Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Knowledge management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Knowledge management - Research Paper Example This will include the definition of knowledge management, and the reason for this concept receiving so much importance. Also, since it a term which is open to interpretation, the definition will state the interpretation of a few authors as well. After this, the paper will narrow the concept down to the usefulness of knowledge management in the corporate world. It will take a hypothetical situation in which a company is experiencing several threats and difficulties in operating, due to both internal and external factors, which any ordinary business would experience in the face of a competitive industry. These difficulties will be pertaining to several areas, such as those from the macro (external) environment, like legal, political, technological, and social issues. Furthermore, the paper will elaborate on the competitive (internal) environment of the industry, which refers to directly related parties to the company, such as customers, supplies, new entrants, and competing firms withi n the industry. The paper will discuss problems, which this hypothetical company may face in the competitive environment. Finally, the paper will delve into a discussion of how and why a company can implement the use of knowledge management to such problems, for a successful and feasible solution. How would business community benefit from knowledge management? Often, the question that arises when such new techniques is that how would the technique bring about positive change? What factors will it help influence, and whether the effect is multifold? This paper states the answer of this question in detail. It elaborates later on, on the advantages that are stated below, explaining the benefit of implementing knowledge management to the business community. Currently, a majority of firms are under pressure due to the various market forces working against them, creating competition, problems, and challenges. Quite a few experts agree that knowledge management is an advantageous solution to some of these problems, in the following summarized ways. The first way in which knowledge management can help a company is by aiding in reducing the operational costs. This is it teaches the management things which they have not yet learned through their own work experience, including how to make the workplace operate with maximum efficiency. Secondly, this collaboration in between people with different experiences, coming from different departments, improves the quality of work. Thirdly, it can help greatly decrease the employee turnover rates of companies, which can often get out of hand and cause major expenditure for the company. This is because knowledge management helps the employee with their growth as employees and in their careers. Moreover, with knowledge management, the departure of key personnel from a department would not lead to a slowdown, because the remaining employees would be educated about how to react. Fifthly, this increased expertise would lead to a major increase in sales and customer satisfaction rates. Finally, knowledge management can serve the company as its competitive advantage in the industry. Research Findings The industrial revolution brought a large change to this world. Before it, everything was simple, uncomplicated. However, since after it, leading up to this very day, the following technological revolutions have no doubt, left each person with a handful to remember. Whether it is about management, human

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Geological Observation of Kabaena Island

Geological Observation of Kabaena Island GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATION OF KABAENA ISLAND, SOUTEAST SULAWESI: AN IMPLICATION OF HYDROCARBON OCCURRENCE IN FRONTIER AREA BASED ON OUTCROP ANALOGUE STUDY Iyan Fadhlurrohman* Aprila Fitriani Parma* Citra Fitriani** Adi Maulana* ABSTRACT Kabaena island, located in the southeast Sulawesi province, has a complex tectonic condition due to its history. Field research on the island indicates that Kabaena Island formed by the rendezvous between microcontinent plates with oceanic plates that made up the complex lane between ophiolite and metamorphic rocks. These rocks were found from the results of field geological mapping. The aim of this paper is to explain the geological condition and potential occurrences of hydrocarbon based on outcrop model and petrographic analysis. The results of petrographic observations indicate ultramafic rocks containing minerals Ca-Rich and Mg-Rich pyroxene and Olivine. While the metamorphic rocks show the occurrences of Chlorite, Amphibolite and sericite minerals. Observation of thin section in limestone lithology shows that these rocks had fracture porosity that might become reservoir rocks. The limestone unit had undergone metamorphism process and mostly changed into marble. The black shale rocks which from limestone units locally occurred on this island, mostly changed into metamorphic rocks and associated with low-level process that characterized several changes into slate. The black shale rocks may contain the organic matters as source rock potential. Tectonic conditions in the study area indicates the occurrence of thrust fault by ultramafic rocks from oceanic into microcontinent plate. The other analysis also indicates another strike slip fault correlating the presence of gas seepage points in limestone unit. Some outcrops found as result of a one week geological mapping on Kabaena island. Several samples were used in petrographic observations. Key Words: Kabaena Island, Reservoir Rock, Source Rock, Hydrocarbon. INTRODUCTION Hydrocarbon exploration research in eastern region of Indonesia was done by few, especially in Kabaena island. This area was formed by the rendezvous between microcontinent plates with oceanic plates that made up the complex lane between ophiolite and metamorphic rocks. Tectonic conditions in the study area indicates the occurrence of thrust fault by ultramafic rocks on the plates microcontinent. Previous research revealed the potential source rock in the form of black shale of Kabaena Island area. Vitrinite reflectance results included in catagenesis phase (oil window) and indicate the mature rock but potentially less of total organic carbon (TOC). These rocks are locally distributed in research area, characterized by poorly lateral continuity of black shale (Ibrahim et al., 2014). Therefore, geological observation is needed to determine the development of the geological conditions of the research area. This is a continuation of previous studies which showed some samples of the oil content has a pyrite content in them (Ibrahim et al., 2014). Although the total organic carbon in the sample is less potential, but it is needed to provide additional data for developing research of hydrocarbon potential in the research area and its implications for petroleum system. METHODS The geological mapping on Kabaena island were conducted to identify the characterization of each formation (Simandjuntak et al, 1993) from outcrop locations. This research conducted from early until late March 2016. A few sample were collected and had been analyzed in the laboratory with petrography methods to determine mineral and rock properties type as characteristics and hydrocarbon potential occurrence. RESULTS Geology of Research Area Geomorphology Geomorphology observation in research area is generally comprised of plains and mountains. The morphological units of research area are divided based on classification of landform (Brahmantyo and Bandono, 2006) using topography analysis, DEM map analysis and field observation. Based on that, the units divided into mountains faults, karst hills, plains of rivers, and coastal plains.   The mountains faults and karst mountains are generally composed by pompangeo complex, ultramafic complex, and formation Matano. Whereas the landscape river plains and coastal plains composed by Langkowala formations and alluvial deposits. Characteristic of river flow system is a sub-dendritic pattern with vertical and lateral erosion. Land use is generally for residential land, plantation and mining areas. Stratigraphy The general lithology that was exposed on the research area comprised of sedimentary rock, igneous, and metamorphic rocks. The Rocks outcrop are commonly in scouring the walls due to roads expansion and bottom of rivers. The research area consists with various Pre-Tertiary rocks, Tertiary, and Quaternary. Pre-Tertiary Cretaceous rocks became the oldest rocks on Kabaena island, composed of ultramafic Complex, Matano Formation, and Pompangeo Complex from Cretaceous period to Paleocene epoch. The tertiary rocks composed of Miocene Formation of Langkowala and then Alluvium complete the formation from quaternary (Simanjuntak, et al., 1993). This research focused on Pre-Tertiary rocks that has implication of hydrocarbon occurrence. Ultramafic rocks in the area observed as shattered zone which influenced by the tectonic structure of thrust fault. The Lithological unit founded as Peridotite, Dunite and locally serpentinite. In the field observation, the peridotite showed grayish black physical characteristics and reddish condition of weathering (Figure 3).   That litholohy has holocrystalline texture, phaneritic granularity, subhedral-euhedral crystal shape, equigranular texture relation, and massive structures. Pompangeo complex are generally composed of low-moderate grade metamorphic rocks. Lithology which composed these metamorphic rocks are phyllite, mica schist, amphibole schist and chlorite schist. The field observation from the metamorphic rocks shown that foliated structure with direction relatively changing. It also showed the structure of the minor folds found in the study area (Figure 3). On Matano formations, limestone is spread on the east to the south of research area. These rocks characterized with carbonate minerals such as calcite and dolomite as the form of diagenetic process. Limestone lithology unit on the research area mostly changed into meta-limestone and marble which can be seen on petrographic observations in the form of a change of the mineral calcite. The Matano formation also formed a black shale lithological unit that generally changed into slate (Figure 4). Geological Structure The geological structure in research area was formed by thrust fault and strike-slip fault which refers to the geological map sheet of Kolaka, South East Sulawesi (Simandjuntak, et al., 1993). Each fault composed of irregular direction. The major stress direction commonly from Northeast to Southwest and Northwest to Southeast. Strike slip fault might control the deposition of rocks while the thrust fault limiting each lithology. The faults only found in pre-tertiary rocks. Tertiary rocks are not affected by the presence of faults. Petrography Analysis The results of petrography analysis were observed on thin section from rock samples of peridotite, amphibolite schist, slate, limestone, and shale. Peridotite rocks characterized with holocrystalline and phaneritic texture which composed by Ca-Rich Pyroxene, Mg-Rich pyroxene, and olivine Mineral Group (Figure 5). Based on the mineral content (Streckeisen, 1976) peridotite rocks classified as harzburgite, olivine websterite, and wherlite (Figure 6). Petrographic observations for muscovite schist shows foliated structure which composed of muscovite, Actinolite, Hornblende, and quartz (Figure 7). While at slate textures encountered sub-ophitic form with mineral content of clay minerals, quartz and calcite. On Matano formations limestone shows the occurrence of calcite and dolomite minerals which spread on each sample (Figure 8). A few samples encountered showed a type of fracture porosity as part of secondary pores.   Shale rock composed by clay minerals, quartz, and calcite mineral due to dissolution from carbonate rocks. Petroleum Implication The presence of source rock and reservoir rock from Matano formation made the research more focused into this formation based on potential hydrocarbon occurrence. Matano formation in the study area is scattered in the middle to the eastern part of research area. Reservoir rock that could potentially save the hydrocarbon reserves in the form of crystalline limestones, while the host rock in the form of black shale. Source rock is an important element in determining the quality of produced hydrocarbons. Source rocks in the study site were found in Matano formation that had partially transformed into slate rocks due to pressure and temperature. It is associated with the process of low level metamorphism in the study area. Based on the results of geological mapping, the black shale rocks scattered in several locations and has the type of local deployment. It can be seen on the field observation stations map. The results of geochemical analysis show host rock into the category of mature but has unfavorable TOC value (Ibrahim et al. 2014). Potential reservoir rocks in the study area was found in the Matano formations lithology, with its characteristic crystalline limestones. Limestone is spread laterally with layer thickness of 200-500m. Based on field observations gas seepage was found on one of observation station. Petrographic observations on thin section analysis shows rock porosity with 0-5%. P orosity that can be found was the fracture porosity. However, interconnectivity of pores is poor, because of the existence of calcite and dolomite cement and the recrystallization of calcite matrix. It might reduce pores which results in lower porosity and permeability quality. CONCLUSIONS The geological condition on research area comprised of geomorphological analysis which composed of mountains faults, karst hills, plains of rivers, and coastal plains morphological units, stratigraphical analysis which formed by ultramafic complex, matano formation, pompangeo complex, langkowala formation, and alluvium deposit. While the research area characterized by thrust fault, and strike slip fault with major direction stress northeast to southwest and northwest to southeast. Based on the petrographical analysis, the reservoir target which is a limestone of matano formation with limestone lithology characterized with fracture porosity which has poor quality of pores (0%-5%) while source rock target from black shale has bad TOC value. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors want to express their thanks to all the family in geological department University of Hasanuddin which have given attention and support to do geological field mapping. Special thanks to Mr. Kaharuddin MS whom always give moral support to finish the research activity. REFERENCES      Ã‚   Simandjuntak, T.O., Surono, and Sukido, 1993, Geological Map sheet of Kolaka, Sulawesi, 1:250.000, Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung. Ibrahim, M. A., Rustandi, U., Suryana, A., 2014, Penyelidikan Bitumen Padat Daerah Pulau Kabaena Kabupaten Bombana, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Proceedings Geological Resource Center. Surono, 1994, Stratigraphy of The Southeast Sulawesi Continental Terrane, Eastern Indonesia. Journal of Geology and Mineral Resources, V. IV, Pp. 4-11, April 1994 Brahmantyo, B., and Bandono, 2006, Classification of Earth Landform for Geomorphological Mapping at Scale 1: 25,000 and Its Application to Spatial Analysis.Geoaplika Journal Vol. 1 No. 2, 2006, Hal. 71-78 Figure 1 Geological Map of Kabaena Island (Modified after Simandjuntak, 1993) Figure 2 Stratigraphy of Southeast Sulawesi (Modified after Surono, 1993) Figure 3 Outcrop Location for peridotite and schist lithology. The schist sample location exist on a few station location which spread from North to Northeast from the map whereas peridotite spread on northeast to southwest. Figure 4 An outcrop observation map of limestone and shale lithology. Limestone from ST14 location characterized as crystalline with a massive structure whereas ST23 characterized as limestone interbedded with shale. ST9 and ST15 location characterized as calcareous shale as an occurrence of calcite minerals. Figure 5 Thin section of peridotite showed exist of Ortho-pyroxene mineral interpreted as hypersthene (4F). Some of olivine (6F) and Clino-pyroxene (1I) exist on this sample Figure 6 Mineral plotting for occurrence of major mineral (Opx-Cpx-Ol) from ultramafic igneus rock classification (Streckeisen, 1976) Figure 7 Sample A interpreted as schist muscovite which dominated by muscovite, hornblende, and sericite. Sericite mineral as changing from muscovite mineral (1B). Sample B shown occurrence of clay mineral (5I) and calcite (2H). This sample interpreted as calcareous shale Figure 8 Thin section of limestone sample shown the occurrence of fracture porosity (A. 6A-6F) Sample A and B dominated by dolomite while Sample C and D shown that the calcite minerals had changed as metamorphic process

Friday, October 25, 2019

Stress Essay -- essays research papers

In years past, careers were milestones, which demonstrated successful accomplishments within our lives. Men utilized their careers to stake claim in society; a way to categorize their family’s worth. â€Å"Honey, I’ll be working late tonight† sometimes signified that the â€Å"gang† would have a long evening of crunching numbers, entertaining clients, or even smoking cigars with the boss while talking shop. If life went according to plan, and you chose the perfect career, the worst part of your workday would be choosing the best tie to match your navy pinstripe suit. Well, things have certainly changed. Careers are no longer guaranteed based on who-ya-know concepts. Today, young men and women both prepare frantically in high school to have the best grades and make the right contacts to ensure that once they graduate, they are accepted in a top-notch colleges, in hopes to transition into the perfect career. Little do they know, that because of the changing times, high demands, advancement in technology, liberal concepts, unethical business practices, etc., careers are no longer work filled bliss and may cause a great deal of work-related stress. When you accept a position for employment, one of your last thoughts is â€Å"gee, I wonder if the work environment here causes a great amount of stress.† Of course, if you are a day trader or a high risk emergency room doctor, you have some idea that your position within the organization will in fact be demanding and have a level of stress that is greater than other careers. But, if you are a bank teller, college professor, or a bus driver, work-related stress may not be a deciding factor when one accepts a new job. There are various definitions defining the word stress. Stress is â€Å"a state of extreme difficulty, pressure, or strain,† as defined by the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (Author Unknown, 2002). Stress can also be comically defined as, â€Å"the confusion created when one’s mind overrides the body’s basic desire to choke the hell out of someone who desperately deserves it† (Author Unknown). Though both definitions accurately describe stress, Robert N. Lussier, author of Human Relations in Organizations, defines stress as â€Å"an emotion and/or physical reaction to environmental activities and events† (Lussier, 2005). When defining work-related stress however, emotional or physical relations that occur are ... ...y and exercise. Exercise produces endorphins, which help make you more upbeat and cheerful. â€Å"Think positive† (Lussier, 2005). It is ok to admit when you are at fault. But, once you do, learn from it, get over it, and move on. There are many ways to detect and treat stress. These are only a few that may be used as a preventative measure. Of all the suggestions listed, the most important is to relax. The old saying goes â€Å"take one day at a time.† Once you have made the accomplishment to get that great job, see it as an opportunity and not a stress filled threat. References Armour, S. (2002, May 16). Employees seek worker’ comp for on-the-job stress. USA Today, News, 01a. Author Unknown (2005, January 27). Management standards for work-related stress.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  January 31, 2005, from Author Unknown (2002). The american heritage ® dictionary of the english language, fourth edition. January 31, 2005, from Lussier, R.N. (2005). Human relations in organizations: applications and skill-building 6th edition. (pp. 45 – 50). New York, NY: McGraw Hill

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Longer School Days

American today tends to believe that our educational system is working. I truly believe for this generation of students to remain competitive with their international peers as adults, they need to start spending more time in school. I am an advocate for longer school days. In fact at 180 days of school, American children spend the least amount time in the classroom when compared to other countries. Sure there are some undeniable hurdles, but overall the core idea is simple that children need enough time to learn, to build the skills, develop the knowledge and well-roundedness required to work and thrive in the twenty-first century. Nothing considered by itself is enough to turn schools around not the most gifted teachers, most inspiring principals, newest buildings, or most up-to-date equipment. Time, on the other hand, is an imperative groundwork for new levels of student achievement and educational success. Like any precious resource, it can be wasted. Simply tacking extra time poorly spent onto the current school schedule, does not get the job done. An article from CNN. om reports that the public charter schools that belong to the well-known Knowledge Is Power Program or KIPP serving fourteen thousand overwhelmingly low-income (80 percent) African American and Latino (90 percent) students in seventeen states with concentrations in Houston, Texas decided to eliminate the lack of time as an excuse for failure. KIPP day at 7:30 a. m. and ending it at 5 p. m. , with Saturday school twice a month and at least three weeks of mandatory summer school. By every measure national, statewide, and local KIPP students not only improve themselves, they also outperform the great majority of their peers. 90 percent of KIPP Houston High School tenth graders passed the Texas statewide math exam, as compared to 49 percent of other Houston tenth graders. Nearly four-fifths of students who complete KIPP's eighth grade (the network consists mostly of middle schools) have entered college; nationally, the proportion for low-income students is less than one in five. Although I grant that longer school days do have some undeniable hurdles. For instance, loss of personal time could mean that spending more time at school would cut into the amount of time students are able to spend at home. Teacher burnout could contribute from adding hours to the school day only compound a teacher's already busy schedule. Longer school days would require more time from students and teachers, but it would not guarantee results. The budget comes in to play when keeping facilities open and requiring staff and faculty to put in longer days will cost more money. I still maintain that longer school day positive outcomes will outweigh the hurdles. My conclusion is that schools will be able to restore academic subjects that had been scaled back or even dropped due to the emphasis on core instruction and high-stakes testing in reading, writing, and math. Students are able to study crucial academic subjects such as science, history, social studies, and foreign languages. Teachers including myself will have the time to work with each other in planning how they teach their students, time that almost never exists in the current school schedule.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Communicating in Forums – Anthony’s Dilemma

Communicating In Forums – Anthony's Dilemma Carla Landes Gen/105 September 25, 2011 Arianne P. Bellizaire Communicating In Forums – Anthony's Dilemma To me, it is very important when speaking in class forums that I choose my inclusive phrasing well. One should never make assumptions when communicating in forums and phrase comments as if in a â€Å"professional† setting. When posting most of my responses to discussion questions, I try to address a specific person and usually not the entire class and base my response accordingly.The first error that I feel Anthony made in his response to the class was â€Å"Hi guys. † It appears in the phrasing of his greeting that Anthony assumed the class was all male. Although, this does appear somewhat sexist, I however would not take offense to this type of greeting per say as it is typically a gender-friendly greeting. I do feel that the rest of Anthony's response regarding his experience at the company conference was quite sexist, namely, how Anthony was surprised that the female or â€Å"lady† as he called her had â€Å"many good things† to say.I personally would not have mentioned the gender of the speaker, but just referred to the â€Å"speaker† at the conference. Most of Anthony's discussion response focuses more in context with males attending this conference just by using some of his descriptive phrases such as â€Å"the good ole boys† and only mentioned the male managers, which would lead one to assume there were no female managers present. Anthony should have used language such as â€Å"Hi Class† or Hi All. † Also, Anthony could have been more inclusive with his descriptions of the managers, such as, â€Å"The managers and their families.I would think that Anthony's concern over not offending anyone to me shows that had he had a face-to-face conversation in the same language, the response may not have been interpreted as sexist. Anthony could hav e clarified himself differently in his response. In conclusion, Anthony's response was non-inclusive language and phrasing. His first mistake and my instruction to Anthony would be never rush when communicating in a group forum. Instead of rushing through the assignment, Anthony should have waited to post his response. Choose phrasing very carefully and leave opinions and emotions out of the post.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Analysing The Impact Of Divorce On Children Social Work Essay Example

Analysing The Impact Of Divorce On Children Social Work Essay Example Analysing The Impact Of Divorce On Children Social Work Essay Analysing The Impact Of Divorce On Children Social Work Essay The term divorce is defined by Merriam Webster Langenscheidts Pocket Dictionary as an act or case of lawfully fade outing a matrimony. It is normally between a adult male and a adult female. However recent development and other societal concepts have tended to see divorce as a legal disintegration between spouses, for illustration, a matrimony between homosexual or sapphic spouses. The latter statement goes to explicate the fact that some legal power recognizes matrimonies between the same sexes. Therefore the definition of matrimony can non be restricted to the traditional description of what matrimony is. It must besides be noted that assorted civilizations have a manner of covering with divorce. To Margulies, Sam ( 2004 ) , the determination to divorce is the beginning of two watercourses of events. First, registering for divorce triggers legal, emotional and fiscal procedure in which the house clasp must be split into two. The 2nd watercourse of event is the edifice of new lives, families, who has detention of kids of the brotherhood and new protocols being negotiated. Again, one of the things that makes divorce such a alone and frequently troubled experience is that it involves a complex interaction between two different procedures. First, divorce is a hard emotional procedure. It causes intense feeling of sadness humiliation, forsaking, letdown, rejection and fury. Most of all, divorce engenders fear, peculiarly fright of loss. Peoples fear lost of individuality as partner and parents, loss of economic and security, loss of control over their lives and loss of self-respect. So the emotional procedure of divorce is one in which people have to pull off all their feelings at the same clip. A As with any other passage, there are phases that most people pass, get downing with initial convulsion, followed by battle with alteration, and finally with version and accommodation. Children of the matrimony to be honest are non speared the hurting of these processes.A Margulies, Sam ( 2004 ) . For the intents of this academic discourse, a kid is person who is chiefly under the age of 18 or person who is non yet 20 three but still in a preparation plan. A For case, it concerns a individual who is analyzing in a preparation establishment like Sheridan College. The word consequences every bit would be used in this research represent the assorted experiences, kids whose parents are traveling through divorce face. This paper will therefore set up and do clear a hypothesis to be analyzed. Assorted statements would be adduced to back up and turn out the said hypothesis. On the other manus a counter statement will be made to rebut the hypothesis. A balance treatment on the research will besides be delved into. Finally a presentation on the result of the research will be done. Hypothesis The hypothesis is there are womb-to-tomb effects for kids whose parents go through divorce . Almost 50 per centum of kids whose parents divorce show marks of psychological harm during the first twelvemonth after the event. Harmonizing to a 1994 policy statement from the American Academy of Paediatrics, such male childs become aggressive pieces adolescent misss get depressed. To turn out farther the annihilating nature of divorce on kids whose parents go through divorce are more likely to develop drug and intoxicant jobs. Pemberton K.C. ( 1998 ) in reexamining Psychologist Judith Wallerstein s A twenty- five ( 25 ) twelvemonth survey on the impact of divorce on kids, found out that although the disassociating adult male and adult female might be able to get the better of the A injury and challenges associated with divorce, the fortunes of the kids are different. Children of such brotherhoods can transport the sick effects of divorce into their ain grownup old ages. Such grownups ten d to hold fright of committedness, unstable father-child relationships and acrimonious memories of the legal system. In explicating this place farther, Pemberton K.C. ( 1998 ) , asserts I do non reason that kids have no opportunity of healthy or felicity after their parents had divorced but the challenges kids must run into after their parents divorce are terrible and annihilating . Equally much as bookmans like Pemberton K.C. ( 1998 ) and Emery ( 2004 ) have painted a atrocious image of the state of affairs, the same bookmans have conceded to the fact that some kids who experience this phenomenon turn to populate a healthy and a successful life. For illustration there are heightening plans in our schools that go a long manner to back up and fix such kids for future healthy life. A A Argument TO PROVE HYPOTHESIS As it has been noted, there are assorted statements that go to back up the premiss that, kids whose parents go through divorce suffer womb-to-tomb effects. Some of the issues are best explained when put under emotional, physical and societal effects. To most kids, divorce will represent the first major crisis of their lives. Children turn to exhibit many emotional and psychological injury. For case in a conversation I had with a kid and young person worker at Apple wood Height secondary school as portion of my readying towards garnering information for this undertaking, enumerated that, kids whose parents had gone and are traveling through divorce bend to be withdrawn in category. This behaviour tends to attest itself in their academic public presentation. This Psychological consequence makes them move aggressive towards their equals and seems to fight with normal procedures of turning up. In much the same manner, Emery, E. R. ( 2004 ) , supported this hypothesis by saying that There are those who contend that divorce inevitable and invariable devastates kids and put the phase for a life-time of emotional jobs, period . A To turn out this point farther, he attempted to compare the behavior and attitudes of kids who are perceived to be normal because they are under the counsel of their two parents and those kids whose parents are traveling or had gone through divorce. A He found out that, the really procedure of divorce between parents causes the kids to fight through the hurting and turbulence of their parents divorce. Second, through scandalmongering media or our ain craze, we lay the load of transporting a ticking clip bomb on childs by inaccurately trumpeting the jerk of war between the parents. Even if parents seem to be making good by managing the divorce crisis, kids are inevitable doomed or damaged because of divorce. After the divorce procedure, it introduces immense alterations into the lives of most kids. This encompasses direct engagement in parental struggle, economic adversity, alterations in abode and school. To him, divorce besides increases the hazard for psychological, societal and academic jobs among kids. This increased hazard is a legitimate concern for kids, parents and the community. Finally, he stipulated that, despite parent s fervent desire to protect kids of divorce, the mere divorce procedure is a load to kids. To turn out farther the long term effects divorce has on kids whose parent are traveling and had gone through divorce, Emery, E. R. ( 2004 ) , made available some statistic to throw visible radiation on his ideas. These are ; such kids are twice every bit likely to see a mental wellness professional, up to twice of such kids are likely to hold jobs pull offing their behavior. He besides said, possibly 1.25 to 1.5 times are more likely to hold jobs with down tempers. Again, twice of such kids are likely to drop out of school before graduation. What is more interesting and sad plenty to back up the Hypothesis is the realisation that, 1.25 to 1.5 times of kids at one point or the other experienced the challenges of their parents divorced. Similarly, the same kids are likely to acquire divorced themselves. Is this non chilling plenty to turn out the hypothesis? Besides, Price E. ( 2000 ) , in her book Divorce and Teens has non described the state of affairs in any positive manner. She explained that, the issue of parents contending each other, why are my parents disassociating, why must one parent move out, must I state my friends and what should be my degree of trueness to each parent, all go a long manner to thwart such kids. Finally, choler takes over and this manifest itself in aggressive behavior towards life issues. Another practical position to the state of affairs at manus is smartly summarised by his Lordship, Mr. Justice Harvey Brownstone as follows ; After more than 14 old ages of presiding in household tribunal, one inquiry has neer seized to astonish me: how can two parents who love their kids allow a entire alien to do important determinations about their leaving agreements, wellness, instruction, extracurricular activities, holiday clip and grade of contact with each parent? This inquiry becomes even more mind-boggling when one considers that the alien doing the determination is a justice, whose formal preparation is in the jurisprudence, non in household dealingss, kid development, societal work, or a psychological science. Now add the fact that, because of heavy instance tonss and crowded dockets, most Judgess have to do legion kid detention, entree, marital belongings and support determinations every twenty-four hours on the footing of uncomplete, subjective and extremely emotional written grounds ( called affidavits ) , with virtually no clip to acquire to cognize the parents and no chances to run into the kid whose life is being so deeply affected. What individual in their right head would recommend for this method deciding parental struggle fluxing from household breakdown? This are some of the inquiries that household called Judgess agonize over. Some say the reply are complicated and have much to make with societal conditioning, economic category, degree of instruction, edification, acquaintance with community resources and even civilization. I say the replies are simple. The establishment of matrimony has non been a great success in North of America Brownstone, J.H. ( 2009 ) . P.1. COUNTER ARGUMENT TO THE A A HYPOTHESIS In malice of the chilling image painted by the assorted writers back uping the hypothesis that, there are womb-to-tomb effects for kids whose parents go through divorce , the same subject and ongoing contentions have resulted in the alteration of writers positions. For case, Emery ( 2004 ) has stated that The Hazard of Divorce Are Real but Not the Whole Narrative . By this, he has discounted some of the statements he had put frontward to back up the hypothesis. He acknowledges that divorce increases kids s psychological jobs but besides sought to stress the demand to set it into its right positions. A To him, the big bulk of kids from divorced households do non endure from psychological jobs. His statement is centred on the theory of correlativity and causality . He went farther to explicate that divorce is correlated with more psychological jobs among kids but this does non intend that it is the cause of all the jobs. Scientific grounds has at least proven that divorce can non be the cause of all the affected kids s emotional jobs. Another of import factor, Emery ( 2004 ) , considered is that what happens after divorce can travel a long manner to extinguish hazard and advancing resiliency. Besides, he used the half full and half empty analogy to rebut the premiss that all the kids who experience their parents traveling and had gone through divorce face, Emery ( 2004 ) . He duelled to a great extent on a major national survey conducted by Nick Zill, Donna Morrison and Mary Jo Cairo. The survey looked at kids between the ages of 12 and 21. The survey revealed that 21 % of kids whose parents have had divorce received psychological aid. In comparing, 11 % per centum from married households besides received similar aid. It is a fact that, there is a 100 % addition between the two groups. Once once more, this state of affairs looks chilling but the truth of the affair is that, if 11 % of kids from the normal state of affairs seek head-shrinker aid, so it presupposes 89 % do non. On the other manus, if merely 21 % of the said troubled kids seek for head-shrinker aid, so the whole phenomenon is non a instance of the glass being half empty and half full but instead the statist ics should be looked at in both ways. When this happens, it can be adduced that the glass is merely 20 % empty and 80 % full. There are no uncertainty that divorce disrupts the lives of about every kid who goes through those challenges. However, great bulk of these kids are able to screen through these troubles and win. We must non besides lose sight of the demand to clap and construct on the strengths ( strength based attack ) of such kids. Besides, measuring it from both scientific and statistical point of position, shows that psychological jobs of kids whose parents had gone through divorce starts before the existent divorce issues begin to attest. A Emery ( 2004 ) . To endorse up his determination, a significant figure of 50 % was found. A A BALANCE DISCUSSION ON THE RESEARCH At this point, it is of import for one to hold a balanced analysis of the overall positions of the subjects of divorce. That is, the thoughts which support the hypothesis and the 1s that refutes it. On a personal contemplation nevertheless, I still stand by the hypothesis that, there are womb-to-tomb effects for kids whose parents go through divorce . The oppositions of this hypothesis have sought to reason that divorce, in itself, does non enforce any womb-to-tomb effects. Realistically, most kids from divorced households are resilient. There are cases where such kids have gone through those challenges and still succeeded in their life enterprises. Most have good callings and are merrily married. This disproves the stance portraying kids whose parents have gone through divorce as a serious and impossible effect. To me, what those kids go through emotionally are every bit experienced by kids who stay and grow with their parents. Some have even tended to suggested that, it is a normal procedure of turning up. As celebrated above, merely 20 % of such childs experience the phenomenon. Looking at my societal location, I was from a divorced family.A However, I had the benefits of some societal and traditional constructions to back up me and my sibling. For case, my grandma took up the fathering duty so we neer felt the absence of our male parent. Similarly, when we migrated to Canada, the school system has reding installations that helped to prolong us to travel through the normal procedures of turning up. I am proud to state my brother and I are now in college and are determined to win in our choosing enterprise. These accomplishments would likely hold non been possible in a instance of person populating with parents. This illustration goes to back up Emery ( 2004 ) , averment that even after a separation, what you do is the most of import determiner of whether your kids are at hazard or resilient. In-spite of the statement put up by the opposition of the hypothesis, advocates still argue that kids whose parents go through divorce experience womb-to-tomb effects. It has been proven above that such kids suffer emotional and psychological effects. It is estimated that over 21 % of such kids have mental wellness issues and are likely to neglect in their matrimonies. To confirm this point farther, I would wish to pull one time once more on the conversation I had with the Child and Youth Worker at Apple Wood Height Secondary School. She explained the undermentioned points from her practical position. She said kids who have experience the effect of divorce deficiency trust. They are unable to give back love because psychologically it has been registered within their bomber witting head that if their parents who claim to love them are contending and making things irrespective of the involvement of such kids, so whom are they to swear. Isolation of such kids from equals and some school activities affects their ability to develop decently into maturity. In most instances, they are seen to be withdrawn from extracurricular activities because of the shame, holding to explicate to friends that their parents are divorced. This is more prevailing in spiritual based schools like the Catholic schools. The issue of step-parents does non assist affairs either. In the improbable event that the step-parents do non acquire along with such kids, it raises tenseness within the family and puts the kid under changeless psychological injury. I am of the sentiment that it is some of these jobs that makes these kids have mental wellness issues. Finally, what is more unsafe to society is the fact that such kids are unable to set up and keep positive relationships. Some traditional positions, though non to the full supported by me, have suggested to the belief that it is some of these social jobs that have led to the outgrowth of the sub-culture like homosexual and sapphic communities. Research Outcome From the above treatment, it has been established that different communities and different bookmans have divergent positions on the impact of divorce on kids. One position position is that such a state of affairs is non serious. However, those who support the hypothesis of which I support still believe that there are womb-to-tomb effects for kids whose parents go through divorce . This new found cognition will organize as the footing for new theories to be developed.A It will besides give the chance for other research to be carried out in this country. Practically, it will enable individual parents form confederations to recommend for policy alteration in schools and kid Centres to beef up kid and young person reding within such installations. This research will besides help people within the assisting profession such as Psychologists, Child and Youth workers and Social workers to come to the realisation that this phenomenon is really prevailing within our schools and that serious attempts should be made to help kids with such challenges to get the better of them. As an anti oppressive Child and Youth Worker, it is necessary to pay particular attending to the state of affairs even if a kid suffers as a consequence of our inactivity to cover with the state of affairs. A A A A A A A A A A

Monday, October 21, 2019

Scarlet Letter- Theme of Sin in the novel essays

Scarlet Letter- Theme of Sin in the novel essays In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthrone masterfully weaves many themes and uses character development to format the plot of this novel. The themes of The Scarlet Letter are carried out through the four main characters, Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale, Roger Chillingsworth, and Pearl. The prevailing theme seen in The Scarlet Letter is sin and its effects. All of the characters in the book are somehow affected by the sin of adultery and their whole lives are molded by the way they deal with the sin. The story begins with Hester having to go on the scaffold and stand there for three hours with her shameful sin exposed for all to see. On the scaffold, Hester experiences harsh words. A group of women is having a discussion in the crowd and one-woman states, At the very least, they should have put the brand of a hot iron on Hester Prynnes forehead. She may cover it with a brooch, or such like heathenish adornment, and so walk the streets as brave as ever. This statement shows that it was not enough that the townspeople knew she committed a sin, but they wanted to see the sin on her chest constantly. At first the letter means the same for Hester as it does for the townspeople, shame. However, as the novel progresses, the letter changes in significance. The letter on Hesters breast begins to break her down. She loses her femininity due to her sin. The letter is a constant reminder of what she has done. One women states in the beginning of the novel, let her cover the mark as she wil l, the pang of it will be always in her heart. This explains that no matter what Hester does the pain that she will endure will always be with her. After Hester meets Dimmesdale in the forest and reveals Chillingworths true identity as her husband, they become close and both Hester and Dimmesdale feel some type of relief. Hester even removes the Scarlet letter, her femininity flows back into her, and the sunlight touc...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

What Is a Salutatorian High School’s Second-Highest Honor

What Is a Salutatorian High School’s Second-Highest Honor SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Academics and athletics have a lot in common: they require tons of practice, dedication, and diligence to succeed. Athletes often get trophies, medals, and letterman jackets to reward them for their accomplishments on the field and in the gym. But earning great grades can be just as tough as winning a state football tournament! That’s why many schools choose to honor their top two graduates by awarding them the titles of valedictorian and salutatorian. We’ve already covered what a valedictorian is in another post, so in this article, we’ll answer all of your questions about salutatorians, including: What is a salutatorian? Does being a salutatorian help you get into college? What is a salutatorian speech? How do you become a salutatorian? Are you ready to learn more about what it means to be the salutatorian of your graduating class? Then let’s get started! What Is a Salutatorian? The meaning of the term â€Å"salutatorian† dates back to 1841 and means â€Å"of the nature of a salutation.† More specifically, the term originally referred to â€Å"the welcoming address given at a college commencement,† which was delivered in Latin! Things have obviously changed a bit since then. (Thankfully!) First, salutatorians are now more commonly seen in high schools instead of colleges. But what is a salutatorian, exactly? The honor of salutatorian is given to the student who ranks second-highest in the school behind the valedictorian, who graduates at the very top of the class. Like valedictorians, salutatorians are most often awarded the honor based on their cumulative GPA. In general, the student with the highest cumulative GPA in a graduating class becomes the valedictorian. That means that the student with the second-highest cumulative GPA becomes the salutatorian! Second, the title of salutatorian recognizes student’s exemplary academic work, and as a result, they are asked to give a speech to open the graduation ceremony. While the salutatorian definitely gives a speech, it is not in Latin. (Now you can breathe a sigh of relief!) As the name implies, salutatorians deliver a â€Å"salutatory,† or welcoming, speech that welcomes everyone to the ceremony, recognizes important guests, and delivers a hopeful, welcoming message on behalf of their fellow classmates. Photo by Matthew T. Rader Does Being a Salutatorian Help You Get Into College? f you’re thinking about trying to become your school’s salutatorian, that means you’re already an academically competitive person that’s looking to get into a top university. We know it might be tempting to try to become the valedictorian or salutatorian of your class in order to help you get into the college of your dreams. Unfortunately, becoming salutatorian doesn’t really make a difference in terms of college admissions. Honestly, the reason is mostly a logistical one: the distinction of salutatorian is conferred toward the end of your senior year, long after you’ve already submitted your college applications! Additionally, even if you were awarded the title on time, it can be hard for universities to understand what the honor of salutatorian means in terms of your school. Because the title can be more- or less!- prestigious based on your high school graduating class size and the school’s unique salutatorian criteria (more on that later), it’s not a good benchmark for determining how you stack up to other applicants. Ultimately, your transcript and GPA- more so than your class rank- tell admissions counselors what they need to know. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways becoming a salutatorian helps you in the college admissions process. First off, becoming your school’s salutatorian takes hard work. That means you’ve become self-motivated, learned how to study, been an excellent student, and embraced hard work. You’ve also figured out how to manage a busy schedule and still excel! These are all critical skills to excelling in college, too. You’ll be ready to hit the ground running from your first day, and you won’t struggle to adjust to college’s increased workload like your peers might. Secondly, salutatorians qualify for unique scholarship opportunities. Many scholarships still accept applications after you’ve already chosen your university. Graduating with top honors will help your application move to the top of the stack. Moreover, there are some scholarships that are only available to valedictorians and salutatorians! You can find a list of those unique scholarship opportunities here. Lastly, being salutatorian can help you as you look for jobs and internships. Remember, you’re going to college with a bigger goal in mind: getting a job! Internships can be just as competitive as college admissions, if not more so because the spots are much more limited. Companies often only take a handful of interns in every class even though they receive tens of thousands of applications. (Nike only accepts 40 interns a year!) So while being a salutatorian might not matter for admissions, it can have a huge impact on your opportunities long after high school. How Do You Become a Salutatorian? Like we mentioned earlier, in most cases the designation of salutatorian is determined by your cumulative GPA. To calculate your cumulative GPA, your numerical GPA in each class is added together, and the average is ranked against your fellow classmates. Additionally, schools often work from your weighted GPA. That means that AP and IB courses are assigned â€Å"extra points† to offset their difficulty (which is why many students who take college prep courses graduate with higher than a 4.0.) Traditionally, the two students with the highest weighted cumulative GPAs are awarded the distinctions of valedictorian and salutatorian (in that order). But keep in mind that each school handles salutatorian criteria differently! Some schools tackle the process like college admissions and look at a student’s GPA along with their extracurricular participation and community service hours. Other schools even allow students to cast votes for both valedictorian and salutatorian. Regardless of your school’s criteria, we think aiming for valedictorian or salutatorian is an excellent goal, so here are four tips for earning one of high school’s top academic honors. #1: Know the Criteria Since this differs from school to school, it’s super important that you know exactly how your school determines who becomes salutatorian. For example, Sheboygan Lutheran High School uses a combination of cumulative GPA, number of college prep courses, and ACT test scores to select a valedictorian and salutatorian. That’s much different than Edsel Ford High School, which only considers a student’s cumulative GPA and behavior record. #2: Take Weighted Classes AP and IB classes are important if you’re considering attending a competitive college, but they’re also critical to becoming salutatorian. Because you’re awarded â€Å"extra points† to your GPA, earning high marks in weighted classes gives you an edge over students who opt for a general curriculum. But be careful not to overextend yourself! It’s most important that you earn top marks in all of your classes, whether they’re college prep courses or not. #3: Ask for Help One of the big mistakes students make is that they don’t ask for help when they get confused. Since it’s important that you do well in all of your classes, make sure you’re talking to your teacher or tutor if there are concepts you don’t understand. An added bonus? This is a really important skill to have when you go to college! If you get comfortable asking for help now, it will make your college life that much easier. #4: Keep Your Eyes on the Prize It’s easy to let your competitive streak get out of hand when aiming for your school’s top honors. But the more time you spend worrying about other people’s grades, the less time you’re focusing on your own academic journey. So stay focused on working hard and doing your best, and let the rankings take care of themselves. Remember: even if you don’t become salutatorian, you’ll still have learned skills along the way that will make you more successful in college. Photo byBogomil Mihaylov What Is a Salutatorian Speech? So you’ve worked crazy hard and become your class’ salutatorian. Congratulations! Now it’s time for you to write a salutatorian speech. Salutatorian speeches are basically comprised of three different parts: welcoming people to the ceremony, acknowledging honored guests, and celebrating the accomplishments of your classmates. When you think about welcoming people to the ceremony, try to remember a time you felt welcome in a strange situation. What did people say to you? How did they make you feel important and like part of the group? Thinking about this might help you phrase your welcome so that the audience feels both acknowledged and included. Your second task in this section of your speech is to speak on behalf of your classmates. They don’t have a microphone and you do, so it’s important that you acknowledge the people who are attending the ceremony who’ve helped them on their journey. For example, people that fit in this category are family members, teachers, coaches, friends, and mentors! In this portion, you want to be both inclusive and brief. It might be a good idea to ask your classmates who they plan to bring with them to the ceremony. Their answers might surprise you, and they’ll help you make sure you include everyone in your opening remarks. You might also think about the people who are important to your classmates who couldn’t make it to the ceremony because of distance, illness, or death. Acknowledging them can be a lovely way of supporting your friends and classmates. The second part of your speech should acknowledge distinguished and honored guests. Make sure to talk with your principal or guidance counselor to get a list of these people. Most often, these are other participants in the ceremony, like the school’s superintendent or members of the school board. In most cases, if someone is sitting on stage, they’ll need to be welcomed individually. Talking to your school administrators about your speech is also important because you might have to follow a certain protocol. For example, your school might want you to read the person’s name and pause for a moment, which gives the person a chance to stand up and receive applause. Knowing this in advance will help you write a speech that stays within the ceremony’s time limits! The last part of your salutatorian speech gives you the chance to speak to your classmates and celebrate their achievements. This is a big day in everyone’s lives, and you get to be the person who makes them feel special. Congratulate them! Acknowledge their hard work and achievements, no matter how big or small. Additionally, might consider sharing a few lessons that you’ve learned in your own high school journey during this section. What will you take away from your years in school that will stick with you for the rest of your life? What do you hope your classmates take with them, too? But most importantly, have fun. Don’t be afraid to tell a story or share a joke that your classmates will love. Embrace the moment! This is your reward for four years of hard work, so make it count. Photo by Honey Yanibel Minaya Cruz Do All Schools Have Salutatorians? Becoming valedictorian or salutatorian has long been a way to reward academic achievement, but as society changes, so have the standards for awarding top marks. For instance, you might go to your guidance counselor’s office and be shocked to learn that your school doesn’t award the titles of valedictorian or salutatorian! More and more schools are doing away with ranked academic honors in order to help students focus on their education, not a ranking. According to Bob Farrace, the spokesman for the National Association of Secondary School Principals, administrators â€Å"worry about the college prospects of students separated by large differences in class rank despite small differences in their GPAs, and view rankings as obsolete in an era of high expectations for every student.† In other words, some educators believe that singling out the two top-performing students adversely affects the student body. But other schools have gone in the opposite direction and are now using the terms â€Å"valedictorian† and â€Å"salutatorian† to honor all high-achieving students. South Medford High School decided to name every student with a 4.0 GPA a class valedictorian. That means that there were 21 valedictorians in the Class of 2013! Other schools have followed suit in an effort to create a sense of camaraderie and collaboration around high school academics. But regardless of whether your school has salutatorians or not, one thing remains true: working hard in school will help you achieve your goals in college, in your career, and beyond. What's Next? If your high school does assign class rankings, learn about how that can affect your college application process. If you have your heart set on being valedictorian or salutatorian, check out this guide that gives you tips and strategies for raising your high school GPA. Of course, your GPA and graduation rank are just part of the picture: your test scores matter, too. Here’s a peek into what makes for a good (and a bad!) SAT score. (Don’t worry...we have an ACT score guide, too!) Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Biology and Organic Chemistry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Biology and Organic Chemistry - Essay Example Also, allow q^2 to equal homozygous recessive individuals, which means that q = the square root of the number that equals q^2. Finally, we can gather the answer for 2pq, given all of the above information. When observing population consisting of 1,000 squirrels, there are 2 expressions of coat colors, red and black. We have observed that 292 squirrels were homozygous dominant, 440 squirrels were heterozygous and 268 were homozygous recessive. We will say that "R" will represent the allele for dominant, red fur. Let's then say that "r" will stand for the recessive allele which when expressed in a homozygous pair, shows up as black fur coats on the squirrels. If we know we have 292 squirrels that are homozygous dominant, this tells us that 29.2% of the squirrels were RR (homozygous dominant) and red coated. If we have 440 squirrels which are heterozygous, that means that 44% of the total number of squirrels were Rr and had red coats. If there were268 squirrels which were homozygous recessive then 26.8% of the total number of squirrels were rr and had black coats. These figures were gathered by dividing the number of squirrels that possessed the same genotype (rr, RR or Rr) by the number of the total squirrel population. This number reflects the actual number of squirrels possessing the same genotype into a percentage of the population of squirrels as a whole. To figure out the allelic frequency, we need to loo... We can safely assume from the data above that p^2 = .292 and stands for the percent of homozygous dominant squirrels. When we take the square root of .292, we get.50. So, 50 is the frequency of dominant alleles. Also, we need to find out the frequency of recessive alleles. Essentially, we will want to know that q^2 = the percentage of recessive squirrels. The square root of that number is equal to the frequency of recessive alleles. So, q^2 = .268. When we take the square root of that we get.52. So then, the frequency of recessive alleles is equal to .52. 2. Was the population from question #1 in Hardy Weinberg's equilibrium Explain using the chi square test. The chi square model is a test that can be used on each category; recessive and dominant. We are able then to examine what we expect to see and compare that to what is expressed. We can decide if the population is a Hardy Weinberg equilibrium or not. The way in which we can do this is by using the following formula: (the sum of) (O-E)^2/E. Let us say that O equal the numbers that we have observed while E stands for the numbers we expect to see in each group. We believe based on standard frequencies that we will see 750 red coated squirrels and 250 black coated squirrels. We have actually observed 732 red coated squirrels and 268 black ones. When we use these figures in the formula of the chi square model, we end up with 1.73 with one degree of freedom. There are only 2 possible phenotypic categories here, red or black. 3. Ten years ago, we could see similar results on the same population of squirrels, but only phenotypes were recorded. 3a. Assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, calculate the allelic

Friday, October 18, 2019

Business Ethics - Ethical Dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Ethics - Ethical Dilemma - Essay Example To do this, the essay will start by describing a situation at my friend Mary’s former placement workplace that posed an ethical dilemma. Later, the essay will seek to explain why the situation proved an ethical dilemma, before coming up with an appropriate solution for it. Working for a few months at Sisto Mission Hospital as a content developer and data entry clerk, Mary came across some information that placed her in a dilemma ethically. As she was gathering information as part of her daily routine, her sister’s fiancà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s name came to the screen. His information said that he had recently been tested for HIV and diagnosed to be positive. In addition, the information also showed that Michael was currently under treatment at a local facility, as well as counseling services, for HIV. Mary and her sister and are close, especially since their mother passed away from cancer early in their lives, which has meant that they always look out for one another. Having met her sister at least six times in the last month, Mary was sure she did not know about Michael’s condition. If she did, Mary or her father would have known about it by now. The information comes at an especially crucial moment because her sister is preparing for her wedding in three weeks. Mary am devastated by the information and torn between her sister and family on one side and her job on the other. If she elects not to give this information to her sister with regards to her fiancà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s condition, she can maintain my integrity and get a good reference from her boss. This is important, as this is a prestigious company, which will strengthen her CV significantly. However, telling her sister about Michael’s condition will inform her decision on whether to go ahead with the wedding. She could be able to evaluate her position alongside Michael and make a decision based on reality. Nonetheless, doing this could lead to termination from Mary’s current position and a poor report from her

The Concept of Self-regulation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Concept of Self-regulation - Assignment Example Talking Points: 1. Students bring information to their class that was formed by their experience. This information stuck with me because some professors ask about your experience and others do not. I think that ones experience is very important to overall learning because it lays a foundation so that the learner can relate new learning to something they already know. 2. Ausubel’s information was interesting. I was interested in his ideas on anchoring because I become overwhelmed easily. If a teacher starts with a lot of information immediately and then goes to specific information, I sometimes get lost. I think Ausubel’s idea of anchoring works better for me (specific information to general). 3. Making instructional materials meaningful is important because as a student, I need the information I am reading to be relevant to me. When I am in a class that does not make sense to me, I have a harder time understanding what I am supposed to do. 4. I also thought it was inter esting when the author said that most students already know something about any new topic, or they can make connections between what they already know and what they are learning. I do not think that learners always make the connections though. I think that there are things that are taught in high school that would be helpful in college, but we do not always remember what we learned. 5. I also found this chapter explained why I do well in some subjects and not so well in others. The text says that if a student is having trouble learning something, the materials should be changed to materials that explain the concept more thoroughly. I do think that in some situations, even the materials break concepts down, the student may still have problems if the subject is one they have problems in like science, math or English. 1. The quote that I liked in this chapter was â€Å"This means that the social interactions they encounter could lead to developmental delays or abnormal development as well as to normal or accelerated development†.

Apple iPhone Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Apple iPhone - Research Paper Example This paper presents a detailed analysis of the Apple iPhone and its technology overview. In US, the iPhone was released on June 29, 2007 and people were able to buy it at Apple stores as well as AT&T Mobility. Additionally, the project of iPhone was initiated through the direction of Apple CEO Steve Jobs to Apple engineers to appear into touch-screens technology. All through that time, he was considering on working on tablet personal computers. This was in spite of getting various requests for Apple to produce another PDA. However, the development of iPhone as well as its characteristic and applications developed and released on January 9, 2007; Apple CEO Steve Jobs declared their latest product that was the iPhone. The basic release of the iPhone was done in the 2007 (iPhone scale). After that iPhone 3G was released on July 11, 2008. Apple iPhone has released in approximately eighty territories and countries. After that Apple announced the iPhone 3GS in June, 2009 (Vogelstein). The size of iPhone 3G phone is 2.31 by 0.37 inches and net weight of iPhone 3G is 140 grams. Additionally, the iPhone 3GS is having weighs 137 grams on a postal scale. Consequently in contrast, it is 3 grams heavier. The battery of the iPhone 3G is 5.25 WHr at 3.7V and the iPhone 3GS battery is 4.51 WHr at 3.7V. In addition, in the market IPone is available in two basic colors that are black and white. In the same way the memory space of this phone is available in different memory configurations. Now we can have 4, 8, 16, 32 GB of memory available inside the phone. The main screen of the iPhone is of size 9 cm (3.5 in) with liquid crystal display and touch screen. In addition, this screen offers scratch-resistant glass, as well as 18-bit color (rendering 262,144 colors). Moreover, the touch screen of iPhone is designed in a way that it can sense the bare finger, or multiple fingers in case of multi-touch sensing. The gesture and touch characteristic of the iPhone are

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Reflection Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Reflection - Coursework Example One way of organizing the varied components in an essay may have to do with the course affiliated to by the line of reasoning resorted to by the writer, as in persuasive and opinion essays. In that context, an essay may follow a general-to-particular or a particular-to-general format of organization. The essential thing about the general-to-particular form of organization is that it allows the essay writer to carry the strain of thoughts imminent in the essay from broad and expansive generalizations, to specific and concrete conclusions. In other words the writer here begins with a general body of facts and then keeps on chiseling and paring it to facilitate its culmination into a reliable and effective conclusion. Thereby, the particular-to-general mode of organization is the one in which where a writer begins one’s line of reasoning from a specific fact or information and then moves on to broaden the scope of that specific fact to support a more generalized view of things. B oth these modes of essay organization do come in handy in essays driven by reason and logic. Every student of English does know that many a times one has to write an essay which is not merely reason based, but does also have an essential plot and landscape associated with it. That is such essays do contain much material pertaining to human characters, incidents and aspects of landscape like buildings, structures, vegetation, etc. Thereby, chronological order and spatial order here help the essay writer to arrange the elements of plot and landscape in an essay in a coherent and concise manner. Chronological order is a mode of essay organization in which the incidents, occurring, eras in an essay are arranged in consonance with a linear time order, which may flow from past to present or from present to past. Contrary to this, the spatial order takes care of the varied details of the landscape presented in an essay, as they exist in space. Such a form of organization may present the varied

Why do I want to join the Doctorate (Phd) program for Business Personal Statement

Why do I want to join the Doctorate (Phd) program for Business - Personal Statement Example Contemporary universities have offered programs in diverse and multidimensional formats that ensure the holistic development of the students. In this regard, I am most enthusiastic and determined to pursue a Doctorate of Business Administration from Abu Dhabi University, one of the most prestigious universities in the country, deemed to fulfill both personal and professional goals. As I was remunerating on the career paths available for business doctorates, I was initially ambivalent from the following options: a profession that is purely in academics; an endeavor delving into a potentially rewarding career with a global organization; or eyeing a combination of a career that balances requirements between academics and consulting for businesses. After careful soul searching and weighing opportunities in conjunction with personal interests, I have decided on a career that further develops my business acumen in the field I am currently in. I am currently the Group CEO of a prominent Rea l Estate company called "Dubai Properties Group" since 200; and previous to that I worked as the CEO for Tatweer (another Real Estate company in Dubai) from 2006 to 2009. Working in this capacity made me recognize the need to hone my interpersonal, informational and decisional skills. As CEO, I have intermittently assumed the roles of the taskmaster, mediator, motivator and organizational designer. To expand my perspectives on presiding over the total enterprise, I have recognized the need to pursue higher education focusing on marketing and management to address the needs of the company, in response to competitive pressures and of changes in diverse factors of the external environment. In this regard, I would particularly be interested into conducting a research on the future directions open to real estate companies given the recent slum the resulted from the financial crisis that was globally entrenched. A potential research study on the problems that continue to besiege real esta te companies in our country with the aim of providing strategies to address weaknesses and threats would assist in the improvement of the real estate industry, in general. Pursuant to Abu Dhabi University’s mission of producing â€Å"global leaders who understand the challenges of our time and make positive contributions to national and global prosperity†¦ not limited to educating students but also to transforming the UAE into a vibrant, prosperous and strong nation† (Abu Dhabi University: Chancellor Welcome, par. 1), I plan to be an active contributor to the transformation of the real estate industry into a more dynamic and productive sector. My role as a CEO required me to be heavily involved, since 2009, in restructuring the organization, development of a prudent governance framework, corporate governance, development of a strategic 5 year business plan with explicitly defined organizational mission, objectives and values. Through pursuing the doctorate degree in business administration, I would be accorded the perfect opportunity to develop policy making skills and strategic development of plans and prospects that would be deemed significant and crucial in responding to the needs of more sophisticated clientele. As I reviewed the program profile, I was immediately attracted to its goal of supporting â€Å"the ability of candidates to develop their knowledge and provide them with a sound understanding of theories in addition to applying them, while helping centers of higher education, consultants and academics specialized in business admin

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Reflection Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Reflection - Coursework Example One way of organizing the varied components in an essay may have to do with the course affiliated to by the line of reasoning resorted to by the writer, as in persuasive and opinion essays. In that context, an essay may follow a general-to-particular or a particular-to-general format of organization. The essential thing about the general-to-particular form of organization is that it allows the essay writer to carry the strain of thoughts imminent in the essay from broad and expansive generalizations, to specific and concrete conclusions. In other words the writer here begins with a general body of facts and then keeps on chiseling and paring it to facilitate its culmination into a reliable and effective conclusion. Thereby, the particular-to-general mode of organization is the one in which where a writer begins one’s line of reasoning from a specific fact or information and then moves on to broaden the scope of that specific fact to support a more generalized view of things. B oth these modes of essay organization do come in handy in essays driven by reason and logic. Every student of English does know that many a times one has to write an essay which is not merely reason based, but does also have an essential plot and landscape associated with it. That is such essays do contain much material pertaining to human characters, incidents and aspects of landscape like buildings, structures, vegetation, etc. Thereby, chronological order and spatial order here help the essay writer to arrange the elements of plot and landscape in an essay in a coherent and concise manner. Chronological order is a mode of essay organization in which the incidents, occurring, eras in an essay are arranged in consonance with a linear time order, which may flow from past to present or from present to past. Contrary to this, the spatial order takes care of the varied details of the landscape presented in an essay, as they exist in space. Such a form of organization may present the varied

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Essay on Correction Techniques Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

On Correction Techniques - Essay Example Probation, pardon and parole are some kind of the most common corrective measures implemented by criminal justice system to test the behaviour of the criminals who are sentenced. These mechanisms are normally performed to evaluate the success of the correction measures. This paper evaluates the differences between parole and probation and the extent to which probation is successful in correcting a criminal. Hertfordshire printer Frederic Rainer, a volunteer with the Church of England Temperence Society (CETS), writes to the society of his concern about the lack of help for those who come before the courts. He sends a donation of five shillings (25p) towards a fund for practical rescue work in the police courts. The CETS responds by appointing two "missionaries" to Southwark court with the initial aim of "reclaiming drunkards". This forms the basis of the London Police Courts Mission (LPCM), whose missionaries worked with magistrates to develop a system of releasing offenders on the c ondition that they kept in touch with the missionary and accepted guidance (Timeline: A history of probation) The history of probation started from England as explained above. Probation conditions have been changed or modified periodically based on the feedbacks received from the experiences. Many people do not have awareness about the differences between probation and parole. ... On the other hand, a criminal on probation may have less supervision from the probation officers. Parole and probation are granted based on the Pre-Sentence Investigation report (PSI) prepared by a probation officer. The practice of preparing PSI has started in 1920. â€Å"Its original purpose was to provide information to the court on the defendant’s personal history and criminal conduct in order to promote individualized sentencing† (The History of the Pre-sentence Investigation Report, p.1). This report normally contains the background information of the criminal such as his crime history, crime tendency, family history, juvenile adjudications, description of the crime, the defendant's work history, marital status, financial status, length of residence in the community, educational background, medical history, substance abuse history, etc. Based on these information probation officers decide about the corrective measures needed for the criminal. For example, a crimin al who has the history of series of criminal activities may normally get parole whereas first time criminals may normally get probation. Probation is the most liberal corrective mechanism. A judge can decide about the probation of the criminal after reviewing the nature of the crime and the character of the criminal. Fresh criminals may get probation in most of the cases. â€Å"A violation of probation gives rise to a hearing on whether or not probation should be revoked† (Kaman). If a criminal violates the conditions of probation, the judge or the probation officer has the right to withdraw the probation. In such cases, the criminal may get sentencing. On the other hand, parole is granted at the end of a prison term or in between the

Monday, October 14, 2019

Merger And Acquisitions Of Multinational Enterprises Economics Essay

Merger And Acquisitions Of Multinational Enterprises Economics Essay Growing through MA is one of the main ways in which MNEs seek to expand globally. Often, however, expectations outrun reality and the difficulties of merging two companies are underestimated. Examine a cross-border takeover or MA of your two cases choices discussing the balance between the benefits it has generated and difficulties that had to be overcome. Introduction: Globalisation has influenced by major changes in the business world over the past decade. Companies have been searching for competitive advantage in a worldwide scale. Companies are forced to follow their customers- who are going global- as they respond to the competition that is worldwide in scale. Globalisation in combination with other trends such as deregulation, privatisation and corporate restructuring has spurred an unprecedented surge in cross-border merger and acquisition activity. The recent figures in business clearly indicate that cross border mergers and acquisitions have become a fundamental characteristic of the global business landscape. Within the globalisation context, that has opened up a new world of corporate opportunities, accompanied by increasing risks and challenges, rapid changes and volatility, M and A has been an accelerating phenomenon- a business mantra- for companies driven by the urge to survive, evolve and grow. But the big question is whether these business mergers and acquisitions are pulling off as well as expected or intended, through the realizations of goals, there by achieving projected/desired levels of synergy. Background of the study: The mere process of M and A cannot guarantee success. It is only a facilitator and post merger operating performances depend largely on how well post merger opportunities are capitalized and resources are utilized. In the early 90s there was a significant awakening in this sector to become more competitive and exploit opportunities on a global playing field through M and As and other strategic alliances. As a result of the liberalization measures that lessened governmental control, regulations and trade restrictions, there has been a spurt of M and A activity in the recent past a manifestation of the corporate response to the greater freedom to modernize , expand and diversify. A liberal economic policy provided the stimulus and favorable atmosphere for companies to upgrade their technological and production capabilities (economies of scale)and improve their cost effectiveness and competency by merging with related or subsidiary units. During this period, M and As were also a significant method of foreign investment. The services sector, mainly the financial (including the banking sector) and communications services, leads this trend, with the chemical industry being the leader in the manufact uring sector. M and As are poised to rapidly increase in the near future as they provide acquiring companies the cutting edge amidst global competition. Beena (2004) says that the new industrial policy also brought about a shift in corporate strategies, in terms of share holding patterns, adoption of product differentiation, etc. Studies by Khanna (1998) show that, as a consequence of withdrawing all monopoly restraints in acquisitions, several markets have become oligopolistic and reduced competition. Many of these Mergers and Acquisitions involved companies of the same business groups, aimed at increasing control levels to safeguard against possibilities of takeover. Merger and Acquisition trends and patterns can be theoretically linked to studies of market power and reactions, access to markets or technologies, managerial ego etc(Cantwell and Santangelo,2002) There are many theories on mergers and acquisitions emerging from the studies of international business, industrial organization and financial economics, that include the category on synergy which assumes that the merger creates a total value that is greater than the sum of the values of individual firms where as the hubris theory proposes that value resulting from the merger is zero. Economic theory provides two contrasting perspectives regarding the efficiency and performance of mergers and acquisitions as corporate restructuring strategies- The value maximizing theory which proposes that corporate mergers as value -enhancing activities where managers work for shareholders wealth maximization goal of the firm(Franks and Hariss,1989) second is the managerial theory which proposes merger activities as an extension of managers own personal interests and wealth maximization prestige of managing a bigger post-merger business entity(Roll,1986) and as a platform of corporate control where managerial teams compete for the rights to manage resources(Jensen and Ruback,1983). Drivers and motives of M and As are to gain market power, reducing new product development risks, gaining access to innovative capabilities, maximizing efficiency and reshaping competitive scope.(Hitt et al.,2007) Other reasons include overcoming finance issues, that firms face due to information asymmetry (Fluck and Lynch,1999) Kumar(2009) argues that the post-merger profitability, solvency and assets turnover of acquiring companies show no improvement when compared with pre-merger figures, and hence mergers do not usually lead to improvement in the financial performance of the acquirer. The results of his study show that mergers are not aimed at maximizing wealth of owners and suggest that managers should focus on post-merger integration issues to generate synergy rather than achieving bigger corporate size, in the pursuit of hidden agendas. Beena(2004) emphasizes that one of the main objectives of M and A is to increase equity, which could be further leveraged to borrow resources for modernization and up gradation. According to Vardhana (2001) the population of all firms, in a finite sample, would change since there would be new entry through merger of an established firm with an incumbent and likewise, the merger of an incumbent would lead to its exit from the industry. This firm restructuring, a process taking place primarily through mergers, makes it difficult to choose a sample of firms that can be analysed with long-run data to isolate the effect of a merger. Therefore the short-run data for a merging firm would be more appropriate, which at the same time is long enough for pre- and post-merger period, so as to capture the merger effects. One bottleneck in assessing post merger performance is that the target company ceases to exist. Hence, for a more accurate measure of the merger effect, some post merger performance studies have isolated it by adopting the model that compares performance of the merged entity with that of control groups consisting of acquirer and target before merger and matching sample of units that did not involve in merger but have similar size and belong to the same industry. Also, to isolate the impacts of mergers and acquisitions which are influenced by several factors existing that are dynamic, a better model would have been the regression to norm frame work developed by Mueller (1986), by which analysis of regression of profits and regression of persistence of profits to norm can be carried out comparing to the industry standard as well or the control group. This would help to capture the impacts of M and As, with respect to size, pre-deal profitability, size, competition etc. Other variables like Market power/Market share, Inventory turnover, export intensity, capacity utilization, price -cost margin; etc could also have been included in the study. Kumar(2009) argues that the post-merger profitability, solvency and assets turnover of acquiring companies show no improvement when compared with pre-merger figures, and hence mergers do not usually lead to improvement in the financial performance of the acquirer. Overall, my opinion is that the authors have been rather vague in their conclusion and failed to establish convincingly that mergers and acquisitions have any significant positive impact on corporate performance, to a large extent because of the sample limitations as well as the limitations of financial data and their interpretations. But the research paper contributes to the understanding of M and As in India and their relative performances, although in a limited way. It also emphasizes that synergy can be generated in the long run; by optimizing resources and that the success of M and A deals depend on proper deal valuation, futuristic planning and effective management. Research similar to the one being reviewed has been conducted on mergers and that occurred almost in the same time frame, during the post liberalization period in India. But the results do not corroborate with each other. The term merger has been broadly used beyond its technical implications, to discuss the merging between the acquirer and the target in some acquisition cases too. However I have noticed that the samples of firms or cases of mergers taken for most of these researches were quite different as there were very few companies that were common to all the samples (of studies conducted by different researchers on the topic), within almost the same time frame. This disparity would inevitably yield different results, that cannot be co-measured and only a trend relating to the respective samples or cases can be analysed. The possibility of self-selection bias arising cannot be ruled out, because of the selection of samples comprising survivor firms that are existing during the p re-merger and post merger period under study. Also as pointed out earlier, results obtained using the operating performance approach, can be influenced by the limitations of financial measures to capture the impacts of mergers and acquisitions as a whole , as well as the intrinsic limitations of the financial ratios themselves. Some of these ratios do not have a benchmark to fit all industries, capturing only quantitative factors and not the qualitative factors. Also these ratios might vary and have varying significance across different industry types. This would give a limited perspective of the impacts of mergers and acquisitions. The more number of parameters used, the better the perspective and the conclusion. However this brings up the issue of comparability and co-measurability between results of researches on this topic, unless all studies use the same parameters. Falkner and Pitkethly (2001) say that there is an increasingly positive approach to mergers and acquisitions than before. Earlier MA was seen as a false activity but now they are welcomed by the government as well. Cosh and Hughes (1996) are skeptical about the merger activities and talks about the need for governments regulations over the merger and acquisitions in the light of U.K. economy. They argue that everything should come under legal scrutiny. Kang and Johanson(2001) talks about the role of globalization in promoting mergers and acquisitions and how mergers and acquisitions help companies to survive in the competitive environment. They see merger and acquisition as a positive business tactic in the competitive world. Ahmed and Glaister(2008) have done an extensive research on the topic and have pointed out the recent trends in CBMA in the U.K. They have identified the various driving forces behind the cross border merger and acquisitions in the companies in UK. Benefits: The driving forces underlying the trend of CBMAs are complex and vary by sector. One of the most significant driving forces is technological change. In addition, changes to government policies influence CBMAs by opening up opportunities and increasing the availability of favourable targets for mergers and acquisitions (MAs). Other forces are market drivers, industry-level drivers and firm-level drivers. The scale of CBMAs involving UK companies has increased rapidly in recent years. The area analysis shows that European Union (EU) companies are the most significant target for UK companies followed by the USA and Canada. In terms of distribution within sectors, UK companies tend to acquire more manufacturing companies in the EU, the USA and Canada than in the Asia-Pacific region. In contrast, UK companies tend to acquire more service sector companies in the Asia-Pacific region than in the EU, the USA and Canada. Example: On January 30, 2007, Tata Steel, part of Indias Tata Group, has purchased 100% stake in the Corus Group at 608 p. per share. Acquisition Type : Indian Company acquiring a foreign company. Tatas overtake the Mukesh Ambani- Reliance Group to become Indias largest business house by this takeover. Tatas, who have staked their century old reputation, will certainly leave no stone unturned in making this acquisition a success. Benefits: Triples Tata Steels capacity to almost 28m tonnes from 8.7 million. Gives it access to high- value European market. Corus has highly developed RD capabilities. Dangers: Tatas have paid a heavy price. It now needs to service a very large debt burden Integration can be a problem in such acquisitions because of both distance and culture Challenges ached: Financials will hinge on the future and the behavior of the steel prices Muthuraman is confident about more consumption from India and China over the next 50 years Labor is another issue as British Union, which represents 80% of UK based workers, warned against trimming down the labor force Post merger integration of human resources would be a Herculean task as acquisition of this scale in a developed country by an Indian company has not been seen before Cultural integration is another issue- retaining key talent and imbibing confidence in the workforce The merger may take 5-6 years to realize its full potentials. But these will certainly a trend-setter as to what will happen, not just in the Indian steel industry, but across all sectors. Discussion: The evidence can be found from many sources like journals and articles that point out the recent trends in Cross border merger and acquisitions. A sneak peek into the business world also reveals the relevance and importance of CBMA s in the new global economy. There are many examples that can be analysed to show the recent trends in CBMA s. An in depth study into the recent trends in CBMA reveal that presently, companies in UK are in the forefront of CBMA s both in the case of value of Mergers and Acquisitions and the numbers. CBMA s occurred between manufacturing companies in the US and EU, while in the Asia pacific region, the service sector companies merged with the UK companies. These are all evidences for recent trends in cross border merger and acquisitions. Conclusion: Companies are expanding beyond their domestic markets to be a part of the global market place. In doing so, companies can choose to export, establish new operations or acquire existing companies. CBMAs are now a common activity among the companies. UK companies are in the forefront of CBMA s in both the numbers of MA s and their values. Between 1996 and 2005, UK companies acquired 7,026 foreign companies. In terms of value, UK companies acquired  £520 billion worth of foreign companies over the period. The area wise analysis reveals that EU companies are the most significant target for UK companies followed by the USA and Canada while Asia pacific region also showing an increase in CBMAs. In terms of sector distribution, UK companies tend to acquire more manufacturing companies in EU, USA and Canada and more service sector companies in the Asia pacific region. High technology and Industrials are the most active industrial sector groupings in the EU, USA and Canada while financial s ector was the most active industrial sector in the Asia-pacific region. In short, we can say that while UK companies acquired EU and USA technology over the last decade, financial services were also acquired by UK companies in the Asia pacific region. The driving forces behind CBMAs can be grouped into factors at the macro-economic, market, industry and firm-level as well as technological and government-related factors. Technological change acts both as a pull and push factor; it promotes international expansion by reducing communication and transport costs; it creates new business and markets by rapidly changing market conditions or by increasing the costs of RD. The speed of technological development along with the technical competence and market knowledge, flexibility and ability to innovate are increasingly promoting the CBMAs. Companies are searching for partners from whom these tangible assets can be obtained. Government policies including liberalization, privatization and regulatory reforms influence CBMA s by opening up opportunities and increasing the availability of favourable MA targets. Economic fluctuations like recession or boom can also affect the level of global MA activity and its regional focus. Growth prospects, market structure and competition in the market promote CBMA. Slow growth, over-capacity and increased competition in global markets typically drive industrial restructuring and often make MAs preferable to Greenfield investments. This report tried to analyze the recent trends in CBMAs in U.K. To conclude, it can be said that CBMAs by UK companies are increasing by time and more and more companies are becoming aware of the benefits of CBMA. There is a need for a well planned strategy among these companies and that can lead to cost effective CBMA s leading to the benefit of the economy.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Tom Jones - Structure Essay -- essays research papers fc

English Literature I   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The formal well-organized structure of The History of Tom Jones contributes greatly to the intricate plot inside, and the novel as an overall piece of work. Henry Fielding contrived the blueprint of the book in its many clearly separated segments extremely well, making it equally as important as the plot. Tom Jones is deliberately and clearly divided into its separate parts. Through these parts he is capable of paralleling two types of stories in one single novel, along with bringing forth symmetries and balances in the division, and in the setting and plot.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Broken down, Tom Jones consists of 18 books each introduced with an opening essay. This 18 book format imitates the standard form of an epic. â€Å"Its 18 books-the total number alludes to the number of books in†¦a moralized continuation of Homer’s Odyssey, and thus marks Fielding’s novel, too, as a journey novel in the Odysseyan tradition-are arranged in a system of complex symmetries in accordance with ancient epic practice†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Brooks-Davies). These 18 books are then broken further into 3 sections to reflect the 3 major parts of Tom’s journey. This structure specifically allows for balance and symmetry to occur.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Reading through Tom Jones once, one draws lines between a few seemingly related details. Upon a closer examination, it is discovered that these relations are made Page 2 intentionally and purposefully. The 18 books are grouped into the 3 parts of the journey: the first grouping of 6 books take place at home in the country, the second grouping on the road, and the last grouping in London (Brooks-Davies). This setup or format allows for two forms of story to be brought into one genre. Tom Jones is generally regarded as a comedy, but inside of this it is also the standard epic journey novel and a romance at the same time. First, we’ll look at Tom’s journey. It consists of 3 parts that correspond the 3 sections in the book. â€Å"†¦three sets of six books deal respectively with Tom’s upbringing in the country and expulsion by his Uncle Allworthy; his journey to London; and his experiences in London and return home,† (Brooks-Davies). The first part (Books I-VI) taking place at home in the country. This sets up the journey. Tom finds a home with Mr. Allworthy, grows up, and is banished fro... ... Coleridge called Tom Jones â€Å"one of the most perfect plots ever planned,† (Bender). Henry Fielding’s high level of structure and wonderful organization added greatly to the intricate plot inside, and the overall piece of writing. He keeps numerous and structured plots and subplots going at once, and makes them collide in fascinating ways. Dorothy Van Ghent put it perfectly when she said, â€Å"We may think of Tom Jones as a complex architectural figure, a Palladian palace perhaps†¦The structure is all out in the light of intelligibility; air circulates around and over it and through it.† Page 7 Works Cited Bender, John. â€Å"Tom Jones.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  FortuneCity. 14 November 2003.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  . Brooks-Davies, Douglas. â€Å"Tom Jones: Overview† in Reference Guide to English Literature, 2nd ed., edited by D.L. Kirkpatrick, St. James Press, 1991. Ghent, Dorothy Van. â€Å"On ‘Tom Jones’,† in her The English Novel: Form and Function. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1953, pp. 65-81. Hartwick, Cynthia. â€Å"Tom Jones.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  LikesBooks: Review of Tom Jones. 14 November 2003.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  .