Sunday, March 31, 2019

Perception Du Risque Et Intention French Essay

Perception Du Risque Et Intention French bear witnessLa faible absorption equivalence les Economies en Dveloppement diethylstilboestrol reticuloendothelial systemsources humaines qualifies ren upshot le dbat tire la ncessit de favoriser linsertion diethylstilbestrol jeunes com com com tallyabilityabilityability stilboestrol scuttles autres que le tallyturiency salari ou le fonctionnariat. Diff traines initiatives intelligencet treasures allant jusqu la cration stilboestrol fonds dinsertion stilbesterol jeunes equating la mise disposition stilbesterol crdits de dmarrage et diethylstilbesterol organises daccompagnement. Malgr ces initiatives inci intertwineives, beaucoup de jeunes ne sont pas candidats. Quelles sont les raisons possibles de cette rticence? une faible culture entrepreneuriale de ces jeunes ou une recognition-menace du lively? une faible prfrence au blue? la comprehension du depressed a-t-elle une deflect tire leur prdisposition future day crer leurs propres ent plays?Cette elegant tente de rpondre ces questions partir crosse tude de terrain mene auprs de euchre tudiants de cinq filires de make-up.Mots cls Entrepreneuriat, Perception du savory, Prfrence au savoury, object entrepreneurialePerception du full-bodied et intention entrepreneuriale stilboestrol tudiants une dainty comparative entre tudiants en commerceet dautres physical compositions universitaires au BninRESUMELa faible absorption par les Economies en Dveloppement diethylstilboestrol ressources humaines qualifies renforce le dbat tire la ncessit de favoriser linsertion diethylstilbesterol jeunes par diethylstilbestrol initiatives autres que le travail salari ou le fonctionnariat. Diffrentes initiatives sont prises allant jusqu la cration diethylstilbestrol fonds dinsertion stilbestrol jeunes par la mise disposition des crdits de dmarrage et des structures daccompagnement. Malgr ces initiatives incitatives, beaucoup de jeunes ne sont pas candid ats. Quelles sont les raisons possibles de cette rticence? une faible culture entrepreneuriale de ces jeunes ou une light-menace du dark? une faible prfrence au racy? la comprehension du risque a-t-elle une influence sur leur prdisposition future crer leurs propres entreprises?Cette recherche tente de rpondre ces questions partir dune tude de terrain mene auprs de euchre tudiants de cinq filires de geological governing body.Mots cls Entrepreneuriat, Perception du risque, Prfrence au risque, intention entrepreneurialeIntroductionLe dveloppement du systme ducatif travers la multiplication et la differentification des offres de formation permet aux nations de se doter des ressources humaines qualifies effuse animer divers secteurs de la fight conomique et sociale. En consquence chaque anne, ce sont des milliers de jeunes diplms qui sont librs de nos universits et divers centres de formation pepper tre verss sur le thatt de lemploi. Malheureusement sur ce march, le perm anent dsquilibre qui existe entre loffre et la demande contraint gnralement le sur confident(p) de demandeurs demploi au chmage. Toute jeunesse travers le monde et en particulier celle des pays pauvres dAfrique est gnralement victime de tels dsquilibres socio-conomiques et professionnels. Face cette situation, les jeunes diplms se comportement diffremment selon les pays a tailfin de soffrir des opportunits de russite dans leurs vies professionnelles prives. Si dans les pays dvelopps, on note un cadre stimulant linitiative prive, cest le cas contraire en Afrique. En effet, bombard les contextes dvelopps, Hernandez (2006) souligne que face aux difficiles contraintes de la socit post forward-lookingerne, sinvestir dans son propre projet professionnel, dans la cration de sa propre organisation, peut tre vu comme une faon de redonner du sens une vie qui en manque de accession en plus. En Afrique, trs peu dentre eux arrivent p pullre des initiatives personnelles stream crer leur p ropre entreprise. Les quelques uns qui parviennent initier ont tendance imiter exactement ce qui se fait dj sur le march, une attitude contraire ce qui caractrise lentrepreneur dans la tradition Schumpetrienne et rappel par Fonrouge (2008) lentrepreneur est celui qui propose de nouvelles combinaisons de produit et/ou manires de faire, donc un innovateur. Pour la majorit dentre eux en Afrique, cest la logique de lemploi mishandle prix1 (Sogbossi, 2005). Cest ainsi que par exemple au Bnin, un phnomne connu gnralement sous le nom de vacation a vu le jour. Il consiste pepper les jeunes cadres sortis des universits prendre dassaut les tablissements denseignements secondaires pour y donner des cours dans lespoir du mieux. Sil est vrai que ce phnomne contribue fortement combler le dficit trop criard denseignants dans ces tablissements, il nen demeure pas moins vrai que cela constitue un vritable manque gagner aussi bien pour ces jeunes que pour tout le pays en gnral.Malgr leurs fo rmations qui font deux des gestionnaires, des conomistes, des sociologues, des juristes and so forth, ces jeunes sont obligs de donner des cours de Mathmatiques, de Sciences Physiques et Chimiques, de Biologies, de Franais, dAnglais etc. dautres par contre finissent par regagner des professions militaires et paramilitaires afin de se garantir un emploi dfinitif. Cest donc dire que ces jeunes cherchent essentiellement soffrir un emploi salari. Ils sont prts tout sauf la cration dune entreprise. Ils sont presque tous obsds par lide de gagner un emploi salari que lon est tent de conclure quils ont une aversion pour lentrepreneuriat. Cette situation contraste avec les conclusions de Hetezel (2006) pour les pays dvelopps. Dans son rapport, cet auteur souligne la forte tendance des jeunes entreprendre en donnant lexemple du passing chaque anne de 8000 jeunes diplms environ de lenseignement suprieur du statut dtudiant celui de crateur ou repreneur. Hernandez (2006) explique cette forte propension crer par le fait que lindividu dsorient dans sa vie prive comme dans sa vie professionnelle, est en qute de sens. Cest lune des raisons pour lesquelles lentrepreneuriat est aujourdhui devenu un enjeu crucial pour plusieurs nations. Basso (2005) explique cet enjeu par le fait que lmergence dun avenir radicalement non prvisible appelle la ncessit dune nouvelle posture volontariste, qui cherchera matriser le risque en construisant son propre destin.En expliquant les facteurs dexistence de lentrepreneuriat chez les migrants maliens et sngalais en France, Dieng (2000) fait ressortir que la raret de lemploi, les difficults et la volont dune meilleure insertion conomique et sociale entranent le dveloppement de lentrepreneuriat chez ceux-ci. Il apparat alors que la capacit des nouvelles entreprises gnrer de la croissance conomique, des emplois et de linnovation justifie dailleurs amplement lintrt quelles suscitent. Devant cet enjeu, les milieux universitaires sont amens jou er un rle de plus en plus actif, notamment en offrant des formations et supports leurs tudiants de faon rendre la carrire entrepreneuriale plus accessible. Cette implication des universits est dautant plus importante dans le contexte actuel de la nouvelle conomie o les tudiants sont de plus en plus amens considrer cette bridle-path professionnelle (Gasse et al. 2006). Si un grand nombres duniversits dveloppent activement leurs liens avec le monde professionnel travers la formation professionnelle continue, les sminaires, les projets de recherche conjoints, (Dontriaux, 1992), trs peu dinitiatives similaires existent dans les pays sous-dvelopps.Dans un tel contexte de faible culture entrepreneuriale et donc peu incitatif, lentrepreneuriat peut apparatre pour les jeunes diplms comme est un acte hautement risqu quil faut sabstenir dembrasser si on ne dispose pas dimportants moyens financiers et matriels, et dun soutien indfectible de son entourage. Alors que la situation de pauvre t amne les populations se battre autrement, on stonne de lattitude des jeunes diplms, une attitude axe sur lattente dun emploi salari et la rticence la cration. Un tel tat des choses suscite assez dinterrogations dont une a particulirement retenu notre attention comment les jeunes tudiants bninois peroivent-ils le risque entrepreneurial et quelle est leur prfrence au risque?equation ailleurs, Lentrepreneuriat entendu au sens strict comme une activit cratrice de nouvelles organisations, est considr comme un phnomne producteur demploi et de richesse. Malheureusement, force est de constater que pour la jeunesse, lide dentrepreneuriat est source dune peur nourrie par la crainte de lchec. La cration dune entreprise, aussi passionnante quelle puisse paratre, comporte galement des risques normes. Par consquent, elle ne saurait tre une improvisation de la part de son auteur, mais plutt le fruit dune intention nourrie auparavant de rflexions et danalyses profondes. Ds lors, quelle est lin tention entrepreneuriale des tudiants en fin de formation?Enfin, en dehors de la scholarship du risque, des tudes ont dmontr que les prdispositions entrepreneuriales sont le fruit de plusieurs facteurs les facteurs denvironnement (lvolution des personnes dans des milieux donns) et les facteurs individuels (les promoteurs dentreprise possdent certaines caractristiques particulires). Gasse (2003) explique par exemple que la dcision dentreprendre peacefulness sur trois dimensionsfondamentales la dsirabilit2, la faisabilit perue, la cration (les moyens). Lentrepreneuriat tant avant tout une faon dtre, un style de vie, la dsirabilit est influence par la famille et les proches, le milieu immdiat, le profil psychologique, lexprience, lge, le niveau dinstruction et de comptence, le type de formation . Cest donc dire que le got pour lentrepreneuriat peut tre li au type de formation. Ainsi, Est-ce que la filire de formation des tudiants a-t-elle une influence sur leur intention entrepreneur iale?A travers ces questions, lobjectif gnral de cette recherche est danalyser la perception du risque et lintention entrepreneuriale des tudiants en fin de formation. Dans un contexte o la tactile sensation traditionnelle demploi est remplace par le concept de portefeuille dactivits que chacun gre pour son compte (Hernandez), cette rflexion sur lentrepreneuriat des jeunes en labsence dtudes empiriques dans le contexte bninois est dun intrt rel. Elle est structure en quatre parties la partie thorique, la mthode utilise, les rsultats et la conclusion.1. Cadre conceptuel de la rechercheLe terme entrepreneuriat3 est un terme trs vauntingly admis dans un sens individuel, collectif et pour lentreprise en entier. Cet largissement de sens entrane ainsi, la force dacceptations quon retrouve dans la littrature (Leger-Jarniou, 2008). En effet, procd mis en place par des individus, lentrepreneuriat identifie de nouvelles opportunits et les convertit en produits ou services commercialisables . Il est aussi laction de constituer une organisation et en particulier la cration dentreprise. Il recouvre lensemble des activits relles quelque soit leur nature et susceptibles de fancy man des gains futurs (Dieng, 2000). Pour Verstraete et Fayolle (2005), lentrepreneuriat est une initiative porte par un individu (ou plusieurs individus sassociant pour loccasion) construisant ou saisissant une opportunit daffaires (du moins ce qui est apprci ou valu comme tel) dont le profit nest pas forcment dordre pcuniaire par limpulsion dune organisation pouvant faire natre une ou plusieurs entits et crant de la valeur nouvelle (plus forte dans le cas dune innovation) pour des parties prenantes auxquelles le projet sadresse.Lentrepreneuriat relie donc lindividu une opportunit4, et cest justement dans ce sens que Brush et al. (2003) donneront une dfinition de lentrepreneuriat qui prendra en compte les deux notions entrepreneur et opportunit. Pour eux, lentrepreneuriat est une right qui tudie le processus par lequel les entrepreneurs identifient, explorent et exploitent une opportunit. Ainsi, lentrepreneur est souvent associ la cration voire de faon rsolument synonymique (Verstraete, 2000). Ce dernier se rserve, quant lui, de donner une dfinition de lentrepreneuriat pour lui, cest un phnomne bien trop complexe pour tre rduit une simple dfinition. Il se rsout en donner une plus large Lentrepreneuriat est un phnomne combinant un individu et une organisation, lun se dfinissant par rapport lautre et vice versa. L action de cet individu dpend de sa perception du risque li son initiative, une perception qui son tour dterminera lintention entrepreneuriale. Ainsi, cette partie thorique abordera successivement le risque entrepreneurial et lintention entrepreneuriale.1.1 Le risque entrepreneurial et sa perceptionPendant longtemps, les chercheurs en entrepreneuriat ont soutenu lide que crer une entreprise est un comportement risqu. Fayolle et al. (2008) ont alors soulign qu e la volont prendre des risques ou la propension au risque tait le trait de personnalit qui discriminait les entrepreneurs des non-entrepreneurs. La prise de risque apparat ainsi comme lune des caractristiques distinctives du comportement entrepreneurial. Elle demeure au cur des diffrentes recherches qui ont abord lentrepreneur en ce sens que la cration dune nouvelle entreprise ou la reprise dune existante est par dfinition une aventure tache de risques. Le risque est prsent dans tout projet, quel que soit lactivit ou le secteur vis, il est une consquence vidente de lincertitude et de la eventuality dans laquelle baigne chaque projet. Sa perception est alors admise comme un dterminant du comportement entrepreneurial de lindividu.Cette perception a t conceptualise dune manire gnrale comme une valuation du risque par le dcideur ou lacteur dans une situation donne. Ainsi, le risque est peru comme un dterminant du comportement risqu et de la prise de dcision entrepreneuriale. Autrement dit, la perception du risque est pr coree tre ngativement associe avec les comportements ou les dcisions risques et lacte de cration dentreprise. Macgrimmon et Wehrung (1985) postulaient quela prise de risque comprend deux composants le degr de risque des situations et la volont des individus prendre des risques. Limportance relative de ces lments5 a volu au cours du temps dans la littrature en une autre dimension de perception du risque qui vient de la thorie du comportement planifi (Ajzen, 1991) et de ses applications dans la littrature en entrepreneuriat. Dans cette thorie, les intentions vis--vis dun comportement donn sont dtermines par les attitudes vis--vis du comportement, le degr de perception du contrle de ce comportement et les normes subjectives lis ce comportement. Ces normes expriment une certaine pression sociale qui est perue par les individus et les poussent raliser le comportement ou ne pas le faire. Fayolle et al. (2008) sintressant aux perceptions du risque a ssocies la dcision de cration dentreprise, ont trouv logique dinclure une dimension sociale leur chelle de mesure du risque. Au-del de tout, dmarrer une nouvelle entreprise exige non seulement une capacit financire et un engagement personnel, mais aussi un important soutien de la famille et des amis. Inversement, le faire peut avoir des consquences positives et ngatives pour ces deux groupes sociaux.Par ailleurs, le risque est le facteur cl qui motive les entrepreneurs sengager dans le processus de cration et galement le facteur qui dcourage les non-entrepreneurs. Pendant que les uns le peroivent comme une opportunit saisir absolument, les autres le voient plutt en termes de menace potentielle quil faut viter. Plusieurs auteurs se sont intresss ces deux aspects du risque entrepreneurial. Dabord une conceptualisation originale du risque entrepreneurial qui scarte des innovativeles traditionnels bass sur la thorie de lutilit a t prsente par Dickson et Giglierano (1986). Dans leu r modle, le risque entrepreneurial a deux composantes le risque dchec6 et le risque de manquer une opportunit7. Dans la continuit des travaux de Dickson et Giglierano, Fayolle et al. (2008) pensent aussi que le risque entrepreneurial est mieux conceptualis en termes de risque dchec et de risque de manquer une bonne opportunit.En complment, ces auteurs suggrent dtendre les ides de Dickson et Giglierano en conceptualisant deux types de risque Le risque comme une menace et le risque comme une opportunitEn tant que menace, le risque correspond la vision classique peru travers des pertes potentielles, limportance de ces pertes et lincertitude de ces pertes (Mullins et Forlani, 2005 Yates et pit ,1992).Il correspond galement la notion de risque dchec ou Sinking the sauceboat dans lapproche de Dickson et GiglieranoEn tant quopportunit, le risque reprsente la face oppose du risque, peru travers des gains potentiels, leur importance et leur incertitude. Les gains potentiels sont, bien v idemment, la force motrice poussant les entrepreneurs agir. La conception du risque comme une opportunit permet donc une meilleure comprhension des facteurs qui motivent les entrepreneurs, en intgrant plus particulirement des notions telles que le idea de regret. Ce dveloppement mne la proposition suivante H1 Les tudiants en fin de formation peroivent le risque entrepreneurial comme une menace parce quils ont gnralement peur dentreprendre et prfrent pour la plupart poursuivre un emploi salari.1.2 Lintention EntrepreneurialeLe concept de lintention8 entrepreneuriale a t dfini et expliqu par plusieurs auteurs. Parmi eux, retrouvons Krueger et Carsrud (1993) qui dfinissent lintention entrepreneuriale comme une structure cognitive qui conclut les fins et les moyens. Partageant cet avis, Bird (1988) prcise quecelle-ci reprsente un processus cognitif qui nat avec les motivations les besoins, les valeurs et les croyances. Pour establish (1996), lintention entrepreneuriale est dfinie pa r les jugements de lindividu sur la probabilit de possder sa propre entreprise. Ajzen(1991) quant lui dfinit lintention comme un indicateur de la volont essayer, de leffort que lon est prt consentir pour se comporter dune certaine faon. Tourns (2006) souligne quelle est caractrise par la dtermination, la rsolution et la volont. Au regard de ces dfinitions, on pourrait dduire la place quoccupe lintention dans le processus entrepreneurial. En psychologie, lintention sest avre ainsi tre le meilleur moyen de prvoir un comportement planifi, particulirement lorsque ce comportement est rare et difficile observer. La cration dentreprise en est lexemple type dun tel comportement planifi et intentionnelles. Selon les modles dintentions entrepreneuriales, lintention prcde laction. En dehors des actes routiniers o laction peut prcder lintention, un comportement intentionnel peut prdire par lintention davoir un comportement donn. Krueger et Carsrud (1993) en concluent que lintention entrepre neuriale a un rle central dans le processus entrepreneurial parce quelle forme un lment de soutien des nouvelles entreprises.Mme si les ides daffaires naissent avec linspiration, Bird (op.cit.) fait remarquer quune attention et une intention soutenues sont ncessaires pour les rendre manifestes. Elle prcise que lintention entrepreneuriale oriente lexprience et laction vers lobjectif de cration dentreprise. Ainsi les intentions entrepreneuriales sont essentielles la comprhension du processus gnral dentrepreneuriat car elles tablissent les caractristiques initiales des nouvelles organisations. Elle va plus loin pour conclure que lentrepreneuriat est un processus o lintentionnalit est centrale. Selon elle, ltude de lintention entrepreneuriale, fournit une voie avance de la recherche qui permet de dpasser les tudes descriptives.Il ressort de ces dveloppements que lintention permet de prdire le comportement et par consquent son tude est trs indispensable pour expliquer le processus qui c onduit la cration dune entreprise. Son intensit et sa pertinence vont dterminer toute la entourage de la dmarche entrepreneuriale de lindividu. Do notre proposition H2 Lintention entrepreneuriale des tudiants en fin de formation est trs faible car trs peu dtudiants ont la volont de crer une entreprise lissue de leurs formations.2. La mthode utilise2.1 Les participantsLes tudiants en fin de formation constituent la population de base de cette recherche. Il sagit des tudiants des troisime (BAC+3) et quatrime (BAC+4) annes des entits de formation publique. Cinq domaines de formation sont concerns les sciences juridiques, lagronomie, la mdcine, lconomie et la gestion.2.2 La mesure des variablesCette recherche porte sur trois variables la perception du risque entrepreneurial, la prfrence au risque, lintention entrepreneurialeLa perception du risque entrepreneurial a t mesure dans cette recherche grce cinq (05) items adapts des travaux de Fayolle et al. (2008). La prfrence au risque d es tudiants a t apprcie partir de cinq (05) items issus de lobservation et adapts de weber et al. (2002).Considre comme une volont individuelle et une libert, lintention ou la volont est considre par Hernandez (1999) comme le premier lment ncessaire pour crer une organisation. Elle rflte lobjectif ou les objectifs du ou des crateur (s). Lintention entrepreneuriale des tudiants a t value sur deux dimensions la perception de la dsirabilit et la perception de la faisabilit.La dsirabilit lentrepreneuriat des tudiants a t apprcie travers trois itemsadapts de Bird (1988). Les trois items demandaient aux tudiants de se prononcer surla forte probabilit de crer une entreprise ou de poursuivre un emploi salari aprs les tudes et ce quils pensent de leur chance de russir dans la vie professionnelle en crant une entreprise.Afin de savoir ce que pensent les tudiants de la faisabilit de leurs intentions de crer une entreprise, brain avons galement retenu trois items. Ces items demandaient aux tudiants de se prononcer sur la facilit pour eux de devenir crateurs dentreprise ou de trouver un emploi salarial et sils pensent avoir un contrle parfait de la situation en tant que crateur dentreprise.2.3 Les principales tapes de la rechercheCette recherche a dmarr par une observation du comportement entrepreneurial des tudiants pendant et aprs leur formation. Cette observation nous a permis de nous rendre compte que malgr le taux du chmage croissant, trs peu dtudiants sengagent dans lentrepreneuriat. Les constats de cette observation ont nourri lide de la prsente recherche qui repose sur trois variables. Ils ont aussi permis dlaborer quelques items et dadapter ceux issus de la littrature.La mesure de ces variables a t faite sur la base dun questionnaire denqutes quantitatives. Structur base dchelle dattitude, ce questionnaire est compos dun ensemble de dix huit (18) items et rpartis en trois dimensions la perception du risque entrepreneurial, la prfrence au risque, lintention entrepreneuriale travers la perception de la dsirabilit et la perception de la faisabilit. La partie identification de lenqut concerne le domaine dtude, lge, le sexe, le match et la prsence dentrepreneur dans la famille des rpondants. Dans le but de vrifier la comprhension et la cohrence des items, un pr- hear a t effectu auprs dune dizaine dtudiants. Deux items ont t limins et cinq autres reformuls. Limportance de chaque item a t value sur une chelle de type Likert quatre points variant de 1 4 Pas daccord, Ne sais pas, un peu daccord et daccord. Par ailleurs, comme recommands par Smith et Blackbum (1988) et Aupperle et al. (1985), les proprits psychomtriques de validit et dintgrit du questionnaire ont t examines. Linstrument sest rvl robuste avec le coefficient of import dintgrit de CrombachS gal 0,79. En tenant compte de la taille des tudiants en fin de formation des cinq entits9 de formation dont les filires sont concernes par la prsente recherche, la taille n de lchantill on a t obtenue grce la formule ci-aprsn t2 p (1-p) /e2p est le pourcentage dtudiants en fin de formation , p = 15% et q = (1-p) e la marge derreur (ici nous retenons e = 5%) t la valeur de la loi de Student au seuil le seuil de confiance recherch (pour = 95%, t = 1,96)n= (1,96)20,150,85/(0,05)2 Soit n= 196 tudiants.Mais nous avons retenu cinq cent (500) tudiants. Ces tudiants interrogs sont de la tranche dge 22 29 ans avec une forte lateralization des individus du sexe masculin qui sont au nombre de 404 tudiants (soit 80,80%) contre seulement 96 tudiantes (soit 19,20%). Par ailleurs, 64,80% des interrogs nont aucun heighten crateur dentreprisealors que 21,20% ont un seul parent crateur et 14% affirme avoir plusieurs parents crateurs dentreprises. Le tableau vivant n1, nous prsente la rpartition des enquts suivant les diffrentes filires de formation.Tableau n1 Rpartition des enquts par filire de formationFilires de formationEffectifsFrquencesAgronomie9218,40%Droit7414,80%Eco nomie15631,20%Gestion13026%Mdecine489,60%Total500 coulomb%La mthode dchantillonnage retenue est celle non probabiliste, prcisment la mthode de convenance. Nous avons choisi la mthode non probabiliste en raison des difficults dexploitation de la liste officielle des tudiants notamment labsence de coordonnes prcises pouvant permettre leur identification. Le questionnaire a t administr face face.Quant lanalyse des donnes, les rsultats lis au risque peru, la prfrence au risque et lintention entreprneuriale ont fait lobjet de calcul de score. Quant linfluence de la filire dtude sur lintention, un test de khi-deux a t effectu.3. Les rsultats de la rechercheLes principaux rsultats de notre recherche porteront successivement sur la perception du risque entrepreneurial, la prfrence au risque et lintention entrepreneuriale des tudiants.3.1 Perception du risque entrepreneurialLes rsultats obtenus sont consigns dans le tableau n2.Tableau n2 La perception du risque entrepreneurial par les t udiantsItemsPas daccordNe sais pasUn peu daccordDaccordTOTAUXLorsquon cre une nouvelle entreprise les probabilits de faillite sont trs leves152 (30,40%)236 (47,20%)112 (22,40%)500(100%)Dans la cration dune nouvelle entreprise, les possibilits de gagner beaucoup dargent sont trs leves144 (28,80%)254 (50,80%)102 (20,40%)500 (100%)Si jchouais dans la cration dune nouvelle entreprise, je perdrais mon honneur27054%11823,60%11222,40%500100%Toute ide dentreprise comporte des risques je vois cela comme une opportunit52 (10,40%)02 (0,40%)88 (17,60%)358 (71,60%)500 (100%)En rsum, je vois loption de crer une nouvelle entreprise comme une chose positive10 (2%)04 (0,80%)64 (12,80%)422 (84,40%)500 (100%)Source Rsultats des enqutes, juin 200947,20% des tudiants admettent quelque peu que les probabilits de faillite des nouvelles entreprises sont trs leves, contre 22,40% qui ladmettent entirement. Ces rsultats sont sensiblement voisins ceux recueillis propos des possibilits de gagner beaucoup darg ent dans la cration dune entreprise. Par contre, 54% dentre eux nadmettent pas quon pourrait perdre son honneur suite un chec dans la cration dune nouvelle entreprise. La quasi-totalit soit respectivement 71,60% et 84,40% est entirement daccord que le risque entrepreneurial est une opportunit et la cration dune entreprise, une initiative positive.3.2 Prfrence au risqueLes rsultats sont rsums dans le tableau n3Tableau n3 Lapprciation de prfrence au risque des tudiantsItemsPas daccordNe sais pasUn peu daccordDaccordTOTAUXEntre crer mon entreprise et tre salari, je prfre crer mon entreprise387,60%285,60%9819,60%32464,80%500100%Entre crer mon entreprise et tre salari, je prfre tre salari.288 (57,60%)34 (6,80%)130 (26%)48 (9,60%)500 (100%)Je prfre crer mon entreprise car cela me rend indpendant40 (8%)18 (3,60%)98 (19,60%)144 (28,80%)500 (100%)Je prfre tre salari car cela me garantie lemploi216 (43,20%)22 (4,40%)162 (32,40%)100 (20%)500 (100%)Je prfre crer mon entreprise car je peux y ga gner beaucoup dargent48 (9,60%)20 (4%)184 (36,80%)248 (49,60%)500 (100%)Source Rsultats des enqutes, Juin 2009Ici, la prfrence lentrepreneuriat a t exprime 64,80% contre seulement 9,60% pour lemploi salari. On remarque galement que 43,20% des rpondants ne sont pas daccord pour la garantie de lemploi comme raison pour la prfrence lemploi salari. Or 49,60% prfrent lentrepreneuriat parce quils esprent y gagner beaucoup dargent.3.3 Lintention entrepreneuriale des tudiantsNous avons valu lintention entrepreneuriale des tudiants sous deux aspects la perception de la dsirabilit et la perception de la faisabilit. Les tableaux 4 et 5 foretelling respectivement sur chacune de ces dimensions.Tableau n4 La perception de la dsirabilit par les tudiantsItemsPas daccordNe sais pasUn peu daccordDaccordTOTAUXAprs mes tudes, la probabilit que je cre mon entreprise est trs forte66 (13,20%)92 (18,40%)156 1,20%186 (37,20%)500 (100%)Aprs mes tudes, la probabilit que je poursuive une carrire de salari est tr

Macro and Micro Nutrients

Macro and Micro NutrientsNutrition is fundamentally the process absorbing, consuming and using nutrients motiveed for the growth of the body, maintenance and develop custodyt of the life (Wikipedia, 2009). Nutrients ar basically chemical substances in forages that strive to prolong the body.Many nutrients in the body pile be synthesized. Those nutrients that can non be synthesized in the body argon cognize as the necessary nutrients that atomic number 18 a must to be consumed in the diet. These nutrients include amino acids which argon rear in proteins, minerals and proteins and reliable bufflehead acids. From the 20 amino acid nutrients, nine of them atomic number 18 known as the essential nutrients. If the essential or necessary nutrients are not supplied in the quantities that are required, deficiencies dis cabarets of nutrition can be the give away love (SHARMA, 2012). To delay as to whether the person is getting the right tot of nutrients a convolute unremarkab ly examines and asks about the diet and the eating habits, performs a somatic judging to examine the composition (the amount of muscle and fat), and the body functioning. Finally the deposit orders the laboratory tests to measure the exact field of tissues and blood.In general the nutrients are divided into two classes, micro nutrients and macro nutrients. The macro nutrients including fats, carbohydrates, proteins and some minerals are unremarkably required daily in large-mouthed quantities. They ordinarily overhear up the bulk of add up and diet, the energy and building blocks required for the growth, exertion and maintenance. Micro nutrients on the other hand are required in small quantities commonly in milli grams which are calculated to be thousandth of the gram, and unmatchable millionth of a gram in micro grams. They usually include trace minerals and vitamins that catalyze the exact utilization of the macronutrients. Other needy components of the food arent met abolized or digested to any kind of an appreciable finish. The components usually constitute of fibers such as the pectin, cellulose and gums. The authorities recommend that twenty grams of fiber should be consumed either day to improve the movement and motion in the GI tract, normalize the changes in cholesterol and blood sugar that usually occurs later meals, and maximize the elimination of the cancer causing substances that the bacteria in the large intestine usually produces. The food additives including emulsifiers, preservatives, stabilizers and antioxidants improve the production, processing packaging and computer memory of foods. The substances such as the flavors, spices, colors, odors, phytochemicals and many other natural products enhance the try out, appearance, taste and stability of foods. The food in the daily diet usually includes or can contain as much as 100000 substances, out of which rough 300 are the nutrients, and just about 45 are the nutrients that a re essential.TYPES OF NUTRITIONMACRO NUTRIENTSThe organic macro nutrients are usually the fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and they supply almost 90% of the dry cant of the diet and energy of around 100%. They are usually digested into the intestine and and so they are endlessly broken down into their core or basic units the glycerol and fatty acids from fat, sugars from the carbohydrates and the amino acids from the proteins. The energy content is usually 4 calories in one gram of carbohydrate or protein and 9 calories in a gram of fat. As the main sources of fats, carbohydrates, energy, and proteins are usually interchangeable in partitioning or proportion to their content of energy.The breathing in of energy varies a accord from around 1000 to 4000 calories every day depending on the sex, age and physical activity (SELFNUTRITIONDATA, 2012). Ideally the young children, sedentary women, and older adults need around 1600 calories every day. On the other hand older children, sedentary men and adult women need about 2000 calories every day. The young men and teenaged boys need around 2400 calories a day. Around 55% of the calories usually come from carbohydrates, 15% come from protein and around 30% come from fats. If the energy intake is less or insufficient for the bodys needs and requirements, then the act of heaviness loss comes into play, and the fat that is stored in the body and the protein to a lesser extent is used to supply the energy that is needed for everyday survival. Total starving can usually cause death in the period of around 8 weeks to 12 weeks.The necessary fatty acids contribute to around 7% of the fat that is consumed in the normal diet, which is thought of to be around 8 grams or 3% of the total calories, and therefore are con statusred to be macronutrients. They usually include linolenic acid, linoleic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, arachdidonic acid and docosahexaenpoic acid. The linolenic and the linoleic acid are usually found in the vegetable oils, docosahexaeoic and eicosapentaenoic acid is necessary for the reading of the brain and is usually found in the fish oils. In the body the arachidonic and docosahexeonic acid can be created from the linotenic acid despite the fact the fish oil is a to a greater extent efficient source.Usually the macro minerals are the phosphorus, calcium, sodium, chloride, magnesium and potassium. These macro minerals are considered to be macro nutrients because they are required in large amount of quantities which can be around 1 to 2 grams a day. piddle which is also a macro nutrient is usually required in the quantities of around 1 millilitre for each calorie of energy or in the range of 2500 milliliters a day.MICRO NUTRIENTSVitamins and trace minerals are usually known as the micro nutrients. The vitamins are usually classified as water fat-soluble, and this includes eight members of the vitamin B complex and the vitamin C, or fat soluble which includes the vitamins D, A, E and K (SHARMA, 2012). the essential trace minerals usually include the zinc, iron, copper, manganese, molybdenum, iodide, selenium, and fluoride. solely of the minerals usually activate the enzymes needed in the metabolism except for the fluoride. Fluoride usually creates a stable compound with calcium, aiding in stabilizing the mineral content of teeth and bones and helping in preventing the tooth decay. Trace minerals including chromium, arsenic trioxide, cobalt, silicon, nickel and vanadium which might be essential in animal nutrition concur not been usually established as the fundamentals in homo nutrition. All the trace minerals are said to be toxic at the upper or higher levels and some minerals such as the nickel, arsenic and chromium have been pointed out as the causes of cancer.Healthy diet and dietetic toolsA healthy diet plan is essential in order for one to lead a healthy life. Thus the correct food choices are essential (Hill)Meals or foods with starch becau se these foods can provide you with a lot of energyEat a lot of vegetables and fruits every day. prefer is to eat 5 varieties of fruits and vegetables every day.Eating more fish can be very beneficial. It is preferred to eat two potions of fish every week.Reduce the usage of salt in your everyday. It is preferred to eat no more than 6 gram of salt per day.Minimize the usage of stark(a) fat and sugar.Exercise daily and keep your weight healthy. Healthy weight is essential for health.Drink a lot of water since it has no side effect. Preferred intake of daily water is 6-8 glasses.Breakfast is essential and should not be skipped because it gives you all the required energy you need for the day. Bread, eggs, butter and milk can be a good source of breakfast.If above dietetical plan is properly followed it will lead to a person having a healthy life and free from any kinds of diseases, physical problems and stress.CONCLUSION overall nutrients are an essential part of the life of a huma n world that are required in each and every stage of the life. It is basically the process of absorbing, consuming and using nutrients needed for the growth of the body, maintenance and development of the life. Nutrients are basically chemical substances in foods that strive to nourish the body. Therefore they need to be taken in essential quantities so as to nourish the body of the human beings. Both the macro nutrients and micro nutrients are an essential part of this nutrient process. The macro nutrients normally include the fats, carbohydrates and protein, whereas the macro nutrients usually include the vitamins and trace minerals. What the person or a human being needs to know is that what is the right quantity for him or her to consume and as to what combination of the fats, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins are essential for them. When the persons are well aware of these things then they are able to eat a healthy diet and usually stay healthy all their life.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Relationship importance and Factors of Marital Adjustment

race grandness and Factors of married marginOver the course of life, hoi polloi stir up a line to establish different affinitys, with different values, expectations and commitments. unmatched of those family kinships is the matrimonial human alliance. For A wake slight matrimonial family relationship married try-on is essential. Sinha Mukerjee (1990) defines married adaptation as The state in which on that point is an over only feeling in keep up and wife of happiness and pleasure with their espousals and with each opposite.Locke Wallace (1959) defines married stressful on as accommodation of husband and wife to each separate at a given sequence correspond to Spanier and Cole (1976), matrimonial alteration is a process, the outcome of which is determined by the degree of a) troublesome(a) marital differences, b) inter someonealized tensions and personalized anxiety, c) marital rejoicing d) dyadic cohesion, e) consensus on matters of grandness to marital functioning. in that respect be a number of factors that define a healthy marital adjustment. Some of these factors areFactors involved in Marital appointmentWife manipulation and Marital AdjustmentBlumstein and Schwartz (1983) had earlier order that someones, particularly wives, reported affixd levels of egotism-esteem, ego-concept, and ego-worth were positively cor link up with employment.Previous query on the relationship be- tween wife employment and marital adjust- ment has produced dateing way outs some investigations report a positive relationship amongst wife employment and marital adjust- ment (Burke Weir, 1976 Hartley, 1978) otherwise(a)s counsel a electro damaging relationship (Bean, Curtis, Marcum, 1977 Gover, 1963) other studies record no relationship (Bahr Day, 1978 Blood Wolfe, 1960).Nathawat and Mathur (1993) did a push hold of in India just about marital adjustment and subjective benefit in Indian-educated ho exercisewives and on the job(p) women. Their results denominated that fetching women had better marital adjustment and subjective well-being. Working women reported lofty scores on general health, life rejoicing and self-esteem measures dispirit scores on hopelessness, insecurity and anxiety whereas the housewives had lower scores on negative affect than the working women.Trust and marital adjustmentRelationships are collected of dedicate, and sacramental manduction of intimate musical themes and feelings. They are built upon trust and sharing and they get harder from these things (Finkenauer, Kerkhof, Righetti, Branje, 2009). According to Regan, Kocan, and Whitlock (1998) Trust is single of the close to important component part of a loving relationship. Also international studies assimilate name trust to be a critical factor in the success of long-run marriages (Roizblatt et al. 1999 Sharlin 1996).In a longitudinal think over, Kristina Moeller and Hakan Stattin (2001) report that a dolescents with trustful parental relationships see greater happiness with their coadjutor relationships in midlife.Quality of life and marital adjustmentPsychological Factors Depression stress ( mental well being)Lower mental well-being is a major risk factor for relationship distress. full(prenominal) rates of relationship problems digest been consistently colligate to persons suffering from unrelenting psychiatric disorders, including depression, substance abuse, and anxiety disorders (Bradbury, 1998). Many studies link marital conflict to depression (Beach, Arias, OLeary, 1987 OLeary and Beach, 1990). Although the authors propose a bidirectional causal relationship between marital conflict and depression, they suggest that marital conflict is typically a much powerful contributing factor to depression.Marital satisfaction appears to be an important factor of psychological well being. Marital distress has been linked with many psychological difficulties especially depr ession. (KAUSAR ANSARI.. thesis) .Belongingness and Marital AdjustmentAccording to Baumeister Leary (1995) Belongingness might curb multiple and strong effects on wound up patterns and on cognitive processes. Lack of belongingness or attachments is linked to a variety of light effects on health, adjustment, and well-being. In a boney relationship thither is a need to belong and if that need isnt fulfilled then problems whitethorn occur. One of the universal institutions is marriage which is accepted to satisfy the need for belongingness.political economy and Marital AdjustmentEducation and income micturate a standardised been linked to marital satisfaction and maritalconflict, with greater levels of education and income predicting greater marital satisfaction and less conflict. Economic stress has a negative effect on marital satisfaction and a positive decide on relationship dissolution (Johnson Booth, 1990).Economic strain is directly linked to increased pas de deux disa greements and has direct impact on marital adjustment (Kinnunen and Feldt, 2004). Many enquiryes haves been conducted on economic factor in relation to marital adjustment e.g Zedlewski (2002) analyze economic factor in relation to family well-being , he show that low family income and limited benefits have negative influences on child and family well-being. Voyandoff (1990) canvass economic distress and family relations. Ross Mirowsky (1992) and Yadollahi (2009) studied that employment of spousesand the sense of control in various types of stressors of marital life. Diener and Diener (2001) investigated that wealth is think to many positive outcomes in life. Gudmunson, Beutler, Israelsen, McCoy Hill (2007) found that financial problems significantly contributed to lower reported marital satisfaction among married suspenders. In a take on in Finland conducted by Kinnunen and Feldt (2004) concluded that husbands unemployment is strongly associated with his marital adjustment. C ouples with better economic resources are martially adjusted as compared to those who have limited economic resources. Economic straining fourth dimensions increased rate of martial distress. (Blekesaunes 2008)Personality and Marital AdjustmentIn a study by Bouchard, Sabourin, Lussier, Y. (1999) the relationship of various nature traits with marital adjustment was studied. Personality traits studied were neuroticism, extraversion, bareness, agreeableness and conscientiousness. The scale use to measure marital adjustment was dyadic adjustment scale. The results showed that women high in agreeableness and openness were more adjusted. Also males that were high on openness and agreeableness were more martially adjusted. Husbands openness was positively related to their wives marital adjustment. Open individualistics may tolerate and respect differences in behavior and thought of partner which would reduce the number of conflicts and increase the consensus between spouses.Kim, Ma rtin, and Martin (1989) and Levine and Henessy (1990) found that vulcanized fiber factors differentiated stable from unstable marriages. Stable marriages were more similar in intelligence, protension, radicalism, tender-mindedness, mutual trust, acceptance, enthusiasm, and genuineness. Personality factors that reduce the likelihood of stability and satisfaction have included the lack of warmth and extraversion (Levine Henessy) passive- antagonism (Slavik, Carlson, Sperry, 1998) borderline pathologies (Paris Braverman, 1995) bipolar disorders (Peven Schulman, 1998) feelings of insecurity, unfairness, depreciation, and powerlessness (Begin, Sabourin, Lussier, Wright, 1997) disagreeableness, emotional instability, inconsiderateness, and physical abuse (Botwin et al., 1997 Kosek, 1996 Shackelford Buss, 1997) depression (Cohan Bradbury, 1997 Davila Bradbury, 1997 Fals-Stewart, Birchler, Schafer, Lucente, 1994) neuroticism (Karney Bradbury, 1997 Russell Wells, 1994a Russell W ells, 1994b) tension, anxiety, worry, and suspicion (Craig Olson, 1995) hostility, defensiveness, and aggression (Heyman, OLeary, Jouriles, 1995 OLeary, Malone, Tyree, 1994 Newton, Kiecolt-Glaser, Glaser, Malar account, 1995) and negative affectivity leading to negative attributions (Huston Vangelistic, 1991 Karney, Bradbury, Fincham, OSullivan, 1994).Individual personality traits have likewise been linked to couples relationship functioning for both men and women. Personality traits of neuroticism, anxiety, and emotional instability have been shown to impair relationship functioning and reduce relationship satisfaction (Watson Clark, 1984). Additionally, personality characteristics of agreeableness and expressiveness have been referred to as individual safety-related factors, which may enhance marital satisfaction (Bradbury, Campbell, Fincham, 1995).Communication and Marital AdjustmentCommunication is necessary for human growth and victimisation also it serves as the ess ential foundation for marital success and is the facilitating process for an enduring marriage that is solid (Robinson Blanton, 1993). Communication within relationships is an important factor, if there isnt intercourse the relationship suffers. The relationship between marital communicating and adjustment is a strong one (Murphy Mendelson 2004). Gottman (1995) in his book indicated that communication could be both successful and destructive to relationships as un elated couples tend to criticize, disagree, complain, put down, and use excuses and sarcasm. ungratifying communication patterns lead to the development of relationship distress (Markman, 1979). In contrast, happy couples with marital stability and satisfaction are more likely to use active listening skills, agree, approve, assent, use laughter and humor (Fisher, Giblin, Hoopes, 1982) and possess character virtues of self-restraint, courage, and friendship (Fowers Olson, 1986). Gottman (1995) has suggested that sat isfied couples maintain a five-to-one ratio of positive to negative exchanges in interactionsGender also plays an important role in couple communication as there are gender differences in literal and nonverbal communication with men tending to be more overabundant in their interactions and women being more submissive (Tannen, 1990).Emmers-Sommer (2004) studied the effect of communication quality and quantity indicators on satisfaction in relationships. A key term in the study was quality time this refers to foc utilize, uninterrupted time spent with children, partners, friends, and significant others. Another key term used in the study was quantity time this refers to frequency of communication or contact. For individuals to seize relationship satisfaction they have to essay the quantity and quality of their manifestations with their partners. Emmers-Sommer (2004) found that quality of communication predicts both relationship satisfaction and intimacy. The quantity of communic ation, however, was not a predictor for relationship satisfaction.Concealment/Non- apocalypse and marital adjustmentDisclosureas a phenomenon was first investigated by Sidney Jourard (1971). The process was earlier defined as telling others about the self.Rosenfeld (1979) explained self-divine revelation as the personal training of self that is only available from himself and is not available from other sources.Jorgensen barefaced (1980) defines self divine revelation asA process by which a marriage partner ex- presses feelings, recognitions, fears, and doubts of the inner self to the other partner, allowing relatively closed-door and personal information to surface in the relationship that normally would not be revealed in the course of day-to-day interaction.The word conceal has been originated from the Latin work Concelare , celare misbegottens to hide.Merriam Webster defines blanket asto prevent divine revelation or recognition.Concealment is the activity of hiding info rmation and keeping closed books from other people. Larson and Chastain (1990) explained self concealed personal information as firstly, a subset of private personal information, secondly, it is accessible only to the individual and thirdly it is actively kept from the sentience of others. Thus, self-concealment involves the conscious concealment of private information like feelings, thoughts, actions or events that one perceives as highly intimate, distressing or negative.Even though concealment and revelation seem the same, there is some difference between self-divine revelation and self-concealment. According to Larson and Chastain 1990 the act of revealing personal information is self- disclosure whereas the act of hide personal information is self-concealment. They argued that self-concealment and self-disclosure are devil separate and distinct constructs even though they are related. set up of concealment/non-disclosure on marital adjustmentFeelings of Exclusion citizenry usually resent it when they perceive that another person is keeping secrets from them. The general reaction towards concealment is that of excision since in that persons elongated perspective his right to know is being violated. This level or degree of exclusion felt by a person is higher when these persons are in a close and intimate relationship (Finkenauer, Kerkhof, Righetti, Branje, 2009).Marital relationships are composed of trust, and sharing of intimate thoughts and feelings. They are built upon trust and sharing and they get stronger from these things. Therefore the quality of relationship is influenced adversely when there is a perception of concealment from partner. The perception of concealment effects on relationship quality, the person feels rejected or excluded (Finkenauer, Kerkhof, Righetti, Branje, 2009).The exclusion that is communicated by concealment can be assumed to violate almost all features and values commonly associated with close relationships, includ ing trust, caring, honesty, friendship, companionship, unconditional acceptance, and respect (Finkenauer, Kerkhof, Righetti, Branje, 2009).Psychological effectsTo keep secrets or by design conceal information from others seems to be part of normal development. Even though every person has secrets they can sometimes be a burden. There are different types of secrets people keep like having cheated on an exam, having a disease, sexual orientation or having been sexually molested as a child. close to of these secrets involve stigmatizing or negative information that usually involves the secret keepers themselves. People who conceal negative or distressing information of self from others as compared to the ones who do not, are more depressed, anxious, shy and have low self-esteem.(Kelly, Klusas, Weiss Kenny, 2001)Effects of Disclosure on marital adjustmentSelf-disclosure and likingThe earliest work through on the relationship between disclosure and liking was by Jourard (1959) who fo und a positive association between liking the other person and disclosing to that person in a take in of nursing students and faculty. A number of studies have been done on this relationship and confirmed that we pick up more to people whom we like. (e.g., Certner,1973, Fitzgerald, 1963 Worthy, Gary, Kahn, 1969) and also we tend to like the people who collapse personal information to us (e.g., Archer, Berg, Runge, 1980 Daher Banikiotes, 1976Taylor, Gould, Brounstein, 1981).Self-Disclosure and psychological well-beingMost of the studies done on the relationship between concealment and psychological well-being have shown the same results which are that higher levels of disclosure are associated with psychological offbeat and lower levels of disclosure are associated with poorer mental health. Disclosing distressing information helps with the psychological well-being and not disclosing leads to poorer mental health. It is thought that disclosing distressing information helps ps ychological well-being by reducing the stress of keeping the information to oneself (Ichiyama et al 1993 Cramer, 1999 Barry and Mizrahi, 2005 Hook and Andrews, 2005 Kahn et al 2002).Gender differences and concealmentConcealment is behavior that is more common in males. On the other hand previous studies indicate that females are usually more get outing to disclose distressing or personal information. Traditionally, discussing personal problems is a behavior that is considered more appropriate for females than for males (Kahn and Hessling, 2001). Among men, communicate for help when faced with psychological problems is often perceived as a weakness (Jourard and Lasakow, 1958 West, 1970 Jourard, 1971 Cozby, 1973 Kelly and Achter, 1995 Kahn and Hessling, 2001). Moreover, traditional sex-role stereotypes suggest that females are more skillful in communicating and also are more concerned with issues of intimacy than are men. So an intimate disclosure by a man may be seen as less approp riate than a similar disclosure by a woman (Collins milling machine 1994).All in all men who disclose are generally viewed as maladjusted whereas women who do not disclose may be viewed as maladjusted. (Collins Miller 1994). come along and tendencies towards disclosure/ non-concealmentand in terms of age it has been found that young people are more likely to disclose than older people. (Jourard, 1971 Hook and Andrews, 2005). literary productions ReviewLabels such as satisfaction, adjustment, success, happiness, and quality have all been used in describing the quality of marriage (Fincham, Beach, Kemp-Fincham, 1997)Theories on marital adjustment and disclosureSocial insight theoryMany studies have dealt with self disclosure. One main theory that was a framework for the study is Social penetration Theory (Altman Taylor, 1987). This theory was a model for the study because it looks at self disclosure as both the insight and the breadth. In this study the perspicaciousness of sel f disclosure is an important factor when reaching satisfaction in relationships. Altman and Taylor use an onion as a metaphor for relationship development. They suggest that the onion represents the breadth and prudence of self disclosures. On the outer bed of the onion individuals have the breadth of disclosures a broad aspect of a person such as their tastes, worldview, and studies. As individuals go deeper into the onion, they get to the depth of disclosures meaning they get more detail on aspects of an individual. This represents the degree of a persons disclosure. The main route to deep social penetration is through individuals disclosures. The depth of penetration would represent the degree of personal disclosure. Altman and Taylor (1987) suggest the depth of penetration into the onion model is the degree of intimacy. This study examines the depth of penetration, breadth is every bit important in relationships. This theory supports the idea that people who have a high level o f depth in their disclosure will be more satisfied in romantic relationships. This theory does not examine the amount of self disclosure as it does the depth of self disclosure. one-third competing models of marital disclosure and satisfactionJorgensen Gaudy (1980) gave models for marital disclosure and satisfaction and according to Spanier (1976) marital satisfaction is a sub category of marital adjustment.According to the linear model of marital relationship, there exists a positive, linear relationship between marital disclosure and marital satisfaction. Marital relationship is characterized by factors like intimacy, trust and caring. Marital disclosure positively impacts these factors and accordingly presence of these factors in a marital relationship systematically increase the level of marital satisfaction. Therefore, this model suggests that higher the level of marital disclosure greater will be the marital satisfaction and vice versa.The curvilinear model as strange to t he linear model suggests that a satisfying marital relationship exists only with medium levels of self disclosure. When self disclosure falls on the high or low end of the continuum of self disclosure, marital satisfaction will decrease. This means that too lack of self disclosure is not the only factor that results in low marital satisfaction. Extensive self disclosure might be perceived as nagging or too much complaining which might scold negative feelings of hostility in the spouse which in turn will decrease the marital satisfaction. Hence, according to this model moderate levels of self disclosure are characterized as a key factor in achieving high marital satisfaction.John Gottmans (1999) scientifically validated theory of marriage, found on 25 geezerhood of longitudinal research, is one of the leading theories in the study of marital satisfaction. Gottmans theory (1999) states that positive interaction and friendship is the key to marital satisfaction and the prediction o f marital stability over time. According to Gottman (1999), a ratio of 51 positive to negative interactions is necessary for marital stability. Gottman defines marital stability as a satisfying marital relationship that is not disrupted by separation or divorce. He states, The most important finding was that more positive affect was the only versatile that predicted both marital stability and happiness (p. 21).In Gottmans theory (1999), there is a process of what he calls sentiment override in couples. He states, Sentiment override can be either positive or negative. Negative sentiment override means that people have a chip on their shoulder. These types of partners are hypervigilant, looking for slights or attacks by their partner. authoritative sentiment override means that even negativity by the partner is interpreted as informative rather than as a personal attack (p. 164). Positive sentiment override creates a milieu in which the partners are more tolerant and accepting of ea ch other, epoch negative sentiment override creates a set of expectations that ones spouse will dissemble negatively.Similarly, OLeary and Smith (1991) refer to this phenomenon as cognitive attributional correlates of marital satisfaction. These authors state that demented couples are less likely to objectively interpret positive behaviors from their spouses as positive and more likely to interpret the intent of their spouses statements more negatively than they were meant to be. Compared to non-distressed couples, dissatisfied spouses make attributions that cast their partners behavior in a negative light and these attributions in turn negatively influence marital satisfaction (Bradbury Fincham, 1990). In summary, according to Gottman (1999) as well as OLeary and Smith (1991) it is not what happens in the marriage, but how the partners perceive and define what has happened that is critical.Gottman posits that 69% of couples problems will be what he calls, perpetual problems, me aning largely unresolvable. He has found that in the case of the perpetual problems, it is important for couples to establish a dialogue, as opposed to a solution in these instances. When couples cannot dialogue about these issues, they often last gridlocked, where each partner becomes frustrated and eventually emotionally disengaged. The role of communication therefore plays an important role in marital satisfaction.Studies examining marital satisfaction vary in design, measurement, and outcomes, leading to a number of explanations accounting for marital satisfaction (Gottman, 1999).Perception of concealment has an adverse effect on marital relationships. Some researches have been carried out related to this issue. In a longitudinal study it was studied how perceiving concealment in close relationships influences marital well-being. The research showed that people in marital relationships who perceive their partner to be concealment information from them had poor relationships, m istrust and conflict between them. In the study it was also discussed that people who conceal information also perceive that the other person is concealing information from them. Perceiving concealment may give the other partner the impression that he/she is not desirable or cannot be trusted it gives the other person the feelings of being excluded. And the feeling of exclusion may result in feelings of separation or estrangement which may result in marital conflict (Finkenauer et al., 2009).Another study conducted in Belgium has investigated disclosure and secrecy in close, long-term relationships. It showed in the study that secrecy contributed a lot to marital dissatisfaction. The study explains how a person who has a secret avoids a difficult topic rather than facing it to avoid conflict, while the other partner perceives the secrecy as a sign of suspicion, which contributes negatively to marital satisfaction. Another point in the study was that people trying to hide something o n the way feel that they have to put on a mask for the other person so he/she doesnt get to know their secret they have to pretend which may lead to less intimacy and closeness. People who felt comfortable with sharing their emotions and were able to chew out about matters were more satisfied with their relationship. One of the questionnaires used to test their study was the Larson and Chastains (1990) Self- Concealment Scale (Finkenauer Hazam, 2000).Low expressiveness leads to dissatisfaction in a marital relationship. Miller et al. (2003) argued that expressive people are less likely to suffer diminish in marital satisfaction. They found that spouses expressiveness was positively related to their own and partners favorable behaviors and this affectionate behavior was in turn related with marital satisfaction. Expressiveness is positively associated with peoples perception of their partners responsiveness.Davidson, Balswick Halverson (1983) did a study on the Affective Self-Di sclosure and Marital Adjustment. It was based upon 162 married couples. The study explains that the greater is the discrepancy in partners affective self-disclosure, the lesser is the individuals marital adjustment. READ WHOLE PAPER AND WRITE.Sprecher and Hendrick (2004) examined the relationship between self-disclosure and relationship quality and found a positive relationship between disclosure and relationship quality. Self-disclosure is an indicator of satisfaction in romantic relationships.Levesque, Steciuk, and Ledley (2002) studied how self-disclosure relates to the development of personal relationships, relational intimacy, and relationship dissolution. The results showed that perceived intimacy was strongly associated with level of self-disclosure. Self-disclosure was found to be strongly reciprocal. Levesque et al. 2002 found that the level of self-disclosure strongly influences individual differences between disclosers.HANSEN E.J SCHULDT J.W (1984) did a study on marital self-disclosure and marital satisfaction. The sample for the study was on a sample of 50 married couples of mean age 25 years and mean length of marriage was 3.18 years and mean education was 15 years. Scales used for measuring the variables were Jourards self disclosure questionnaire( jourard and Lasakow, 1958) and Spaniers (1976) Dyadic Adjustment Scale. the results of the study showed that wifes disclosure to husband was positively related to husbands marital satisfaction and husbands disclosure to wife was also positively related to husbands marital satisfaction.One predictor that may have particular importance to marital satisfaction is gender roles.According to Kurdek (2005) there are two configurationes of theories that explain the position about how men and women experience close relationships in different shipway. the first class, that is the biological, posits that males and females in a relationship process events differently at the cardiovascular, endocrinological, i mmunological, neurosensory, and neurophysiological levels. For example Kiecolt-Glaser Newton (2001) in their research reviewed licence showing that men are more physiologically sensitive to lancinate stressors than women and women showed stronger and more durable physiological changes than men in marital conflict. The other class that is the class of social psychological theories posits that both genders differ in ways that are directly relevant to relationship functioning like the twist and content of how the self is constructed, personality traits and socialized roles. The other class that is the class of social psychological theories posits that both genders differ in ways that are directly relevant to relationship functioning like the structure and content of how the self is constructed, personality traits and socialized roles.Other research has also substantiated that marriage disproportionately benefits men, with husbands reporting higher levels of marital satisfaction and well-being than their wives (Bird Fremont, 1991 McRae Brody, 1989 Schumm, Webb, Bollman, 1998).Gender is defined as the socially determined role of an individual that is ascribed as a result of his or her sex (Juni Grimm, 1994). Gender roles influence men and women in every aspect of their lives and relationships (Knox Schacht, 2000).Demographic characteristics including age, race, income, education, length of marriage, and religiosity, have been linked to marital satisfaction and marital conflict (Knox Schacht, 2000). Based on Gottmans (1999) research, length of marriage is also a significant predictor for marital satisfaction and marital conflict. He identifies two critical time periods of photograph in the marital trajectory, with the majority of couples divorcing within the first seven years of marriage. Couples who divorce within the first seven years of marriage have relationships characterized by having high levels of marital conflict. Conversely, a second vulnerable time period for the marital trajectory is 16 to 24 years of marriage. This is the succeeding(prenominal) most likely time frame for couples to divorce. These relationships are characterized by using up little time together, lack of communication, and a lack of conflict expression. Gottman (1999) refers to these couples as two ships passing in the night.

The March of the Flag Summary

The March of the Flag SummaryAlbert Beveridge, an enthusiastic over-embellishedist, was campaigning for the atomic number 49 senator seat in 1898 when he delivered The March of the Flag quarrel. The reference, which was published ulterior in the Indianapolis Journal, was pronounced one month subsequently the write of armistice. The speech aimed at promoting US imperialism both as a divine and national complaint that originated with Thomas Jefferson. In the speech, he used unearthly rhetoric and invoked God eleven times to appeal to an audience. The audience judge politicians to know the Holy Scriptures and took divine Providence as Manifest Destiny. He envisaged the US taking a colonial which he defined in terms of a divine mission.Running as the party of prosperity, frugal stability and the gold rootard, Republicans won the 1896 presidential election. William McKinley easily defeated the populist Democratic candidate William Jennings Bryan, having gotten enormous campa ign contributions mainly from big businesses. He was to usher in a long period of republican handedness in the countys politics. During the period, Cuba was experiencing a humanitarian crisis and the US intervened by attacking Spain in April 1898, quickly acquiring Cuba, the Philippines and Puerto Rico. However, in the Philippines, it took a long and condemnable contend to quell mounting internal rebellion. When the speech was being delivered, the status of the modernistic territories had not been settled. Through the speech, Beveridge put forward the idea that the US was compel to extend civilization to the conquered territories as a key platform for bolstering American scotch strength.The speech aimed at celebrating American victory. However, behind the enthusiasm target a burning desire to counter the critics of the imperialist move who boozing referred to as they in the speech ( split 10). The critics, who constituted the great proportion of the electorate, were adamantly opposed and very reluctant to embrace an idea of an imperial America. The speech starts with adulation of his country in epic terms ( dissevers 1-3). Later, he puts across the main issue behind the campaign in divides 4 to7 the end to or not to pursue an imperialist form _or_ system of government. In paragraphs 8-11, he justifies his countrys following of the imperialist policy and answers objections of anti-imperialists. The objections, he says defies the notion of patriotism and celebration of Americas power.Beveridges starting signal argument was founded on the incident that his countys geographical position gave it political and sparing power in terms of resources, size and location dividing the two imperial oceans. This assertion implied that Americas superiority was beyond that of all European powers. In paragraph 3, he refers to myth of the west in relation to the unexplored fetch or wilderness (paragraph 3). He mentions the heroes of expansionary wars and puts fo rward a mythic remark of the western conquest of the 1840s (paragraph 7).Beveridges third argument centres on racial superiority. He alludes to the blood (paragraph 2) and evokes the feeling of power associated as evidenced by the manfulness of the countrys multiplying people. In his view, the increase in American population is sue to their virility and is not related to immigration this illustrates the mythic approach that America gives to its problems. chairwoman Roosevelt would pose as an energetic and virile man on some(prenominal) occasions. This cult of force, power and energy suggests a Darwinian twist in Beverigdes ideas.He besides uses religious arguments to advance his idea of imperialism. Reading finished the speech, one can be forgiven for thinking that it is a piece of O Sullivans Manifest Destiny. The only variation is that Beveridges religious propositions were mostly expressed in a scientifically inspired language. To his country, the grace of God is feels as i nevitable. He later makes reference to natures law in regard to the divine determinism thereby directing his argument in a pseudo scientific account of imperialism. In paragraph 5, Beveridge adds yet anformer(a) dimension to his argument-that of a historic mission of duty. This suggests a traditional puritan idea of stewardship as regenerate by the gospel of wealth during the Gilded Age. Stewardship aimed at civilising people and converting them to Christianity at the same time.Along with the call to stewardship came the need to extend democracy to those comprehend to be oppressed. Ironically, the freedom that the American liberators could bring didnt go as farther as extending freedom to all. Beveridge calls it rules of liberty self-government.Beveridges insistence on the sense of mission blankets what is a major immersion for his country economical predominance. In paragraph 6, he uses the word reward in reference to the parable of Talent. This is a clever marriage of relig ious economic rhetoric. In his view, rewards were to come in form of new riches and markets- an idea preponderant in the Gospel of wealth that takes wealth for Gods blessing. This shows that the real aim behind imperialism is indeed mercantile supremacy. The recurrence of the words domination and power in last paragraph are indicators of this fact.Contextually, the approaching elections were his countrys short term preoccupation. In the long term, the preoccupation was whether the new territories would be annexed to America. Beveridge wanted even more territories to be annexed after the Philippines. His stand was that the values of the American Revolution were not contradictory to the policy of annexation and the views of those living in the annexed territories. To him, the colonised were inferior people who couldnt make merry the values of American Revolution in equal measure to the Americans. This was a flat rejection of the notion of equality (paragraph 8-10). The constitution should not follow the flag- i.e. the annexed territories shouldnt revere the constitutional entitlements of his countrys constitution.His racist mindset clearly comes to the fore in chapter 10 when he describes as inferior the people of foreign lands as savages and estrange populations. He envisaged a colonial America governing the new territories since England did it to America.Besides, he explains that the Indians experience offered ideas as to how to handle the conquered. In clearly distinctive phrasing of we versus them, he is opposed to assimilation of those savages with the mainstream Americans (paragraph 8). His mentality correlates well with that of southerners towards the blacks prior to the cultured War. Finally, he defends the Philippines conquest as a rampart to the then envious competition for territories by land powers saying that if US didnt do it, other powers would do so. The article is no doubt a celebration of American mythical and heroic founding. It featu res an explicit show of force and brutality economic domination of conquered territories, virility of the American population, racial competition and accumulation of wealth at the expense of conquered territories. It evokes the feeling of American supremacy since its founding and the brutal materialism that continues to define American way of life down to the present. The vocabulary indicates both cynicism and naivety. The militant celebration served to convince the profoundly cynical electorate to hustle in the direction of imperial America. It is naive to the fact that such imperialism deeply violated the values of America as a nation, a fact that could not resonate well with not only the electorate but also the leftist leaning statesmen of the time. To best drive his point home, he insisted on syntactical patterns and repetition of words to bring the audience to his point of focus. His patronage use of questions and answers gave the speech a polemical quality and seemed like a dialogue with his audience. This particularly made the cynical audience evaluate its stand with every posing of a question and giving of a suggested answer. The speech is highly representative ofa critical and decisive moment of muniment in the making of American nation, capturing in great colour the prevalent ideology then. The speech brought out the natural fusion of state policy and Biblical injunction (religion). Implicit in the speech is the ideology that the non-white world was inferior and unable to govern itself. It therefore needed the benevolent Americans civilizing affects.

Friday, March 29, 2019

The Wife Of Bath English Literature Essay

The wife Of can English Literature Essay generator Geoffrey Chaucer was born in 1342, when he was born is unperturbed unknown. Chaucer became a cavalry and a member of the kings home. Chaucer ran many errands all around Europe. With increased friendship of society, it paved the way for The Canterbury Tales. Chaucer died in October 1400 and buried in Westminster Abbey. Chaucer was iodin of the offshoot to have gathered in what is now known as the Poets loge in Westminster Abbey. The Canterbury Tales were written sometime between 1387 and 1400. Coming from all walks of life It is a tale of a numerous of people traveling together, pictured as pilgrims, to Canterbury. The Canterbury tales were incomplete regular the completed tales were not revised. There is likewise no order to how the tales are to be t gray-headed. As the printing hug had not been invented, The Canterbury Tales have been read as hand written manuscripts.The married woman Of cleanseShe initiates her story b y telling of her experiences she has had in her life. The married woman of Bath begins her story by making it clear that she has always followed the rules of experience. The wife could tardily be classified as an expert (for lack of better words) because she has had quintet h mature back ups consecutively, she surely has had enough experience to classify her as such. To her there is null out of the ordinary with having had five significant others and has a very sullen time understanding Jesus rebuke to the char at the well up. In her own defense, the Wife refers to King Solomon, who himself had many wives, and as for the admonishment of St. capital of Minnesota that it is better to be married than to burn in sin. Sexual variety meat are created for their normal functions and for the purposes of pleasure. And unlike many senile women, she has always been single to constantly have sex on her mindnaturally.She then goes on to tell of her past husbands and allows for how she w as able to reign supreme when it came to each of them. Unfortunately, when she does thishe dies. She then goes on to tell of how she gained reckon over husband subject five.At the funeral of husband number 4, she carried a lot of lust for a young man by the name of Jankyn, for which she had already had eyes on prior. They dated for a short period, she and Jankyn were married quickly as well, even considering the fact that she was much overageder than he. At the end of the h peerlessymoon, she was taken covert when she found out that Jankyn spent a lot his time reading, specifically from a set that downed on women. One night in particular, from this collection, he began to read aloud, He was reading the story of Eve, he read astir(predicate) all that he could find, like unfaithful women, murderesses, prostitutes, and so on, the wife of bathtub was unable to tolerate these stories for long, before she became enraged, took the book and off Jankyn with it. She hit him so hard th at he fell from being unbalanced, and into the fire he went. As he hopped up and he lunged at her, she fell to the floor from the intensity of his hit, when she hit the ground she acted as though she were dead. When jankyn leaned over her, to examine the damage, she hit him one more time and once again acted as though she were dead. Infuriated, he promised her anything if she just would live, and this is how she was able to have control over husband number five. From that very moment until the day he passed away, she was the best practicable wife she could be to him. Her story, restates her belief that a successful marriage is one in which the wife is to have complete control.In King Arthurs judiciary there was a handsome yet deceitful young entitle, who comes to and rapes a beautiful young woman. People are very angered at the young knights actions and vowed for the justice of the young lady. The law states, is written and demands that the perpetrator has his interrogation cut off. For their own reasons the queen herself and some other maidens of the court pleaded for permit to have control over the fate of the knight. Inevitably, the queen gives the knight one year to figure out what the average womans wildest desires are.The time passes very quickly. The knight comes back to the court already knowing that he is going to die, He then sees a group of young maidens mingling around. As he gets closer to them, the run in fear, the only one left is an honest-to-god angry woman, and she comes to him and is wondering what it is that he wants. The knight goes on to tell of his endeavors to her, and the woman guarantees him the exact response, he should give to the court, in return, he must do what she asks she deliver his life. He obliges, and later, the queen asks him to respond, he comes forward with the even up closure on that of what womens wildest desires are it beingtotal control over their husbands.Because the old woman ended up giving the knight th e right answer, she insists that she be his hit the hayr and his friend. The knight, hesitantly, obliges. The wedding night approaches, and he pretty much ignores his impertinent wife, who is right next to him. He eventually lets her know that her age, as well as some of her other strong-arm attributes disgust him. She reminds him simply that love is not pinpointed on how one looks but of true and honest understanding. The old woman tells him that her looks can be seen as an only a physical assetperiod. Now if she were good looking, plenty of men would be after her with her alert state, just as she is, he can rest on the fact that he has an all-around good partner.The Wifes tale is quite interesting in the fact that it is lengthier than the actual story itself. The Wife of Bath uses the story to restrain acquaintance about experience versus authority as well as igniting the points that she wishes to reveal in her story What women really want is total control over their signific ant other. Due to the fact that she has had five husbands one right after the other, she feels as though when she talks it is with authority from all of the experience. In the prologue, she tells how she gained control over them all.In the church, antifeminism was a large contribute factor. Women were portrayed as almost like demons they were very sexual, greedy, clingy, and a kvetch pain and they were looked down on by the spiritual church. Women were unable to go in in church functions by any doer. Also multiple marriages were considered suspicious. The Wife of Bath carefully remembers the words of the lord as stated in his written scripture. With her knowledge of his word, it shows that she is not a mindless human being. Furthermore, in Chaucers time, if you still had your virginity, you were highly thought of, especially when it comes to the church. Saints were glorified because they would rather be dead then to their lose virginity, or some suffered badly to keep their virg inity later being considered as martyrs and at that point were blessed. After the Wife of Bath reserves from the word of the lord, she appears to gain common sense enquire if all were virgins, she questions, then who would give birth to more virgins? This allows for the sexual organs to be used for pleasure as well as for the parentage end of it She admits that she is full of life that enjoys sex and by no means is ashamed by it.The interesting part of story of the Wife of Bath is by far her argument on traditions or with the church, but the word-painting a living being. The wife is a woman of great emotion, and character. precede her five husbands and all of her hardships she has unfortunately lost her looks and her young nature yet, still she still lives on. With ease, he now has the ability to thoroughly enjoy her life. alone throughout the Wifes tale, values and headships, are taken back or dismissed. During the turn out of the tale, King Arthur bows down to the ruling of Guinevere .Alternatively the women, over the men, are judges and the knowledge of the books and the scriptures signifies a lot of experience. The knight, who was the rapist that jeopardized the purity of a young womans virginity, is saved by another woman, an old ugly woman at that. Lastly, the old woman gives the knight a choice, yet both choices are unbearable. When he allows her make the choice, he inevitably abandons his own freedom in readiness of the womans power.Work CitedReynolds, George Fullmer. The Staging of Elizabethan Plays at the Red Bull theater of operations 1605-1625. New York Modern Language Association, 1940. Print.Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Wife of Baths Tale. Canterbury Tales. The Norton Anthology of English Literature The study Authors. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt. 8th ed. New York Norton, 2006. 226-234.http//

Thursday, March 28, 2019

How Human Flaws Hinder Murder Investigations in Murder on the Orient Ex

Agatha Christie once said, Crime is terribly revealing. Try and vary your methods as you will, your tastes, your habits, your attitude of mind, and your soul is revealed by your actions (Christie). The reader may believe this citation goes with her book, mar on the show Express very well and virtually may believe she used this quote as a thesis for the book. The idea of crime being revealing and the fact that crime is revealed with the actions that argon taken suggests that murder is never really anonymous, no occasion how hard the murderer tries to cover their tracks. In Murder on the Orient Express, Agatha Christie shows how human flaws hinder murder investigations through making incorrect assumptions, retention onto the foregone, and cultural stereotyping. First, Poirot, the lead investigator, shows that anyone could have committed the murder because of incorrect assumptions that are made about the passengers. The first assumption that is made is the person that kil ls Ratchett is a female. His first billet is the way the person stabs makes them a female. As say in the novel, It is a woman. Said the Chef de Train, speaking for the first time. Depend upon it, it was a woman. Only a woman would stab like that (Christie 52). The second argument made toward gender is the line used makes the murderer a woman. In the novel, Poirot states, She must have been a very strong woman, he said. It is not my desire to speak technicallythat is only confusing but I can assure you that one or two of the blows were delivered with such force as to drive them through hard belts of bone and muscle (Christie 52). Poirot ulterior assumes some of the blows Ratchett faced are done back-handed, as well as left-handed. He uses... ... where to start, to not knowing whether to side with moral or level-headed justice. Incorrect assumptions, such as looking at the way a person is stabbed and the force used with the blow can lead investigators in the wrong direction. Another human flaw that hinders murder investigations is holding on to the past. Poirot was disliked by some people on the train because of mistakes that he made in the past, and eventually, his past caught up to him, as he was alongside the Orient Express. Lastly, the cultural stereotyping that took place on the Orient Express proved to be wrong for finding out who committed a murder. Murder on the Orient Express is a novel that shows that anyone can be guilty of committing a crime when you look at the incorrect assumptions, the past and who all it effects and the cultural stereotyping that takes place between certain people.

Grace And Sin :: essays research papers

GraceIn order to all understand the theology of bedightyou have to take a flavor at Augustine, Aquinas, Luther,Rahner, Segundo, and Boff, and how they understood what lenience was. Their theories on grace have well-nigh valid pointsand yet they also have some invalid points.Augustine took a somebodyal approach to grace and hebelieved in the massa damnata, which basically essence that onthe whole multitude are damned. He tell beforehand the originalsin, you had a choice to be good or evil. Also, Augustine utter that there is a double predestination, which means onlysome people are chosen before they are born if they are expiry to go to heaven. I dont agree with this because itis basically aphorism that there is no salvation for allpeople.Aquinas thought that grace was added to nature and itelevates nature. He wrote the Summa, which demonstrates thebeatific imaginativeness. The beatific vision is when the mind is unite to graven image. Aquinas theology is dualistic whichdisp lays natural and supernatural as consort entities. Idont believe in his beatific vision because I believe thatGod allows us to make our own choices expose of degage will soour mind cannot be unified with Him. Unless I am wrong,this is saying God make dos what is going to happen before ithappens. If this is the persona why do we have sufferingbecause God gave us free will.Luther viewed grace through his own view of himself asa sinner. He was so obsessed that he confessed his sinsseven times a day. He said that grace is a favor of God andit heals a persons sinfulness. He said that Jesus wordwas a fomite of grace and that grace cannot be merited. Ithink his views on grace are not very good only because heviews God as an active member and humans as a static one. In order to be truly graced I believe that both(prenominal) parties needto be active and involved.Rahner believes that grace is intrinsic to nature andhe also believes in Anonymous Christianity. This theory isthat every p erson on this Earth is a Christian even if youdo not know it. I dont agree with this theory because,once once more God gives everyone free will and this allowspeople to believe the way they urgency to. Boff says grace is a relationship with the trinity. Iagree with this because it consists of showing experience anddevotion to all three persons of our one God. He also saidthat liberation is the key to grace. I some what agree with

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Merchant of Venice Essay: A Comedy? :: free essay writer

To the reader, The merchandiser of Venice, may seem horrible and it be impossible to find the funniness at all. Perhaps, Shakespe atomic number 18 may have been simply pureeing to commit sight laugh at the appalling injustice we cause superstar other because of the small differences among us. Or, perhaps, he may have at first treasured the viewers of The Merchant of Venice to feel that they, the Christians, had nonhing in common with the Jew, Shylock. What on earth could the Christians have in common with a Jew? Shakespeare demonstrates that the Christians were just as hungry for silver and fortune as the Jew. Perhaps this is a waggery after all. That Shakespeare sees people, Jew or Christian, as simply people, and if he could non make people see that they were all people with common ground, then he would have to start with something he knew everyone could relate with. The best item to dumbfound to mind was money. No matter if the amount is in ducats, dollars or pesos, everyone understands this concept. Although it does not seem perfectly clear in what way Shakespeare was causeing to monger the buffoonery in this stand for, one thing is evident, Shakespeare was a man in the beginning his time. So, besides trying to find where the comedy is, maybe one should try to find where the most superficial person lies. Who is more superficial in this play? The Jew whose only business is money, or the Christians? It seems apparent that both are superficial, and one no more than the other. In the play Bassanio does not try to hide the fact that he needs to marry a adult female of riches to restore his fortune. Shylocks daughter Jessica, promises to steal jewels and fortune from her father, proving that she too is money hungry. Even Salerio and Solanio seem to talk of nothing more than riches and wealth throughout the play. So yes, they all are superficial, and one can not peg one any more than another.So again, we are back to the comedy of the whole t hing Now that I think about it, it seems unidentified that the majority of our class found no humor in this play. When one thinks of why this may be, it is simple. We do not laugh when we read this play because we have not changed. Since the time of this play, we have inched very little outside(a) from prejudice and belittling people because they are what we feel is different, therefore making them strange.

Carl Gustav Jung Essay -- essays research papers

Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist andfo under of the discipline of analytical psychology. Heproposed and developed the concepts of theextroverted and introverted personality,archetypes, and the collective unconscious. Theissues that he dealt with arose from his personalexperiences. For many years Jung felt as if he had ii separate personalities. One introverted whilethe other was extroverted. This interplay results inhis mull of integration and wholeness. His puddlehas been influential not only in psychology, solely inreligion and literature as well. Jung was born onJuly 26, 1875 in Kesswil, Switzerland, the onlyson of a Protestant clergyman. At the age of quadruplethis family moved to Basel. His childhood was alonely one. Jung observed his parents and teachersand tried to view their behavior, especiallythat of his father. The elder Jung had a failing beliefin religion. Jung could never understand why.There were numerous relatives on either side of hisfamily that were clergymen. It was expect ofJung to slip by in the family tradition. Jung didnot decide to follow, instead choosing to attendthe University of Basel from 1895-1900. out frontdeciding on medicine Jung studied biology,zoology, paleontology, and archaeology. Hisexplorations did not stop with that, he looked atphilosophy, mythology, early Christian literature aswell as religion. His interest in religion could beattributed to his heritage and watching the transferof his father. After leaving Basel, Jung became anassistant physician at Burgholzli Psychiatric clinicunder Eugen Bleuler. In 1902 he obtained hisM.D. from the University of Zurich. Hisdissertation was entitled "On the psychological science andPathology of So -Called Occult Phenomena".Through this work one of his basic concepts isoutlined, the underlying wholeness of the psyche.Jungs first research was conducted in 1904. Hestudied word companionship in patients. He foundgroups of repressed psychic content for which he invented the now famous word "complex." Thisstudy brought him close to the work of SigmundFreud. Jungs work confirmed many of Freudsideas. Between 1907 and 1912 he and Freudworked very close. Many believed that Jungwould continue Freuds psychoanalysis, but thisdid not occur. For temperamental and differencesover the signific... ...rre Janet1902 Went to London 1903 Married EmmaRauschenbach 1904 research in WordAssociation 1905 Started lecturing at Zurich 1907First get together with Sigmund Freud 1909 Gave upwork at Burgholzi 1911 Lectured in the UnitedStates with Freud 1911 Elected hot seat of the"International Psychoanalytic Society" 1912publishing of "Psychology of the Unconscious"1912 bump with Freud 1913 Gave up lectureshipat Zurich 1914 Resigned from the "InternationalPsychoanalytic Society" 1920 Went to Tunis andAlgiers 1921 Publication of "Psychological Types"1924 Studied Pueblo Indians 1926 Studied theinhabitants of Mount Elgon in Kenya 1933Professor of Psychology at the nationalPolytechnical University of Zurich 1933 Edited the"Central Journal for Psychotherapy and link upFields" 1935 President of the Swiss Society forPractical Psychology 1937 Visited India 1939 accurate editing the "Central Journal forPsychotherapy and Related Fields" 1941 Retiredfrom The Federal Polytechnical University ofZurich 1943 Professor of Medical Psychology atthe University of Basel 1961 Died in Kusnacht, onLake Zurich

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

insane narrator :: essays research papers

The Insane NarratorEdgar Allan Poe was born on January 19, 1809 in capital of Massachusetts Massachusetts. His parents David Poe Jr. and Elizabeth Arn experient Hopkins, both died when Edgar was very young. Calvin Thomas published Poes outset book, Tamerlane and other Poems in Boston in 1827. His introductory real suppose was the editor of Thomas W. Whites Southern Literary messenger where he worked for nearly a year. In 1836, he was married to his 13-year- honest-to-goodness cousin. He wrote many short stories including the Tell-Tale Heart in 1843, which is about a receiver who is subconsciously shop ated into confessing what he just did. He died on October 7, 1849 in Baltimore. The narrator is insane because of his unnatural preoccupation with the nitty-gritty, his distorted logic, and the arresting of voices and sounds, which break up the madness. For just about strange reason, the narrator was obsessed with the old mans eye. He wasnt even certain on how it started, but to him, it was an eye of a vulture. The old man was going to be murdered because of his ghastly blue eye. Infact, for seven straight nights at midnight the eye was closed. It wasnt until in conclusion on the eighth night when the narrators thumb slipped on the tin fastening, which woke up the old man. He grew furious when he did hold the eye and new inside that he must murder this old man because of his eye. It is hard to imagine why a persons eye would bother another person enough to kill, but some people are truly insane. His logic was distorted, so to him, the murder of the old man was the only thing that could soothe his pain. He then make the decision to only kill him when he saw his eye. This took him eight days, though Im sure he would have done it the first night if he had the chance. While he was kill the old man, he had a smile on his face. The murder of the old man was justified.One index think that the narrator needed to murder something for a reason. The reason for killing the old man was absurd, but it worked for him. He also heard voices that would haunt him day and night. Those voices told him the eye was evil, and that he was doing the right thing. He would also hear a groan of terror many nights at midnight.

British Telecom Essay -- GCSE Business Management Studies Essays

British TelecomMy aim in this investigation is to plow whether or not BritishTelecom has successfully grown and genuine since its Privatisationto compete on a world scale. In addition to this has it all long-termstrategies for future growth and development of products.According to the 1996 Budget red ink Book, more than 50 major businesses absorb been privatised since 1979 and the state owned arena of industryhas been reduced be two-thirds. British Telecom was privatised in1984, with no major restructuring. This meant that a public monopolywas transferred directly into private hands, this inwrought monopolybenefited from having economies of scale. Of grade this move had itsadvantages but there were also disadvantages. These were mainly amongthe staff who in a flash had much less of an easy time in work. Not onlythis but as a result of privatisation the company obviously becamecost effective and jobs were bewildered in order to reduce costs.Privatisation is seen as a way of r easserting consumer sovereignty, airlift standards of provision, of increasing efficiency and ofreducing costs.There are many reasons to why the Government chose a course ofdenationalisation. State monopolies create inefficiency, are short(p) ininnovation and restrict consumer choice instead of the consumer beingsovereign, might has been transferred to the state and itsbureaucracies. Before privatisation all nationalised companies had to ache their expenditure passed by the Treasury, because of this they bring it difficult to raise money. During these years almost 250,000 pot who wanted a new phone line couldnt get them and BT didntknow what to charge the people who did have them. Privatisation gavecompanies t... ...nge from Mercury and have seen their share pricerise from an sign 130p back in 1984 to an incredible 1351p now.BT, while being a natural monopoly in Britain realise that theirposition is being challenged. Although their share of the land-linemarket has legato nearly been all encompassing they have seen that themarket as a whole decrease as almost half of the UK population havegone out and bought diligent phones. In answer to this threat BT havetaken up a strong position in the mobile phone market themselves,competing alongside the big guns such as orange and Vodafone. Throughseveral acquisitions they have established themselves as a trackcompany with 7 million UK customers and very sound plans for thefuture, which they see as being a unification of the latest mobilephone engine room along with the immense power the Internet has tooffer.