type of protagonists in action genre who are smarter and tougher than conventional female heroines and even their male counterparts. This new breed of action heroines contravenes not only cinematic but cultural gender codes of women being submissive and tangential characters and transform traditional cinematic depiction of women. Noble (1999) produces an innovative framework to create a new epitome of heroism for women in her book The Sound of a Silver Horn: Reclaiming the Heroism in Contemporary Womens Lives. She puts forward certain qualities that a female hero should possess to transform her and the world, such as strong-minded, valiant and a risk-taker. Harriss (2004) groundbreaking work will provide a framework for my research since she looks at the intricate representation of girls in recent history. Siehlohrs (2000) anthology investigates generic codes used in gender in regards to national identity in European films. She also examines how representations of women are affected by particular national milieu. This provides a baseline to investigate influences of societal factors on representation of women in Law and Order: SVU. Hanson (2007) proposes alternative ways of viewing classic and contemporary Hollywood heroines and the associations of gender with genre. She investigates the representation of women as the investigator and heroine in the variable context of the film industry, which will enable me to apply the same approach to my research. She confers meticulous attention to the production of narrative, actions and perception as well as negotiation of feminine self and desires across the past. Jaceys (2010) book The Woman in the Story: Writing Memorable Female Characters will be of significant value on this topic as it explains the importance of different traits, character development and gender issues in constructing a female heroine. This will allow me to dig deeper into the depiction of female characters on Law and Order: SVU such as Olivia Bensons characters role as a Detective and Alexandra Cabots character as a District Attorney. According to Knight (2010), female action heroes extensively influence individuals in society, and also reveal a lot about our society. Her analysis of female action here will help me understand Olivia Bensons character on Law and Order: SVU as she is seen as a role model and heroine to a lot of women. Furthermore, I will examine Buffy the Vampire Slayer which was a very popular show with very sharp and provocative commentaries on gender. In Undead TV, media studies scholars tackle the gender representation of Buffy and its influence on popu lar culture (Levine and Parks, 2007). Stuller (2010) illustrates the triumph of female hero in contemporary mythology which has cracked through male dominated environment and discusses the crucial role of female crime fighters in popular culture. Thornham elucidates the codes of a female hero in her book  Women, Feminism and Media: For a female character to become the hero of such a series she must appropriate agency, action, command, the occupation of public space, discursive authority and the control of the investigative gaze. All of these, of course, run counter to the norms of femininity. (p. 69) The above mentioned codes and symbols will aid in deconstructing the structure of female lead characters on Law and Order: SVU as heroes in a patriarchal society. I would be able to examine the amalgamation of feminine and masculine traits in the discourse.

Smoke Signals Film Analysis

Smoke Signals Film Analysis Rising From the Ashes: A Tale of the Boys of Fire The movie Smoke Signals (Directed by Chris Eyre) tells the story of two boys, Victor Joseph and Thomas Builds-the-Fire, and their quest to get Arnold Josephs (Victors father) ashes from Phoenix, Arizona. But its really a story about life, death, and rebirth; life in the birth of the boys and their coming of age, death in the collection of Arnolds ashes, and the rebirths they both undergo along the journey. Thomas makes the statement that he and Victor are born of fire and ash; they are both born of fire and ash, and reborn throughout the movie through both fire and ash. Thomas being thrown from the burning house gives the allusion that he was born from flames. The baby Thomas being flung from the flames is a direct allusion to the phoenix myth, he was reborn when he flew from the flames. The fact that Victors father caused the fire in the first place and then saved Thomas also shows a rebirth of Arnold, because he saved Thomas out of guilt for starting the fire that killed Thomas parents in the first place. Arnold catching Thomas is the only reason the child survives, giving Arnold a get out of jail free card for starting the fire; only Arnold cant let it go and spends the rest of his life beating himself (as well as his wife and child) up about starting that fire all those years ago. Thomas tells stories about Arnold and everyone else on the reservation throughout the movie which are not necessarily true, but he believes every word of them. These stories almost always revert back to Arnold, the man who saved his life as an infant. Thomas idolizes Arnold as his savior, having gone through his initial rebirth with him as his savior. Thomas final rebirth comes when Victor gives him part of Arnolds ashes. Victor has finally realized that Thomas love for his father is a connection they share for the same reason; Arnold saved them both from the fire. Victor is reborn when he collects his fathers ashes from Phoenix (the name being an obvious allegorical reference to the tale of the phoenix), Arizona. Victor cant afford the trip to collect his father, so Thomas convinces Victor to let him come along in exchange for paying both of their ways to Phoenix. Throughout the trip, Thomas recollects stories of Arnold, all of which cast him as the hero and not as the villain Victor sees him as, however, each time Thomas tells one of his stories, Victor becomes angry and tells him to just shut up. Victor wants to hold onto the idea of his father as the bad guy, the one who beat him and his mother up and ran off when he was only a child, instead of the man who ran back into the burning building to save him (which he learns from his fathers neighbor while at the trailer park collecting Arnolds ashes and possessions). Once Victor is finally convinced to go into his fathers trailer to check for belongings that he may want, he begins the ritual of letting go, cutting his hair to signify the loss of a loved one. Another rebirth Victor goes through during the collection of his fathers ashes is when he is running for help after the wreck and collapses just as he reaches it. He has just run all night in boots, which were nt intended to be running shoes, and is nearly dead from exhaustion when he finally makes it to safety; but throughout his run he remembers the past and the things he has been told (the truth) about his father and the man he truly was. As he hits the ground he looks up in his feverish and nearly dead state to see his father standing over him, extending a hand to save him again (only this time it isnt his father saving him, its a construction worker he fell to the ground in front of). When Victor comes to in the hospital, he is a changed man. He has been reborn into a calmer, happier person, even allowing Thomas to tell his stories the whole way back home to the reservation without once correcting him or telling him to shut up. In the final scenes of the movie, Victor is spreading his fathers ashes in the river (Thomas had just given him the analogy of his father rising up as a salmon by his ashes being released in this way) and as he scatters the ashes, he screams; Victor is finally letting go of all the pent up emotions. All of his hurt feelings, anger, and resentment are released in the battle cry he issues as he spreads his fathers ashes. He has been once again reborn from his fathers ashes, just as a phoenix would. This final rebirth through ash is also given over to fire because as Victor is spreading Arnolds ashes, Arnolds neighbor from the trailer park, the one who found him, sets fire to his trailer in order to cleanse and release Arnolds spirit. This movie is a coming of age tale about to young men who share the common bond of a savior, though neither finds out until the end. Throughout the movie, the phoenix story is heavily referenced, from the burning building and the boys being saved from it in the beginning, to Arnolds trailer being burned down, to the final scene when Victor is spreading Arnolds ashes in the river. These boys have to take this journey to discover not only who Arnold was, but who they are. Thomas is born of fire, being reborn in the first fire that Arnold not only accidentally started, but then saved him from. Victor is born of ash, the ashes of his father, which caused the journey in the first place which allowed him to learn who his father really was and what he had done for him. The boys left with the relationship one shares with an annoying kid sibling, but they return friends who share the common bond of Arnold and what he did to save them both. Works Cited Smoke Signals. Dir. Chris Eyre. Perf. Adam Beach, Evan Adams, Irene Bedard. Mirmax, 1998. Film.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

African americans in world war I Essays -- essays research papers

Anthony J. Mitchell Summer 2002 U.S. Since 1865 History 2063 AFRICAIN AMERICAINS IN WORLD WAR I Before WORLD WAR I, military service represented a source of black pride. Black educators, clergymen, and the press frequently referred to Negro heroes of America’s past wars. After the Civil War, the U.S, Army maintained four regular Negro regiments –the 9th and 10th Calvary and the 24th and 25th Infantry. These units included veterans of the civil war and the frontier Indian fighting regiments. Retired sergeants often became respected, conservative leaders in their communities. This history set a foundation for black support and involvement in America’s future wars. In 1917, the United States entered World War I under the slogan â€Å"Make the World Safe For Democracy.† Within a week after the U.S, entered the war, the War Department stopped accepting black volunteers because colored army quotas were filled. No black men were allowed in the Marines, Coast guard or Airforce. However they were allowed in the Navy only an as mess man which was a position the yielded very little advancement and no glory. When drafting began, of the more than 2,000,000 blacks registered 31 percent were accepted to 26 percent of the white men. Blacks then comprised 10 percent of the population. World War I represented a turning point in black American history. It, presented an opportunity to improve race relations at home despite the fighting abroad. How could you be racist against people whom are fighting to stabilize your freedom and the freedom of others was the mentality in the minds of black soldiers. Page 2 Although World War I represented a turning point in American history it was evident racial relations would be and issue at home and abroad. When American troops began arriving on the western front one of the first to arrive on New Years Day in 1918 was the 369th (Harlem Hell Fighters). This unit was the first to reach the Rhine in 1918 where the regiment received 11 unit citations from the French. The 369th regimental band conducted by James Reese Europe and Noble Sissle is credited with the introduction of American Jazz into Europe. (Reid. A life in Ragtime: A Biography of James Reese Europe. . Little, Arthur W. From Harlem to the Rhine: The story of New York’s Colored Volunteers). This regimental band entertained troops and citizens in every city they visited and wa... ...n their efforts to make America truly democratic by ensuring full citizenship for its entire people. Black soldiers, who continued to serve in segregated units, were involved in protest against racial injustice on the home front and abroad. The introduction of black troops left a profound effect on Europe. More than Page 4 350,000 African Americans served in segregated units during World War I, mostly as support troops. Several units saw action alongside French soldiers fighting against the Germans, and 171 African Americans were awarded the French Croix de Guerre or Legion of Honor for their heroic actions. In response to the mistreatment and discrimination from the black community, several hundred African American men received officers` training at Des Moines Iowa. By October 1917, over six hundred African Americans were commissioned as captains and first and second lieutenants. These accomplishments allowed the black American male to put his stake in American History not as a mere nuisance, or an inferior being portrayed by racism but as an Honorable soldier whom endeavors to protect a country he loves despite discrimination received at home or abroad.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Project management techniques and project planning tools play an important role in any tasks where different possible outcomes are possible; where risk of failure exists. To avoid this failure we need planning options, organizing resources and events to deliver a successful event. Tasks of a Project Manager: †¢ Feasibility Analysis (4 days): It provides the basis for developing a concept in to business plan and subsequent business start-up. It has three part †¢ Technical Feasibility (2 days): The purpose of the technical feasibility step is to verify that the product will achieve its end status and to confirm that there are no production obstructions. †¢ Financial Feasibility (1 days): It shows that proposed plan has a cash flow quantity and quality to allow the project sponsor recover the amount invested in the project. †¢ Organizational Feasibility (1 days): It checks how well the proposed plan supports the objective of an organization’s strategic plan for information systems. †¢ Project Modelling (1 week): This is the designing phase where the manager need to decide how the en...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Memory and Process Manager Functionality Introduction to Operating Systems †Pos/355 Essay

The Operating System Every computer, tablet, and/or smartphone has an operating system. The operating system is â€Å"software that communicates with the hardware and allows other programs to run. It is comprised of system software, or the fundamental files your computer needs to boot and function†. (â€Å"†, 2013). Windows, Linux and Mac OS X are some of the more common operating systems. Operating systems provide a graphical user interface, which provides the computer with the ability install and run programs specifically written for the operating systems, as well as the power to manage folders and files. When applications are created, they are generally written for a specific operating system, although many of the more popular programs were developed crossplatform, meaning they were developed for multiple operating systems. The user needs to be aware of what programs they want when selecting a computer to be sure the operating system will support them. Memory Management See more: how to start an essay When an operating system manages the computer’s memory, there are two broad tasks to be accomplished. The processes need to be able to execute without overlapping into the memory space of another process, nor can it be run into by another process. Also, the memory in the system must be properly allocated to that all processes are running at their most efficient and effective. (â€Å"†, 2013). In order not to overlap, the operating system needs to set up limits for the software and individual applications. Random access memory (RAM) and memory caches are the main storage area for a computer and this is where data is read and written. RAM is a physical storage compartment found on the hard disk. Once the computer runs out of physical memory, it will start using virtual memory. (â€Å"†, 2013). As applications are ready to be loaded into memory, the operating system determines fixed block sizes in order to ensure the applications do not encroach on each other’s space. At any given time, the majority of RAM in your computer system is not being utilized, as a processor can only access one location at a time. This is where virtual memory management comes into play. Information is moved from RAM to hard disk to expand the RAM space. The operating system manages several different memory types including disk storage, high-speed cache, main memory, and secondary memory. Disk storage is the slowest; the fastest is high speed cache. In order to speed up system performance, cache controllers forecast which portions of data the CPU will use next and move it from main memory and into the cache. RAM is the main memory. Secondary memory generally serves at your virtual RAM is generally a sort of rotating magnetic storage under the control of the operating system. The operating system performs a balancing act based on the needs of the processes with the memory availability across the different types. (â€Å"†, 2013). Processor Management â€Å"A processor, or ‘microprocessor,’ is a small chip that resides in computers and other electronic devices. Its basic job is to receive input and provide the appropriate output. While this may seem like a simple task, modern processors can handle trillions of calculations per second.† (â€Å"†, 2013).Managing the processor is all about two related issues – ensuring that each process and application receives enough of the processor’s time to function properly and using as many processor cycles as possible for real work. The processor’s basic unit is either a process or a thread; this is dependent on the operating system utilizing it. † A process, then, is software that performs some action and can be controlled — by a user, by other applications or by the operating system.† (â€Å"†, 2013).The operating systems controls the processes and schedules them for execution by the CPU. The process can be an application that you are very well aware of, such a game, or they can be a process that works in the background that you aren’t even aware of such as disk management. The operating system manages the processes to run most efficiently. It may allow an application to start, then suspend it to deal with user input and interrupts. The CPU can only execute one task at a time, so the operation system needs to make the user believe there are several tasks being accomplished at the same time. You can have a multi-processor machine, but the processor is still only able of handling one task at a time. The operating system maintains this appearance by switching between processes thousands of times in a second. The operating system will make use of the registers, stacks and queues in order to buffer the next process by allotting CPU execution cycles to a program, then copying the registers, stacks and queues used by the processors, and pause it’s execution. It loads the second process’s data and copies the registers, stacks and queues and allows it a certain number of cycles. Once complete, it loads the first program. The operating system is responsible for the management of the computer system – files, devices, memory, and processors. In doing this it manages it’s various memory types and processes for efficiency. References (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Retrieved from